"A bunch of high schoolers can't pass the California exit exam, huh? Well, we could try to see what is happening with our schools and why these kids are failing....nah let's just get rid of it. That money can go to my choo choo train!!"
-Presumed thoughts of Gov. Jerry Brown on CaHSEE testing
-Presumed thoughts of Gov. Jerry Brown on CaHSEE testing
Games 91-94
So these were a doosy. From the bottom up I lost promos, carried a game to get back into promos, then went 0-2 to lose promos again. I guess I'm not getting out of bronze this season unless I get another serious gaming session before the end.
First game I was outfarming my Fizz opponent quite well because he'd randomly run to the side bushes to get the jump on me even though I warded them. I got some early kills as well but he started roaming bot and they didn't listen to pings so he started running rampant. It was a sad loss.
Next game my Volibear jungler and I carried hard. I most damage in game and such (easy as a poke champ). Everyone did pretty well to be honest.
The next game was super close all game. Neither team got more than a 2k gold advantage and it just swung back and forth. If I was able to poke or our Volibear support got a good bearflip into Chain of Corruption we won the fight. If Annie Flashed in, she'd 1-shot someone and we'd lose. We got caught too much, Volibear went a little too ham a few times, dying 1v3 or 4, and eventually we got aced at a poor Dragon fight and lost.
Last game was just sad. Enemy top Zed got super fed, I got shat on by Twisted Fate because I'm bad, our Master Yi did dumb **** all game (not trolling, just bad).
Back again to Bronze 2 90 LP.
QQ Kylo Ren is kind of a ***** :[
Game 95
Welp, I'm awesome. Multiple issues with this game. I got first blood and a second kill on a good roam bot to help Trundle fight off Kindred. Then I immediately died to Ahri. You see, my internet was testing really well, then I started kicking up into 250 ms+ ping. I was also tunneling super hard which is an issue I need to fix. My internet kept doing this and so the combination of me, Fiora feeding cho' gath, Trundle going way too deep into enemy jungle without knowledge of where anyone was, me playing poorly, etc. all led to my team surrendering. I'm pretty crushed atm. Don't think I'm getting out of Bronze but hopefully I can get to B1 (whew, what an accomplishment).
"Selfie got upset after the game because he realised he will team up with NA players soon."
-H2K VandeR
-H2K VandeR
Keep going! Don't worry so much about making it to Silver or Bronze I at this point - just keep playing and improving, and see where you end up and what you can learn. Maybe you'll surprise yourself.
Check out my manly Xin Zhao guide for manly men!
Sir Wellington wrote:
Keep going! Don't worry so much about making it to Silver or Bronze I at this point - just keep playing and improving, and see where you end up and what you can learn. Maybe you'll surprise yourself.
Thank you again for your kind words and encouragement. I'm going to continue on through the preseason with this thread because I think placement MMR is based on your rank up into the preseason. If I'm wrong let me know please.
"Ah, the dulseth tones of Korean Lissandra."
Game 96
This game was pretty good. I feel like I could've csed better. I also died about 7 min in to a WW gank which shouldn't have happened, I was playing super far up ion the lane. But overall laning was great. I always had a 10 or so cs lead and was usually ahead in damage because I backed earlier than Sivir and just kept pressure up after that. We rotated mid for some good fighting that netted me some kills and we eventually won a fight at baron after getting baron, aced the enemy team and pushed to Viktory.
Game 97
Welp, I played like ****. I ate so many hooks it was sad. Also, the entire team, save [ekko]], pretty much played poorly as well. Not much to say besides that. You can't win them all.
"Ah, the dulseth tones of Korean Lissandra."
Lately, when I've been hooked or snared or whatever as the support, my immediate reaction is to shield my carry. This has allowed my ADC to whale on whichever enemy is closest and they back off from attacking me. It seems counter-intuitive, but it's been working. Maybe you could try that when playing support?
Good luck with your next game! :)
Good luck with your next game! :)
Games 98 - 104
Massive Image Dump
Games 98 and 99 were played a few days ago so I don't quite remember them except that the Lulu game my Vayne wasn't good and Sona got fed, lel.
Game 100 I got fed and feel like I played the map well early but ultimately my laners fed everyone and I did a poor job of mitigating this.
