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Official Shameless Selfpromotion Thread

Creator: Meiyjhe August 28, 2015 4:27am
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Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 28, 2015 4:27am | Report
Greetings ladies and gentlemen,

Are you tired of writing guides and having no place to show them off? Are you tired of... well having no place to show off at all? Well be tired no longer! In this thread you are allowed to show off anything you want to without feeling the shame.

In this thread you have the opportunity to convince people to read your guide or watch your video or whatever. So do your best to make your post count! Do keep in mind that this is a shameless selfpromotion thread and not a shameless spamming thread >:(

Hopefully this thread will compromise for the fact that there isn't a "new guides" list on the front page anymore ánd for AFK lazy reviewers like me to let people advertise their guides in other ways than by asking reviews.

Have fun advertising!
Change is gooooood

Je suis le bee
~ Meiyjhe ~
Want to advertise your guide, but don't know where? Click here for an opportunity of a lifetime!
Re4XN's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 28, 2015 6:41am | Report

Howdy! Allow me to introduce you my brand new guide (newness might be relative). Are you tired of always losing Top Lane? Are you tired of having to use all your mana to harass people? Tired of playing super-duper-over-mechanical champions, only to ragequit for not being able to carry (I'm talking to you, Riven mains!)? Well, look no further, your salvation is here!!

INTRODUCING, the blast from the past: Dr. Mundo! Forget all about those mana issues you ever had! Forget all about being poked to death in the first 2 minutes of the game! Forget all about not being able to move from Top Lane, Mundo goes where he pleases!

Take Champ Select by storm when you pick Dr. Mundo, making your whole team flame you throughout the entire game, ONLY TO HONOUR YOU IN THE END!! SUCH WOW! Win 1 vs 1 fights against 99%(*) of champions, tank ENTIRE TEAMS while protecting your friends with your HUGE, MUSCULAR BODY, spamming Ctrl + 4 (/laugh) when they try to Crowd Control Mundo! Caught in a bad spot? Mundo has no escapes? Who needs escapes when you can simply WALK AWAY? Watch your enemy tryhards blow all of their abilities on you, only to watch Dr. Mundo walk away using Maximum Dosage, barely losing ANY HEALTH!!1

Mundo, M.D!, a retired Zaunite doctor with an obsession for saying his own name a lot! He left his job to pursue his dreams of crating a unincorporated community in Southern California, where he resides TO THIS VERY DAY, until he feels the need to go where he pleases again!!

INFECTED CLEAVER!, Mundo's lifetime companion and best friend (besides Mundo himself). An all-purpose tool that thaught Mundo the art of weaving! Throughout the years, he learned the art of the Cleaver and mastered it to near perfection! And so can you!

Order your Dr. Mundo guide NOW, for the mere price of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!
That's right, you heard it! THE LOW PRICE OF 0.00$!!!11!1 Guarranteed fun, or YOUR MONEY BACK!

Our customer's opinion:


(*) statistics may be incorrect; Re4XN Inc. does not take responsability for the lack of skills one may possess while playing Mundo, thus resulting is a DEFEAT. Get better, scrub.

Did I go too far? I think I didn't go too far... did I? I figured if this was the only chance to advertise... am I making sense?
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 28, 2015 7:58am | Report
Re4XN wrote:
Did I go too far? I think I didn't go too far... did I? I figured if this was the only chance to advertise... am I making sense?
No you didnt go too far, this was perfect <3
Change is gooooood
Picture by: My valentine; jamespongebob <3
Want to advertise your guide, but don't know where? Click here for an opportunity of a lifetime!
Sir Wellington
Sir Wellington's Forum Avatar
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Dec 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 31, 2015 10:36am | Report
Awesome guide Re4XN. I love the humor :)

Check out my manly Xin Zhao guide for manly men!
Sir Wellington
Sir Wellington's Forum Avatar
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Dec 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 31, 2015 12:10pm | Report
If you're looking for a versatile, deadly top laner with a MANLY hyperaggressive playstyle, then play Xin Zhao! Everything you need to know about him is in my guide here.

