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TheInkKingLoL – My Ranked Journey

Creator: TheInkKingLoL April 6, 2021 9:51pm
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Mar 31st, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 6, 2021 9:51pm | Report
Hey guys!

I thought I'd go ahead and join @ VexRoth in detailing my ranked journey this season.

To give a bit of context I'm a high school esports player who plays jungle and support. I mostly main Ekko (but not when he sucks with a 3:50 jungle clear).

In about a month I put my mind to it and climbed from Bronze to Silver. My goal now is to reach the likes of Gold and Platinum.

Any tips would be appreciated!
"We tend to get mad at the ones that call us out but the fact is we need someone that'll be honest when we fly off the handle"
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Mar 31st, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 6, 2021 9:56pm | Report

This game was a Dr. Mundo jungle. Started S4 43 LP.

Overall I feel I did pretty well for someone who doesn't play this champ. I had 7.3 CS per minute, which is pretty good I think.

I was able to outpace this Poppy pretty easily. I was counter-ganking her constantly and forced Shen ults whenever possible.

I had good vision control and made good objective calls, not only sneaking a baron while Poppy was midlane but also solo stealing a baron from their entire team.

I feel the general diff however was in the champion, I was able to run at them with R and not die 1v3. The Brand came in clutch a couple times as well, but I think this champ is just stupid against comps like these (no mobility melee).
"We tend to get mad at the ones that call us out but the fact is we need someone that'll be honest when we fly off the handle"
Sovereign Kitten
<Teemo Master>
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Jan 23rd, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 6, 2021 10:14pm | Report

Is one of the biggest things that make a huge diffence. Are you simply stacking mid at minute 12, ARAM style? This is inconsistent. It messes everyone up allowing for the enemy to scale harder, putting everyone behind. Farm, Group, Farm, Group. Do not GROUP, GROUP, GROUP, DIE.

Getting a great CS average, getting a great vision score, roaming, grouping, itemization, etc.

You make a mistake? Own it. Don't look for an excuse.
"My teams ____!!!" or "Wow Broken ___!!!"

You're only as good as you yourself are, both in knowledge and execution. You may know what you need to do, but screw it up because of bad judgement or simply bad macro. Think ahead, make the right rational decision. This is a good example.

I would definitely try to stick to a small but healthy amount of champions you actually know how to play instead of jumping in blind, understand your champion before going into a ranked game, for the sake of yourself and the sake of your allies.

How is your CS? Is it below average? 3-4 cs per minute? 6+ CS is the above average for most champions.

How is your Vision Score? Do you always buy control wards on every back? Do it, make full use of it.

How about oracles? Are you clearing vision while applying vision? It's extremely important.

Example: TOP lane, 2:30, 4:20, 6:10 are all the ideal times to drop a ward in the river as this is when a jungler is roughly if not not Vertical Jungling.

I could go on an on about how you can and could do better, but ultimately it's down to you. Figure out what your weakest link is, rewatch games, learn how your enemies play, see what you could be doing differently and you'll continue to get better and better...

(Even if you don't OTP Teemo, Hmph)

Overall... You are only as good as you honestly care to be. If you are truly invested you will improve over time. If you're super bored, not really interested. The effort you put in will be much less. Work on find your strengths and then fix your weakness and stay consistent.
The great thing about multitasking is that several things can go wrong at once.
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Mar 31st, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2021 3:49pm | Report

Early Game

I feel this game I did really well early game. I full cleared top to bottom before taking scuttle crab. I transitioned into a gank bot lane which resulted in a kill. I then ganked mid and top right after and influenced all three lanes positively by 4:31. (Also Kayn was mid when I was and blew his flash lmao).

I made the decision to just do a second clear before backing. I think there were positives and negatives to this. I had a bunch of gold in base and so I wasn't as strong as I could've been. However I was outfarming the Kayn and was level 6 at 6 minutes. Added bonuses were I had better tempo and map control on the Kayn and me and my team took first drake.


Ganking was generally successful and I think well-executed. I was able to abuse the blown flashes of the top and mid laners and snowballed this into kills and objectives. I pretty much camped top lane the entire game, abusing Kayn's apparent inability to farm his topside camps. This got Nasus snowballing really well and he hard stomped lane.

Mid Game

Kayn...didn't do the best, basically feeding kills to my laners every time he ganked. I was able to abuse this by taking his camps and taking objectives. I wandered around a lot though after objectives, which is definitely something I need to work on. I was trying to force things too hard and this resulted in unnecessary downtime.