Game 101 I played like **** in the midgame. I forced some Flashes early on top and mid, but my return ganks didn't bear any fruit. I picked up a bit of farm and a few assists but kinda fed in midgame fights. I finally pulled it together, grabbed some kills on Jinx and let Sivir carry me to victory.
Game 102 was awful. Jax didn't know that Riven doesn't have mana so you can only assume he knows nothing about things he should know in ranked. Ekko fed and rushed Sunfire Aegis? and Jax fed top. Lee Sin tried to reign in those lanes and wound up feeding them more. I should have done more but this game tilted me pretty hard so I went and picked up tamales after to cool off.
Game 103 I feel like I played well overall. I killed Vayne's tower too early though and it gave her free farm and left me looking all over for farm after mid tower went down. Our team wasn't on the same page much of the game in terms of what we should be doing but we eventually got a good fight, won it and went to Baron, then used Baron buff to choke the enemy.
Game 104 was really fun. Graves and I kinda ****ed up early and lost a bit of pressure but after a few backs and level 6 we got our massive burst off which turned the lane around. No kills that fight but they got a taste of what was to come. Fed Graves after that, Annie was wrecking Yasuo since 3 min in, and our Master Yi went full Yi on the enemy. We won pretty much every fight and eventually did the same as Game 103; get Baron, win.
After these my internet decided to take a **** so I had to dodge in queue. Currently Bronze 2 94 LP.
EDIT: After looking around on op.gg and also just seeing how I've been doing in games, I have decided to run ADC and jungle (going to have to get back in the groove here) as my 2 main roles next season. Looking to work on my Lucian, Gragas, maybe Kha, and Jarvan IV. I'd like to pick up Rek'Sai but I am not sure if I need to / should. Last note, I suck at mid lelelz
"Selfie got upset after the game because he realised he will team up with NA players soon."
-H2K VandeR
-H2K VandeR
Games 105 and 106
Not so massive image dump
The first game I was having trouble with my graphics card. Fallout 4 fried it apperantly so I tried a bunch of stuff, finally disabled and re-enabled the card and connected to game where Ezreal already had 2 kills and our tower. YAY! I tried to farm up and help but my team kinda wanted to fight all the time. I should have been more of a voice of reason and not died (and played a test game XD ) but whatevs I guess.
Next game was really fun. I've been sorting out what I'm wanting to play this upcoming season and this was the Hecapony test. I'm still sorting out early clear pathing and which starting item to get (I want to try Machete next, think it might be better) but he seemed to have a good bit of sustain with the talisman. I went from Krugs to Blue without much problem. This was a game though, where I think the champ being strong in the current patch was what helped me because overall, I didn't do all that much besides clean up my teams fights and run people down. We eventually got some good fights, swung the gold advantage our way, got a good baron and won :)
Bronze 2 100 LP
"Fighting against top lane Nunu & Willump, or Nunu & Willump in general, is like having a catheter. It's not fun and you're going to have a miserable time."
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First game of promos and it was a doosy. I played both of these games on internet that was flopping between ~3.5 - ~4.8 mbps download speed. It was a stupid plan. I also just was kinda meh in my play. I wasn't dodging skillshots well, not firing mine off well, poor cs, etc. This game was also hard because it seemed like everyone on the team had Bronze syndrome to the max. Bot lane got shat on from 4 min. on. I didn't do ****ty but I didn't do well in lane, and Riven got pretty fed early. Malphite just ran around not doing anything (you in low elos have seen them, they literally just run around not knowing where to go), Annie and Vayne were bickering all game, Maokai ran in 1v3 when we were behind. After a bit, we couldn't keep them off of us and we eventually just got ground into the dirt.
Game 90
I ate all of Lux's spells in the laning phase. It was sad. Also, this game my comp started wigging out and my Q wouldn't fire sometimes. Luckily, my whole team carried my *** and though we struggled, we eeked out a clutch win. By "we", I really mean Azir eeked out a win. We were 4v5 in our own base, won the teamfight and stopped recalls while Azir pushed and backdoored their nexus :D
No games today because my internet was ****. So we're Bronze 2 - Promo series 1-1