1st us ranked game: i play zilean, support flawlessly, steal baron with bombs, ward entire map
team focuses amumu and lets ryze and leblanc kill everyone
ashe couldn't build for **** (didnt get infinity edge) and she never used her q
i dont see what's unfair about your games though, 3:3 isn't bad
team focuses amumu and lets ryze and leblanc kill everyone
ashe couldn't build for **** (didnt get infinity edge) and she never used her q
i dont see what's unfair about your games though, 3:3 isn't bad
Jet has been banned for trolling and blatant racism.
Until you have more than half of your games with at least two people on your team who feed to the point of 1/10 or worse then I don't think you have the worst luck in ranked games.
Yes one feeder. I can handle one feeder. I actually won a few of the games where we had two who fed that badly.
Well then it is a bit tougher, but it is still really annoying when you are doing very well mid and keeping the other mid bottled and yet your team still keeps dying under the other teams turret.
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1st match, Good team we're good yay win
2nd match Bad team wtf WW feeder wtf mate? Loss
3rd Match Kennen leaver wtf :| Vlad: Well we lose, Time to intentionall feed! C'mere kat! Loss
4th match Solid team karthus pro 19/7 Win
5th Match Jungle Nunu carry (me) win
6th match No way of carrying this, Fail Trynd ulti at full health feed pro leblanc doing 1250dmg in one spell...sigh loss (surrender)
I need help D;