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HELP! Bronze Elo Hell

Creator: TaztheMaz May 14, 2017 8:43am
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May 13th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 14, 2017 8:43am | Report
I need help. I don't play ranked much but when I do my team is just trolling or feeding. I always win my lane as Zed but then when it comes to late game. Its always somebody on the enemy team who is really fed. Its usually tanks that do A LOT of damage. Like Darius or Illaoi. Can someone tell me how to counter this or get out the Bronze Elo? Any tips would be helpful.
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2017 5:00am | Report
This is a pretty common concern, and it often goes one of two ways:

1- You don't actually win most of your laning phases. It's really easy to remember only the good games and rationalize the loses. Unless you actually take notes and have hard stats, it's hard to believe. And even with hard stats you may be subconsciously lying to yourself. "I got ganked a lot", "I was countered pretty hard", "he/she was really lucky and snowballed me off an early kill" are stuff that can happen to your enemy as much as to you, but you only really notice it when it's happening to you.

Same goes for having bad teammates. I mean, -assuming you're actually a good player- there are 5 potential bad players in the enemy team and 4 potential ones in yours. If you can't turn that into an advantage then there's something you're not doing right. Which leads us to the other thing that could be happening...

2- You have better than average mechanics/reaction times and actually win most of your laning phases, but you lack in strategic play and/or lategame play in general. League of Legends is a game where a LOT of different skills matter, but most players focus really hard on short-term mechanics to the point where they can't see their longer term faults.

You need to know when to get in and out (will the teamfight be won after you go in?), where you should be standing and why (should you keep farming or roam? roam top or bot?), predict where your enemies could be and what would they be able to do (is my enemy laner going bot? should I follow? should I push mid? should I go top instead?), predict what your allies are going to do, etc. The list goes on, like, forever. And unfortunately the path to improvement is not as straightforward as "learn more combos and more ways to use them".

I guess the best way to judge this is to see how you play in a replay, but the TL;DR would be:
Focus on improving yourself. Watching how others fail only serves you as an excuse to not try harder to improve and instead say "but I lost because my teammates were bad". If you have the time to focus on that, you're not playing with all your focus on yourself.
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May 13th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2017 1:58pm | Report
Thanks for that. You actually helped me a lot from this. I actually do realize that I do make mistakes in a lot of fights. Even though I win lane doesn't mean I'll do well with my team. Thanx!

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