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"Little help" with Udyr

Creator: Max Carter June 29, 2011 5:41pm
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Max Carter
Max Carter's Forum Avatar
Feb 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 29, 2011 5:41pm | Report
Last week I asked for help with nasus, and (at least for me) I did well as I never did. So here I'm to ask something about Udyr, a champion I love the gameplay/style/skin/skills since low level, but never really played, and when I did, oh ****... lol

When I played phoenix could go only to level 3, now I saw some guides, now every spell reachs level 5? And i need to choose one to reach only level 3? o.o

Runes: Greater Seal of Evasion obviously, because it synergize really well with passive and deffensive three, Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist I just love them, and don't have others (only 5 or 6 CDR per level LOL), and I see on the guides, Marks and Quintessences, are mixed on Attack Speed or Armor Penetration... AS for Phoenix and ArmP for Tiger

I would play him more tanky, like the jungle item (madred or lantern), Merc's Treds, and I would pretend to build more 3 deffensive itens, and 1 offensive, trinity force, probally. So, how can I choose between Tiger or Phoenix? Tiger is more burst and buffs with AD. Phoenix is more AP and DPS... But, wich should I get? D: Someone help... Wich are the pros and cons of Phoenix and Tiger stance? [: Or maybe can I put them level 5 and bear level 3? :D Or not?
Thx for Nyoike for this sig! Tanks FTW s2
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 29, 2011 5:50pm | Report
Every spell can go to level 5. The thing about Udyr is he can be very one directional. Focusing on one thing over another. Bear should never be level 3. It is the only thing you have that's even close to a gap closer. Udyr should be built tanky with 1 or 2 AD items. I'm not an expert but, that's about the extent of my knowledge right now.

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

Bernarnar's Forum Avatar
Mar 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 30, 2011 7:14am | Report
Max Carter wrote:

When I played phoenix could go only to level 3, now I saw some guides, now every spell reachs level 5? And i need to choose one to reach only level 3? o.o

Yes, 3 stances get to lv5, and one gets to lv3. On an offensive build, Turtle will be lv3, and on a defensive one, Phoenix or Tiger will be lv3.


Runes: Greater Seal of Evasion obviously, because it synergize really well with passive and deffensive three, Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist I just love them, and don't have others (only 5 or 6 CDR per level LOL), and I see on the guides, Marks and Quintessences, are mixed on Attack Speed or Armor Penetration... AS for Phoenix and ArmP for Tiger

If you're playing him in the Jungle (as you should be):

greater mark of desolation
Greater Seal of Evasion / Greater Seal of Armor
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
greater quintessence of desolation / Greater Quintessence of Health


I would play him more tanky, like the jungle item (madred or lantern), Merc's Treds, and I would pretend to build more 3 deffensive itens, and 1 offensive, trinity force, probally. So, how can I choose between Tiger or Phoenix? Tiger is more burst and buffs with AD. Phoenix is more AP and DPS... But, wich should I get? D: Someone help... Wich are the pros and cons of Phoenix and Tiger stance? [: Or maybe can I put them level 5 and bear level 3? :D Or not?


Wilding Claw
+ Fast Jungling
+ Early Dragon
+ So good with Madred's Bloodrazor
+ procs Trinity Force nice
+ doesn't need MPen
+ Kill towers faster

- Slower to kill minion waves
- Less AoE

Wingborne Storm
+ AoE means you clear huge minion waves faster
+ Increase in AD
+ Goes nicely with AD/AS items

- Scales off AP
- Needs 3 attacks to proc
- The AD boost is Activation, not Permanant

Personally I'll get 5/3/5/5, you don't HAVE to choose BETWEEN Tiger and Phoenix, both together is a viable playstyle.

In terms of building, Madred's Bloodrazor if you take 5 in tiger, Trinity Force is great anyway, and items like Sunfire Aegis Randuin's Omen Force of Nature and even Abyssal Mask (if you're maining phoenix) are good tank items.
I Will Bring Great Suffering.

Check out my Morde Guide :3
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 30, 2011 7:32am | Report
No Bernarnar, you should get 10-15ArP on most junglers and the rest should be AS.
"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence." - Christopher Hitchens
Max Carter
Max Carter's Forum Avatar
Feb 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 30, 2011 10:37am | Report
Ok, but, i think the shield is very good, so I want it 5... ArmP for tiger, MRP for phoenix, so i can't decide in game --' need to choose before. Wilding Claw seems to be more nuke power, and phoenix AoE. But isn't better focusing on tiger? Madred's Bloodrazor Give AD and AS, Trinity Force gives AS, AD and Sheen (150%). Wingborne Storm level 3 will increase my AD by 16. Is Guinsoo's Rageblade viable on Udyr? AS, AD and AP...

Why the guides don't show a 4/5/5/4 skill build? It's a hybrid between them '-'
How can I fix Udyr mana problem? If i'm without blue, I'll be oom...
Thx for Nyoike for this sig! Tanks FTW s2
Bernarnar's Forum Avatar
Mar 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 30, 2011 2:09pm | Report
Searz wrote:

No Bernarnar, you should get 10-15ArP on most junglers and the rest should be AS.

