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Vapora's Ranked Journey to ... Whatever he...

Creator: Vapora Dark September 13, 2012 8:06pm
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Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2012 8:06pm | Report
Yo. Not playing right now because the EUW server's down, but when I get up tomorrow I'm hopping straight to ranked after confirming that I'm not lagging. Won 9 out of 10 ranked games in the last 2 days after not having touched ranked for a while, so I figured it would be a nice to post my journey here on mobafire. And maybe it'll actually keep me motivated enough to reach gold before season 2 ends, who knows! :3 I'll just post the last game I played in the meantime though!

Champion played as: Talon, The Blade's Shadow
Outcome: Victory
Score: 13/3/13
Elo gained: 12
Resulting Elo: 1289
Information: Our first pick picked Malphite and asked for top, so I felt content enough with his magic damage to play Talon. I picked him as our third pick after the enemy team had 2nd picked Heimerdinger. We entered the game, and at lvl 3 or 4 I realized Heimerdinger had taken Heal instead of ignite, because he used it thinking I was going in for a kill. I was actually preparing him for the kill. :3 I wasn't able to kill him in my next burst like I would have had he taken Ignite instead, but that was pretty much the only point in the game in which Heal was actually useful for him. They tried to dragon twice within the first 20 minutes, but both times I could see them thanks to one of Taric's wards, and was able to burst ( and silence, no Smite for u uehehehehe ) Warwick and kill him, with absolute perfect timing on my ult that stole the dragon from them. This happened twice uehehehehe. Don't start thinking I'm pro though, the first time I wasn't aiming to steal the dragon, just to get a free kill off of their still-squishy-Warwick while he was tanking the dragon, and when I used my ult to finish him off and run from the rest of his team safe and sound, it coincidentially killed the dragon too. Second time I burst Warwick again and this time tried to time my burst so that the ult would steal it again, and somehow I managed it a 2nd time. Probably just luck though. :3 They surrendered half an hour in after I nearly 100-0'd their Warwick, except he flashed just in time to get out of my ult range. Their Varus seemed to be decent, their Blitzcrank seemed to be decent, olaf seemed to be better than the rest of his team, but he wasn't perfect either, considering there was tons of times where I just stood right in front of their team when Blitz wasn't there and he was literally right in front of me, and he didn't try and CC me with his axe or anything. Smartest thing to do there imo would have been to try and attack me, and kill me with the rest of his team as I'd be constantly slowed by him. But he didn't initiate a single time. I can't really comment on Heimerdinger because he's just one of the many AP carries to have fallen to my Talon. I'm sure you're meant to max your rockets as Heimerdinger though? They were doing too tiny damage to me for him to have been maxing them I think, and his towers were a very unreliable source of damage. He also built a magic resist item against Talon, and I didn't even notice until just now that he had Rylai's Crystal Scepter, so he was a pretty easy target for me during the whole game. As for Warwick, I didn't notice any difference between bursting him, or Varus and Heimerdinger. Way too squishy for a jungler.

By the way, yeah, I have noticed that I'm 29 wins positive but only just ahead of the starting Elo, lol. I used to leave champion select in ranked a looooot because I didn't know it lowered your Elo every time you did it. Couple that with winning my first 2 ranked games after I hit level 30, then losing 8 in a row... Explains why I'm so far behind, lol. It's pretty much also the reason I usually get sick of ranked. After losing 3 games in a row with scores like 12/4 I always think "**** sake, I shouldn't be at this Elo, i cba with this" and stop playing ranked for a bit. At the start of the summer holidays I managed to carry myself from 900 Elo to 1100 by using nothing but Tristana, and just managed over the past 2 days to get up to 1200 but-nearly-1300 Elo from there. If I win 1 more game, I'll surpass the highest Elo I've ever been, which was 1296 while I was still classified as "Unranked". I really feel as if from this Elo onwards, I'll no longer truthfully feel as if 70% of my defeats are due to bad teams. From what I've seen so far, there's a massive change between the teams I had at 900-1100 Elo from the teams I get now, and while I will still probably get the occasional ******, I'm not just gonna come out of most of my defeats thinking "Ffs, **** team, y u use ult to farm minions nunu???". That didn't actually happen to me, but I saw an enemy Nunu & Willump do that a few weeks back in ranked. At least it wasn't JUST me getting the full on ******s. :D

So, let's hope I can continue this large number of wins I'm getting and reach the current requirement for silver! Who knows, maybe in 2-4 days time I'll even be Gold Elo. :)
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Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2012 8:11pm | Report
You are going to find a lot of ******s up until 1900ish so good luck lol, just hope the other team gets more and try to hypercarry is all I can say.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2012 8:28pm | Report

You are going to find a lot of ******s up until 1900ish so good luck lol, just hope the other team gets more and try to hypercarry is all I can say.

Getting 1 or 2 ******s 60% of the time isn't nearly as depressing as getting 3 or 4 ******s 80% of the time. :P I know there's still gonna be a lot of bad players on my teams, but at the Elo I used to be at, very few people were at that Elo for the same reason as me: Spamming ranked games once you hit lvl 30 at 150 wins and ending up at 900 Elo when you're still not good enough to carry whole teams. When someone's won 300-500 ranked games and is still at 900-1100 Elo, let me tell you, they are not still stuck at that Elo because of their teams, that's for sure.

And thanks for the support. ^_^
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2012 10:06am | Report

Champion Played: Ezreal
Outcome: Defeat
Score: 3/7/3
Elo gained: 13
Resulting Elo: 1276
Information: Morgana wasn't banned as she usually is, so I told our first pick to pick her so I could play her, or he could if he knew how to. He said he'd go mid with her and our last-pick called top at the start, so I went AD carry, with Taric supporting me. We invaded their red and Nidalee got First Blood on Darius, so we went back to our blue to do that. But as I was headed back bot I saw some of them at our red so the rest of our team ran to the red despite me pinging them back because some of us were low HP from fighting at their red. They got 2 kills and we got none, which kind of nullified our First Blood. Our Taric seemed to be really hesitant to place his precious wards the whole game, and we got ganked twice by Lee Sin from the bot lane brush ( he went past their tower into the brush ) and both times Karthus would use his ultimate right at the beginning of the gank. Both me and Taric died both times. Nidalee was losing top against Darius despite First Blooding him, and Morgana was getting outfarmed by Karthus, and he was getting kills / assists from Lee's bot ganks. After they managed to score an Ace and destroyed our inhibitor, Skarner pointed out that Ashe was bot and that we could baron. I said that it was really our only chance of winning the game so I pinged my team to baron. We started baroning but it was obviously warded, because Karthus came to it while the rest of his team still hadn't arrived. He just walked back and forth, in and out of our range, and I could tell that he was obviously trying to get us to chase him while the rest of his team came. Annoyingly, some of us fell for it. The only one I know for sure fell for it was Nidalee, but in the end, Ashe had enough time to come from bot to the baron before we could finish killing it, which is completely ridiculous, and it annoyed me so much that some of my team tried to chase Karthus when it was obvious that if we ever got near him he'd slow us and get out of our range again. They aced us and soon after that we surrendered.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 15, 2012 11:23am | Report
Played a game as Tristana, forgot to screeny it. Score was 8/4/4 with 180 minion farm, victory.

Champion Played: Olaf
Outcome: Victory
Score: 10/1/0
Elo gained: 12
Resulting Elo: 1288
Information: Extremely easy game. I picked Olaf because I thought I was going to be top against Irelia, but later on someone picked Teemo and it turned out that Irelia was jungling. We entered the game and I wasn't sure how well I would do against this Teemo, seeing as he was probably gonna harass me to **** with his annoying range. But I managed to First Blood him near his tower at level 4, and accidentally took a tower hit in the process, leaving me at about 300 HP. I started recalling in the brush just in case Irelia showed up to pick up the kill, and she did show up... on just about the same HP as I was. I stopped recalling and waited for her to check my brush, and as soon as she was walking into it I turned on my W, threw an axe at her and then used Reckless Swing to finish her off before she could even land a blow on me. Double buffs for 2/0 at 4 minutes in Olaf. I started recalling again while Teemo teleported back top, but he didn't try to enter the brush and kill me seeing as it was obvious that if he tried I could just run to my tower before he could reach me. I got some items, got tier 2 boots, entered the lane again, and pretty much straight away killed Teemo. I had red buff, and my axe's cooldown was instantly refreshed every time I picked it up, so he had no way to run. He came back on lane and I harassed him a little bit, but couldn't kill him because he was too near to his tower. Irelia came to gank but Teemo waited was on about 1 third of his HP so he tried to wait until I was too distracted with Irelia to focus him, and so in the few seconds I was fighting Irelia I was decimating her, and just as Teemo came to help she started running. I turned to Teemo, axe and [reckless swing and bam, dead. Irelia tried to hold the lane, but I just did the same combo on her and killed her in time for it to counte as a double kill. Teemo came back onto the lane but I killed him straight away again, and about 20 seconds later his team told us to report him for afk. I told his team repeatedly, I don't really blame him for going afk, lol. It was Irelia's fail that left me with 2/0 4 minutes in, and double buffs that led to me killing Teemo as soon as I entered the lane. Next time he came back he was 3 levels lower than me, a very dangerous position to be in with Olaf's true damage, and he couldn't run because of my red buff, so it was a very unfair lane for him. I remember I was 8/0 10 minutes in, and was finally shut down at 10 kills by Ahri and Ashe after tower-diving Irelia. As I was leaving the tower and escaping into the jungle Ashe used her Volley on me with a reasonable bit of distance between us. I almost out-ran it because I had ghost active from towerdiving Irelia, but it only just hit me, and that led to more slows from Ashe's Q and then a taunt by Ahri that marked my doom. :( They surrendered as soon as we hit the 20 minute mark though.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 15, 2012 1:02pm | Report