I'd greatly appreciate feedback and comments :)

Check out my manly Xin Zhao guide for manly men!
P1Legend's Forum Avatar
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Sep 2nd, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 3, 2015 11:18pm | Report
I have a guide in the works that is something a little different then most peoples, and that is a guide on how to build AP Rengar. I main it and went from unranked to diamond this season using this build ^.^. The guide is still in progress, but i appreciate any suggestions or feedback you guys decide to leave for me. The guide will cover Top lane and Jungle playstyles, more so jungle :P. You can see my here
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 1, 2016 5:32pm | Report
THE greatest guide in existence is finally out, written by yours truly!

"But Vapora, what is so great about this guide? What separates this from any other Tristana guide?"

Why thank you for asking Vapora!

"No problem Vapora!"

What separates my guide from any other Tristana guide is that it's not just your every day Tristana guide (here, build this, her spells do this, she does well here, etc.), the content has a large focus on teaching general ADC mechanics and play patterns. If you have no intention whatsoever of playing Tristana, you could still read this guide and become a better ADC player overall. And I feel the need to emphasize that I was really specific and comprehensive when writing it, I would be shocked if anyone here were to read this guide and learn nothing from it. It's not perfect, but to my knowledge, it's by far the most comprehensive ADC guide, or even just any champion guide, when it comes to actually teaching you how to play.


Will I be able to get to Challenger if I read this guide? Yes.

Is it really the greatest guide ever written? Yes.

Are you really as hot as they say you are? Yes.

Why do you always run in 1v5 on ADC? Yes.
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 1, 2016 5:44pm | Report
Are you really as hot as they say you are? Yes.

Re4XN's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2016 5:55am | Report

In a world... overrun with hordes of NOOBS... where the odds of survival are as slim as not your mother, life is tough. BUT IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE! From the creators of How To Go Where You Please!, Re4XN Inc. is proud to present Pantheon's Survival Guide! No longer do you have to bear with people eating through your brain after a lost game! No longer do you have to run back to your tower and cry like a baby, it is THE ENEMY'S TURN TO DO THAT!!! A guide so complete that the enemy team will need their own to survive the ensuing onslaught!

INTRODUCING, Mount Targon's pride: Pantheon! Poke the enemy out of existence in the first 2 minutes of the game and proceed to dominate the battlefield! Fight through hordes of unskilled noobs(*) sending them crying to the shopkeeper, over and over and over AND OVER AGAIN!1!1

Threat people to AFK if you don't get Mid Lane in Champ Select and watch them bow down to the might of Pantheon! Take the enemy by surprise in the Loading Screen when they are desperately trying to figure out if you're going Top, Mid or even ADC, while in reality, you are polishing your spear to impale their Mid Laner! Secure ALL the kills you can with Pantheon's OVERLOADED kit that will give even your worst foes a cancer so cancerous, that even the CANCER WILL GET CANCER!!1! Caught in a bad position? Enemy jungler and mid have you in their sights? NO PROBLEM! Kill them both and walk away while spamming Ctrl + 6, not showing your mastery level because before today you didn't even know who the hell Pantheon was!


Pantheon, the Slayer!, a demi-god from Mount Targon who has gotten tired of the League and now dedicates his life to exterminating hordes of zombies (brainless people who think they are good at the game)!

BIANCA!, Pantheon's t(h)rusty spear and the bane of EVERY. SINGLE. CHAMPION in the League! In recent times he attached a chainsaw to it, making it cut through the hordes all by herself when thrown!

As with other Re4XN Inc. products, this Survival Guide will only cost you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!11!

EXACTLY!, you are not deaf!, the mere price of 0.00$!!1!!11 Guaranteed victories 80% of the time, ALL THE TIME!

Our customer's opinions:

Spoiler: Click to view

(*) unskilledness might be relative. Re4XN Inc. does not take responsibility for the person reading the guide being more unskilled than a potato, thus causing a defeat. Get better scrub!
Juni0rBlack's Forum Avatar
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Jun 29th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 15, 2016 1:56pm | Report
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