1.66 * 9 ~= 15 anyway; and ArP Quints are perfectly fine for the ganking you could be doing on carries with ~= 30 Armour, ESPECIaLLY if he's tigering. If he's going phoenix, you're most likely right. Personally I run ArP > AS with a Tiger Jungle, AND I've found it better for Trundle.

Max Carter wrote:

Ok, but, i think the shield is very good, so I want it 5... ArmP for tiger, MRP for phoenix, so i can't decide in game --' need to choose before. Wilding Claw seems to be more nuke power, and phoenix AoE. But isn't better focusing on tiger? Madred's Bloodrazor Give AD and AS, Trinity Force gives AS, AD and Sheen (150%). Wingborne Storm level 3 will increase my AD by 16. Is Guinsoo's Rageblade viable on Udyr? AS, AD and AP...

Why the guides don't show a 4/5/5/4 skill build? It's a hybrid between them '-'
How can I fix Udyr mana problem? If i'm without blue, I'll be oom...

MPen is unnecessary on udyr. The damage from Phoenix's procs is so minimal against Champs, you want it to combine the AD increase with the passive (and potentially Tiger's) AS increase.
Rageblade might work but really you want to be focusing on Tank and AD moreso. Tiger, Stance Dancing and Bloodrazor / Triforce will give you the AS.
You don't NEED to choose your stances beforehand. You could decide to change how you play depending on your team and the enemy team. Just have a rough idea how to fulfil what Udyr can do.

About going OOM - Learn when to stance. Just be conservative really.
Personally I'd focus on a Tiger/Phoenix Hybrid. You NEED Bear at 5 because with blue (~15% CDR) you can have perma speed-increase.
I Will Bring Great Suffering.

Check out my Morde Guide :3
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 30, 2011 2:16pm | Report
No, I'm not most likely right. I'm always right on runes.

Since I haven't gotten all that into jungling with Udyr yet; let's take a look at Trundle instead.
What time do you finish Stonewall's superior route at?
I can finish it at 05:30 with utility masteries and Vampiric Scepter start. (1/8/21)
Also staying at high health through most of the jungle.
"He cooked cake." - MrCuddowls

"Oh forget it, I have nothing to hid, I admit it, 12 hours of every single day of my life ever since I was eleven years old have been anal sex with canoes" - MrCuddowls
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 30, 2011 2:20pm | Report
Max Carter wrote:

Ok, but, i think the shield is very good, so I want it 5... ArmP for tiger, MRP for phoenix, so i can't decide in game --' need to choose before. Wilding Claw seems to be more nuke power, and phoenix AoE. But isn't better focusing on tiger? Madred's Bloodrazor Give AD and AS, Trinity Force gives AS, AD and Sheen (150%). Wingborne Storm level 3 will increase my AD by 16. Is Guinsoo's Rageblade viable on Udyr? AS, AD and AP...

Why the guides don't show a 4/5/5/4 skill build? It's a hybrid between them '-'
How can I fix Udyr mana problem? If i'm without blue, I'll be oom...

MagPen. Not necessary. It makes Tiger's proc and Phoenix hit harder. That's it. Solving your mana problems without blue, Get Frozen Heart. Makes you tankier, provides some CDR and, gives mana. Also, smart management of your skills will help with the OOM part. Rageblade is only good if... you have nothing better to buy really.
True love is found only in yourself.
Bernarnar's Forum Avatar
Mar 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 30, 2011 2:21pm | Report
Searz wrote:

No, I'm not most likely right. I'm always right on runes.

Since I haven't gotten all that into jungling with Udyr yet; let's take a look at Trundle instead.
What time do you finish Stonewall's superior route at?
I can finish it at 05:30 with utility masteries and Vampiric Scepter start. (1/8/21)

I would do it and tell you right now if the EU servers weren't completely balls.
Also I'm pretty sure everyone runs Vampiric Scepter and mostly Utility on Trundle
I Will Bring Great Suffering.

Check out my Morde Guide :3
Max Carter
Max Carter's Forum Avatar
Feb 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 30, 2011 5:10pm | Report
Come on guys, please dont fight... I'm just a noob, needing for help. My build would be probally this:

Mercury's Treads, Randuin's Omen, Banshee's Veil, Trinity Force, Madred's Bloodrazor/ Wriggle's Lantern, Sunfire Aegis/ Force of Nature/ Abyssal Mask

I'll buy AS marks, I have AS quint, MR/lvl glyphs, and mana/5 seals.
Should I get dodge runes on him?

So, you guys know my build, I'll use that. I don't really like Frozen Heart, its very good, but its expensive and dont give health.

I'll try to understand: Wilding Claw If my team have less AD/Auto-Attacker and Wingborne Storm if my team have less AP/AoE?

I'm jungling like this:
phoenix - turtle - phoenix - bear - turtle - tiger
mini golems - wraiths - wolf - blue - gank/back/red - keep doing this

But, if i'm going to put tiger in level 5, I should jungle on the tiger style, right?

Priority is Main damage choose - bear - turtle - second damage source?

edit: With this build, wich stance would deal more damage? The AS bonus + Tiger or the AS bonus on Phoenix proc?
Thx for Nyoike for this sig! Tanks FTW s2
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