Champion Played: Katarina
Outcome: Victory
Score: 24/10/7
Elo gained: 13
Resulting Elo: 1301
W/L: 181 / 151
Information: Their first and second pick picked Xin Zhao and Rengar, and someone on our team told us that Rengar was going AP mid, and he knew because he'd been on the guy's team in the last champion select, but someone had left. I figured AP Rengar would just be a one trick pony, maybe a 100% AP ratio on one spell and that would be it. I was very very wrong. I tried to counter him with Katarina because I thought he'd be completely meelee, and Katarina has some strong harass with her Q, and she's one of the mid's I'm best with, but when we actually started laning, he had some ****ing massive damage with his W and out-traded me every time, and then healed back everything I did to him. I just ended up buying an early kage's lucky pick after the 2nd time he forced me to recall ( he forced me to recall 3 times before he had to recall too ) and just tried to farm as much as I could until level 6. Once I hit level 6 I started pushing the lane and ganking as much as I could, and went 3/0, got shut down, then went 6/1, and got shut down again. Meanwhile Rengar wasn't being as successful with his own roaming, and he couldn't farm as well as I could in-lane. Bot was pretty much drawing, Malphite won top and our jungler Nautilus did well, so we ended up winning the game. Scored 2 triple kills, and in the second one I spent ages chasing after Jarvan IV trying to get a quadra, but I didn't get him anywhere near in time for it to be official. Was about 30 seconds after the fight had ended that I finally got him. Rengar kept catching me by surprise in team-fights with his stealth and bursting me, and a few times it managed to kill me. AP Rengar is definitely something to look into, lol. It's not good at carrying, but it can kill whoever IS carrying on the other team, and has a piss easy laning phase.

So, now that my current Elo is 1301, ( the closest I've ever been was 1296 Elo while I was unranked after winning my first 2 ranked games then losing 8 and never getting near that Elo again until now ), I believe that this entitles me to duo queue with IceCreamy8 while he tries to get to gold. :) Hopefully he'll accept. ^_^

Also, I've had 3 wins in a row now. Gonna try and keep up this winning spree and beat my last one, as I think my best winning spree over the past few days has been 5 wins in a row. Hopefully I'll reach 1400 Elo soon, my next goal, and maybe, JUST MAYBE, I'll manage to reach gold before season 2 ends. It will be hard, but a guy can dream!
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 15, 2012 6:30pm | Report
Sigh, cba to follow the format right now, but just lost 2 in a row because of typical ******s.

First game:

Our first pick was pre-made with our last-pick, and he said he'd go top and his friend would go mid, and he'd pick his friend's mid for him to not get countered top. So he picks Evelynn for our last-pick ( AP Evelynn's legit now ), second pick picks Caitlyn, I'm third pick and pick WW jungle, and at this point the guy who's picked Evelynn reminds us that he's going top and has picked his friend's champ for him, and when it's time for our fourth and last picks to pick, our fourth pick insta-locks Singed just as our last pick insta-locks Fiora for our first pick. Evelynn goes mid, Caitlyn goes bot, I jungle, Fiora and Singed go top because they both refuse to go bot. Top gets camped by Lee Sin and they feed both him and Irelia, and I can't gank because they're constantly pushed, bot is 1v2 and were warded, and mid was the only possible lane to successfully gank. But a gank every 80 seconds was obviously not anywhere near enough to stop Evelynn from feeding Brand. In the end we surrendered after Irelia and Lee Sin 2v5'd us and then got baron.

Next game:

Me ( fourth pick ) and our last-pick both state that we'd prefer to go either top or mid. He asked me which lane I'd like to go on, so I said whichever one I can counter once they've made their picks. Our first pick locks in Gragas without speaking, and our last-pick lets me go top to counter Xin Zhao and he'd support. Later on they picked Volibear and it turned out Voli was top and Xin was jungle. Didn't really matter, because Volibear had counter-picked himself by going against Olaf. I zoned him so bad that he had 40 farm by the time I had 90. Meanwhile, mid ganked my lane about 4 times, all times in which I would have gotten the kill in about 20 seconds anyway, so Lux just free-farmed the entire laning phase. Graves gave first blood to Vayne, and Vayne continued to get fed off of Soraka the rest of the laning phase. Graves somehow managed to outfarm her, but it didn't really make a difference considering how fed Vayne was. Later on Lux scored a quadra kill, and throughout the rest of the game we couldn't kill a single person in team-fights. Volibear who I'd completely dominated in lane, went from 0/4 with 40 minion farm to 6/5 with only 9 less farm than me.

These are the kind of games that make me stop playing ranked every time. There's nothing I can ****ing do in games like these. Can't go mid and roam with Talon because each time some noob thinking he's the next best thing goes mid if he picks before me, and I can't carry consistently with Tristana because my laning phase depends entirely on who my support is and who theirs is, not how well I can play / farm, and if I completely crush a lane, my opponent just gets carried by his fed team. GG.

I know this doesn't happen every game, and recently I've been getting more carryable teams than *******s that go 0/4 in 6 minutes, but it's really ****ing annoying when I work hard to get Elo and then I just get teams like these who aren't afraid to throw every game just because somebody's picked their favourite role. Go play normals if you only want to play 1 role ****heads, don't ****ing set-back people that work hard to be where they are by giving them free losses.

/rageover. Night night. :/
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2012 12:21pm | Report

They picked Shen, and I have been known in the past for ****ing Shens over in solo top with good ol' Warwick, so I picked good ol' Warwick. Game started and I first blooded Shen after a level 2 gank by riven. I stayed in lane and when Shen got back I was already full HP with near full mana, so I had a 2 level advantage over him with no disadvantages at all. I harassed Shen as much as I could and left him on quite low HP and proceeded to zone him out without killing him, while I free-farmed. My plan was to get Shaco to gank me, and if he did, either Shen would be too afraid of fighting on his 20% HP that he'd leave Shaco to solo me, and I'd either kill Shaco or force him to recall / go back into the jungle, or Shen would try and help, I'd kill him, and Shaco would run from me. As I predicted, Shaco showed up. NOT as I'd predicted, "Attempting to reconnect" popped up on my screen at the exact same moment. When I finally reconnected, I was ofc dead, Shaco had taken the kill and Shen had an assist. Then "Attempting to reconnect" showed up again and I couldn't play for about 2 minutes, leaving Shen enough time to catch up to my level and farm while Riven held my lane. I finally reconnected and when I entered my lane I was able to zone and harass Shen even better because of my 2nd Doran's Ring and boots of speeed. I just kept killing Shen repeatedly, and he didn't try to ult once the entire match. Presumably because every opportunity he got to ult, I had him on low HP, and could have just ult'd him as he tried to teleport away and canceled it. Shaco started flaming at him for being the "****test solo top in the world" and not knowing how to play Shen, and proceeded to go on and on about how he hated being stuck in Elo hell with teams he couldn't carry. Even though bot won because Shaco accidentally gave double buff to our Graves in a failed 1v2 bot when he tried to hold the lane. His excuse was "****ing shen doesn't know how to ult". Yet my ult was up at the time and would have counter-ulted Shen if he tried. Was over-all a rather easy game. Top was crushed as usual, bot was easily won thanks to Shaco giving Graves double buff, and idk what was going on mid, Vladimir outfarmed Brand with 5 more deaths than him, though I suppose those deaths could have come in team-fights.

Elo gained: 14
Current Elo: 1288
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2012 2:16pm | Report

Caitlyn was outfarming me throughout the laning phase because Sona kept messing up my farm while trying to harass them. Luckily enough though, I got a Sona who actually LANDS 70% of her harass, and I got fed while Caitlyn got 0 kills during the laning phase. Cho'Gath was getting beaten in farm by Kayle when he was 3/1 and she was 1/3, so I think he was only winning his lane because of ganks, but still, he won his lane. Galio lost his lane, but not that badly, and we aced them right after destroying their second mid tower, and pushed to the win before anyone revived. Was kinda unfair imo, you shouldn't be able to win the game after only just having destroyed their 2nd tower 30 minutes in... But we did.

IceCreamy8 and I are both trying to reach the same goal, and I'm 1 Elo ahead of him, uehehehehe.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 18, 2012 11:54am | Report

3 afks. Gee ****ing gee.
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