Kayn got none. We had total map control the entire game and the enemy team was not able to contest any of them without losing the fight. I think my highlight here was when Jinx tried to steal Cloud Drake from me without vision. She ulted and I sidestepped it by a couple pixels and so she didn't get it.

Late Game

This portion of the game kind of came early at about 20 minutes because everyone on my team was fed and several levels ahead of the enemy.


My death was stupid. I hard overextended into their nexus turrets and led Kayn on a chase through his red side until I died to Teemo poison. I overestimated my tankiness and movement speed. However I feel I could have lived that if I had used Turtle Stance.


Not a very mechanical champion so I don't think there's much to say here for the champion specifically.

I should've used Oracle Lens several times, watching the replay I missed lots of valuable vision that needed to be cleared.
"We tend to get mad at the ones that call us out but the fact is we need someone that'll be honest when we fly off the handle"
<Lissandra Master>
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Aug 27th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2021 10:28pm | Report
How's the ranked journey going? It's quiet here...
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Mar 31st, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 13, 2021 11:12am | Report
It died lol
I took a break for a month and then couldn't find the energy to write this up. Hopefully I'll be able to get back into it as I get back into it with some more energy.
"We tend to get mad at the ones that call us out but the fact is we need someone that'll be honest when we fly off the handle"
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Mar 31st, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 17, 2021 7:12pm | Report

This one is gonna be weird. I don't know why but my League client deleted my last two ranked games from my match history, so I'm just going to show and base everything off my memory from 3 hours ago.

Early Game

Early game was pretty neutral my side of the jungle, but on the enemy side Nidalee was making plays. Senna got tilted really quickly because he died to a level 1 invade and decided to make this Sett lose. I took Rift Herald and such and tried to play around mid lane and top lane.


Generally subpar. I had a couple good ganks with the Yasuo but I had difficulty ganking the Vladimir. Probably need more practice with that. Also can Vlad go under Trundle's pillar? I held it in case he could, just curious.

Mid Game

At this point Nidalee is sufficiently fed that he felt comfortable sitting on Dark Seal + Lich Bane until he had enough gold for a full item. It was impossible to duel, and with a useless bot lane it was really hard to fight against Pyke + Nidalee. Akshan was also really good at not dying.

Late Game



A couple of my ganks were simply desperate rather than tactful. I think I gave up a little after Senna was 0/6. Otherwise I think I minimized my mistakes pretty well, for what I could in a game like this.


Trundle hehe
In all seriousness, I just need to understand what pillar can affect better.
"We tend to get mad at the ones that call us out but the fact is we need someone that'll be honest when we fly off the handle"
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Mar 31st, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 17, 2021 7:31pm | Report

Same case as the last game. Trundle again kekw

Early Game

Soooo funny. This was right after like 3 queues and a remake after the last game and I still was dying in this XD. Level 1 they tried to invade just before buff spawn and Xerath led the invade. The funny thing was his team didn't show up till after he got half-health'd, Flash'd, and Barrier'd so they just lost sums for nothing. I started red buff botside and because it's J4 I thought maybe he'd try to cheese steal after the invade. So I Smite'd and left red buff at 17 health. No flame but Thresh didn't stop auto attacking the buff so he got red buff level 1. I then proceeded to steal J4 red buff and cleared my camps and whatever. I pressured J4 off scuttle crabs because I was really ahead and he for some reason attempted to gank mid lane. I was just about to recall when I saw him walk over a ward and he died in my counter gank. Out of base I head directly mid again because my Thresh is literally C9 Vulcan and gets a crazy cc chain on their Xerath. And then J4 tries to gank again and I countergank.


I counterganked this J4 a lot, it was funny and I got ez kills. Also Garen is a Beyblade player so he died to stupid ganks.

Mid Game

Ashe was having a bad time, so I just played around topside after first drag. J4 unfortunately stole the first Rift Herald from me while I had no smite but ended up dying 2v1 to me because Trundle is big stat check. That let Tryndamere just have really strong pressure and he was able to perma push top lane. I played around my strong teammates and did my best not die to int into a very strong Kog'Maw Yuumi (it was difficult, I think 4/5 deaths I had were to them at this stage).

Late Game

Not sure how but we ended up outscaling the Kog'Maw Yuumi or maybe we just had better fight angles and cc chains. Got easy objective control and was able to push 3 inhibs and end the game.


Difficult to say my mistakes specifically because I can't see the replay, but I'd say that I had difficulty knowing my strength in the mid game. Definitely overestimated Trundle and underestimated Kog Yuumi.


Trundle. Auto resets are ez. Just runs at them. My E pressing was really good! :D
"We tend to get mad at the ones that call us out but the fact is we need someone that'll be honest when we fly off the handle"

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