You should state your region and tier. EUW players won't be interested in this at all if it's for NA, and it's unlikely gold and above players would want to duo with bronze players. You need to be more specific so people know what kind of players this is aimed for.

hmmh honestly below plat you wont find a serious team.
if you actually wanna win stuff, id advise grinding to diamond before looking for a team
greez sam
PS: i havent won a single tournament so far and ive been with tons of goldteams, so i decided to grind to dia1 first. (that was when i was on plat4)
if you actually wanna win stuff, id advise grinding to diamond before looking for a team
greez sam
PS: i havent won a single tournament so far and ive been with tons of goldteams, so i decided to grind to dia1 first. (that was when i was on plat4)
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