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Check out my manly Xin Zhao guide for manly men!
May I be your first customer, kind sir? :D
Here's my guide: Dr. Mundo Guide
I just finished updating it for patch 5.22
Here's my guide: Dr. Mundo Guide
I just finished updating it for patch 5.22
TheSilverDust wrote:
How come that 1-awesome and 5-awful doesn't match to the table which is 1-awful & 5-awesome? That will cause confusion to the people who would like to have their guide be reviewed. Just askin', thanks. :^3
Check out my manly Xin Zhao guide for manly men!
Re4XN wrote:
May I be your first customer, kind sir? :D
Here's my guide: Dr. Mundo Guide
I just finished updating it for patch 5.22
Here's my guide: Dr. Mundo Guide
I just finished updating it for patch 5.22
Check out my manly Xin Zhao guide for manly men!
I would really enjoy a review on my Draven Guide. I am not finished with my S6 Item changes, but they will be added soon!
Hello, I am TheIndianDeft. I am Platinum in NA and I main ADC. My favorite champions are Jinx, Lucian, Draven, Tristana, Twitch, Sion, Viktor, Ekko, Twisted Fate, and Lulu. Check out my Draven Guide
chinarp wrote:
I would really enjoy a review on my Draven Guide. I am not finished with my S6 Item changes, but they will be added soon!
Finals are making my schedule crazy for the next week or so, but I'll review your guide as soon as I get the opportunity.
Check out my manly Xin Zhao guide for manly men!
The purpose of this review shop is to give you direction and advice on how to improve your guide. I promise to fully review and give constructive feedback on every guide posted here. You'll get the most out of my reviews if you use them to improve your guide by addressing the problems I list in it (re-reviews are welcome!)
I'm a Gold V NA server Xin Zhao main who started playing way back in December 2011. I've been around the block enough times to have a deep knowledge of the game, how it works, what's viable, and what's not viable. I'm also a little obsessive about organization, so I value clean coding, formatting, and presentation quite a lot.
My reviews will break down the guide from start to finish. They will match the level of work needed to make the guide great. If a lot of work is needed, it'll be a long (but very helpful) review. If you just need some touchups here and there, it'll be short and concise. I'll grade your guide on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being awful and 5 being awesome. I will never use abusive or demeaning language in my reviews.
1. Have a COMPLETED guide that you've published. I cannot review an unpublished guide and I will not review a guide that doesn't have the bare bones at least. If you're planning on adding lots of stuff later, but your guide functions as is, I'll review it.
2. Put a request in a comment below. I need a link to the guide and any special notes (if necessary), like "Artwork coming soon™" or "I just need help coding this particular section". Otherwise I'll review the whole thing and assume it's completed.
3. Sit back and relax :) I'll be checking this daily over the summer, so expect to have your review within a few days. If there's a waitlist, it might take longer but I will still get to it.
4. Please acknowledge in some way that you've read my review. Commenting on it in your guide discussion, replying to this thread, or pming me all work.
I don't require any compensation for a review. They do take a long time to write, so if you're feeling charitable, any +reps or feedback on my own guide would be much appreciated: