Orianna - Incredible Utility, Incredible damage, Incredible laning power. Should be perma ban right now.
Udyr - Superior pre 6 moveset to any other solo top, and generally beats them post 6 anyways. Laning and jungle are unmatched. Still perma ban.
Gangplank - Little nerf again, but I think he is still OP. Maybe jungles slightly weaker with the passive nerf, but almost unnoticable.
Fiddlesticks - Same old. The nerfs avoided the real power of Fid: his ulti.
Brand - I honestly think he is the strongest caster next to Orianna. He has more sustainable damage than annie does, and with the ulti fix he can burn his ulti before he dies... not that its a huge change. But it's notable.
Mordekaiser - Incredible laning, Great teamfighting, Great damage. Play as tanky caster, not tank.
Jax - This one has people going "WHAAAAA????" Yes. Jax is incredibly strong right now. FOTM status. 1v1 is amazing, great early game damage, hard hard counter to tanky dps at top lane.
Annie - I might actually move her down just a little bit... She is still strong, I just feel that there are other solo mids that are stronger.
Akali - Akali is Akali. Best at what she does.
Soraka - Should make bot lane impossible to kill, Get a deathcap and your team never dies.
Nocturne - Before the patch he was the best ganker post 6. Still is, but Panth gives him a run for his money in the jungle.
Irelia - Underrated. Her laning is decent, and after triforce she wrecks house.
Warwick - More jungle now, his post 6 gank is amazing.
Miss Fortune - She is a counter to EU bot while still BEING an EU bot champ. Her job is to destroy her lane.
Cho'Gath - Great sustain, great laning, good jungle. Teamfight presence is impressive.
Vayne - Great damage, wrecks house if team is uncoordinated.
Corki - Just not as strong as he was before his little nerf.
Kennen - I'm counting on his buff to make him much more viable, but we will see.
Taric - His utility makes him dangerous in lane, and his auras makes him strong during teamfights and pushing.
Malzahar - Pusher, good damage.
Singed - Run around, split push, throw carries, hes crazy. Only problem is pre 7 laning.
Amumu - Very strong jungler, one of the best jungle teamfighters. slightly less than amazing at ganking, and his jungle control is iffy.
Nidalee - She is supposed to build AP, which makes both her poke damage AND her heals insane. Gets countered by some of the top laners though.
Yorick - Stronger than people think, even got a little buff this patch.
Teemo - Good map control, great split pusher, has some really good damage and counters to tanky dps.
Alistar - Hes... eh. Common jungler in High Elo, but his ap ratios suck now. Can be support bot. Very aggressive support.
Karthus - Would be better if he didnt require such a high skill level to play. The microing that is required is insane.
Casseopeia - Same as Karthus. High damage, though.
Tristana - Very strong early game in bottom lane, but falls off due to lack of utility late game.
Rumble - I know he's good, but every time I see him the person has trouble raping face. Even on high elo streams.
Master Yi - Currently the most underrated Jungler in the game. Ganks are ridiculously high damage, and post 6 he can catch anyone.
Caitlyn - Long range, good EU bot damage. Falls off late game.
Renekton - Great early game, late game sucks.
Kog'maw - We could start seeing a lot more of him.
Swain - Idk how he fits yet.
Ryze - He's just a meh champ for me right now. High damage but very squishy till late game and cant push towers.
Xin Zhao - good ganks from jungle, decent laner.
Vladimir - We shall see if Riot does anything to him, but as of now I'm almost thinking hes a bit high.
Garen - His buff this patch could really make him strong.
Pantheon - I really really like what they did with him, but only gameplay can tell the full story.
Lux - She has some potential. Her long CDs are made up for her ridiculously long range on all her skills. I would actually put her mid.
Twisted Fate - blah. His damage is alright, but his laning is weak and his ult isnt global.
Lee Sin - Damage is lackluster but his ganks are good.
Gragas - Great utility, but damage isnt enough to be the main ap carry.
Ashe - I think of her as more of a premade carry.
Janna - Loses to other support bots right now, but she has arguably the best teamfight.
Anivia - Utility is better used in premades. Her laning is too weak. She has to wear people down instead of 100 -> 0 like annie or brand.
Leblanc - Very niche. Hard to carry with her.
Blitzcrank - The skill level required for him is insanity, but hes a possible gamechanger.
Nasus - The buffs were nice, and I really think hes a strong champ.
Jarvan IV - I don't like him. His damage is a bit low, and with the nerf to Cata, hes just a weak champ.
Zilean - NEEDS solo mid, and that isnt always available.
Mundo - We shall see. Right now there are better solo tops, but his damage is really good.
Trundle - Very easily beaten until late game.
Twitch - Underrated ranged AD. Sure hes weak, but he can roam and pick up early kills.
Sion - Great burst, but what does he do after?
Kassadin - Same as sion, but takes more skill.
Maokai - His burst is good, but incredibly difficult to master. And hes kindof a tanky caster that gets out damaged by other tanky casters.
Poppy - Great EU bot, but can get countered by a lot of them. NEEDS to be able to farm.
Ezreal - I just find him very weak.
Malphite - Best initiate in the game, but he cant do anything else.
Wukong - Got some really nice bug fixes... we shall see. STOP BUILDING TRIFORCE ON HIM
Urgot - Just really weak. Gets outlaned at mid by ap casters, outsustained at top lane and bot lane.
Rammus - Ganks are decent, but if he gets counter jungled or doesnt get a gank, he fails.
Nunu - Counter jungling is amazing, but without the lv 2 40% slow hes much weaker on early ganks which was one of his strong points.
Tryndamere - Eh... A weaker version of Yi.
Katarina - Really nice damage, but not enough damage to carry a team.
Sona - Her skillset is much more tailored to a coordinated premade team than solo queue.
Morgana - Her role right now is support, but she needs way too much farm to be called a support.
Shaco - He can get as many kills as he wants... he will still die in teamfights.
Sivir - Her poke is too weak and her range too short.
Shen - Just.... meh.
Veigar - Needs wayyyyy too much farm and his laning is too weak in the current meta.
Evelynn - Stealth is the only thing she has going for her. I am excited to see her post remake.
Leona - Doesn't fit anywhere in the current meta.
Kayle - Lackluster damage all game. No longer has that late game supercarry feel.
Olaf - He's olaf. Weakest jungler right now.
Galio - Still meh.
Heimerdinger - Not last only because Dan Dinh can carry with him.
Karma - If someone plays Karma, they will probably lose. Not enough damage to be an ap carry, not enough utility to be a viable support bot. Not enough of the combination to be hybrid.
Udyr - Superior pre 6 moveset to any other solo top, and generally beats them post 6 anyways. Laning and jungle are unmatched. Still perma ban.
Gangplank - Little nerf again, but I think he is still OP. Maybe jungles slightly weaker with the passive nerf, but almost unnoticable.
Fiddlesticks - Same old. The nerfs avoided the real power of Fid: his ulti.
Brand - I honestly think he is the strongest caster next to Orianna. He has more sustainable damage than annie does, and with the ulti fix he can burn his ulti before he dies... not that its a huge change. But it's notable.
Mordekaiser - Incredible laning, Great teamfighting, Great damage. Play as tanky caster, not tank.
Jax - This one has people going "WHAAAAA????" Yes. Jax is incredibly strong right now. FOTM status. 1v1 is amazing, great early game damage, hard hard counter to tanky dps at top lane.
Annie - I might actually move her down just a little bit... She is still strong, I just feel that there are other solo mids that are stronger.
Akali - Akali is Akali. Best at what she does.
Soraka - Should make bot lane impossible to kill, Get a deathcap and your team never dies.
Nocturne - Before the patch he was the best ganker post 6. Still is, but Panth gives him a run for his money in the jungle.
Irelia - Underrated. Her laning is decent, and after triforce she wrecks house.
Warwick - More jungle now, his post 6 gank is amazing.
Miss Fortune - She is a counter to EU bot while still BEING an EU bot champ. Her job is to destroy her lane.
Cho'Gath - Great sustain, great laning, good jungle. Teamfight presence is impressive.
Vayne - Great damage, wrecks house if team is uncoordinated.
Corki - Just not as strong as he was before his little nerf.
Kennen - I'm counting on his buff to make him much more viable, but we will see.
Taric - His utility makes him dangerous in lane, and his auras makes him strong during teamfights and pushing.
Malzahar - Pusher, good damage.
Singed - Run around, split push, throw carries, hes crazy. Only problem is pre 7 laning.
Amumu - Very strong jungler, one of the best jungle teamfighters. slightly less than amazing at ganking, and his jungle control is iffy.
Nidalee - She is supposed to build AP, which makes both her poke damage AND her heals insane. Gets countered by some of the top laners though.
Yorick - Stronger than people think, even got a little buff this patch.
Teemo - Good map control, great split pusher, has some really good damage and counters to tanky dps.
Alistar - Hes... eh. Common jungler in High Elo, but his ap ratios suck now. Can be support bot. Very aggressive support.
Karthus - Would be better if he didnt require such a high skill level to play. The microing that is required is insane.
Casseopeia - Same as Karthus. High damage, though.
Tristana - Very strong early game in bottom lane, but falls off due to lack of utility late game.
Rumble - I know he's good, but every time I see him the person has trouble raping face. Even on high elo streams.
Master Yi - Currently the most underrated Jungler in the game. Ganks are ridiculously high damage, and post 6 he can catch anyone.
Caitlyn - Long range, good EU bot damage. Falls off late game.
Renekton - Great early game, late game sucks.
Kog'maw - We could start seeing a lot more of him.
Swain - Idk how he fits yet.
Ryze - He's just a meh champ for me right now. High damage but very squishy till late game and cant push towers.
Xin Zhao - good ganks from jungle, decent laner.
Vladimir - We shall see if Riot does anything to him, but as of now I'm almost thinking hes a bit high.
Garen - His buff this patch could really make him strong.
Pantheon - I really really like what they did with him, but only gameplay can tell the full story.
Lux - She has some potential. Her long CDs are made up for her ridiculously long range on all her skills. I would actually put her mid.
Twisted Fate - blah. His damage is alright, but his laning is weak and his ult isnt global.
Lee Sin - Damage is lackluster but his ganks are good.
Gragas - Great utility, but damage isnt enough to be the main ap carry.
Ashe - I think of her as more of a premade carry.
Janna - Loses to other support bots right now, but she has arguably the best teamfight.
Anivia - Utility is better used in premades. Her laning is too weak. She has to wear people down instead of 100 -> 0 like annie or brand.
Leblanc - Very niche. Hard to carry with her.
Blitzcrank - The skill level required for him is insanity, but hes a possible gamechanger.
Nasus - The buffs were nice, and I really think hes a strong champ.
Jarvan IV - I don't like him. His damage is a bit low, and with the nerf to Cata, hes just a weak champ.
Zilean - NEEDS solo mid, and that isnt always available.
Mundo - We shall see. Right now there are better solo tops, but his damage is really good.
Trundle - Very easily beaten until late game.
Twitch - Underrated ranged AD. Sure hes weak, but he can roam and pick up early kills.
Sion - Great burst, but what does he do after?
Kassadin - Same as sion, but takes more skill.
Maokai - His burst is good, but incredibly difficult to master. And hes kindof a tanky caster that gets out damaged by other tanky casters.
Poppy - Great EU bot, but can get countered by a lot of them. NEEDS to be able to farm.
Ezreal - I just find him very weak.
Malphite - Best initiate in the game, but he cant do anything else.
Wukong - Got some really nice bug fixes... we shall see. STOP BUILDING TRIFORCE ON HIM
Urgot - Just really weak. Gets outlaned at mid by ap casters, outsustained at top lane and bot lane.
Rammus - Ganks are decent, but if he gets counter jungled or doesnt get a gank, he fails.
Nunu - Counter jungling is amazing, but without the lv 2 40% slow hes much weaker on early ganks which was one of his strong points.
Tryndamere - Eh... A weaker version of Yi.
Katarina - Really nice damage, but not enough damage to carry a team.
Sona - Her skillset is much more tailored to a coordinated premade team than solo queue.
Morgana - Her role right now is support, but she needs way too much farm to be called a support.
Shaco - He can get as many kills as he wants... he will still die in teamfights.
Sivir - Her poke is too weak and her range too short.
Shen - Just.... meh.
Veigar - Needs wayyyyy too much farm and his laning is too weak in the current meta.
Evelynn - Stealth is the only thing she has going for her. I am excited to see her post remake.
Leona - Doesn't fit anywhere in the current meta.
Kayle - Lackluster damage all game. No longer has that late game supercarry feel.
Olaf - He's olaf. Weakest jungler right now.
Galio - Still meh.
Heimerdinger - Not last only because Dan Dinh can carry with him.
Karma - If someone plays Karma, they will probably lose. Not enough damage to be an ap carry, not enough utility to be a viable support bot. Not enough of the combination to be hybrid.
Pantheon post buff should be way higher.
It's a 3.6 AD scaling over 0.75 seconds. Rank 2 Stun allows you to get this entire duration off.
It's a 3.6 AD scaling over 0.75 seconds. Rank 2 Stun allows you to get this entire duration off.
Suck it! Udyr still #1.
And Having Nasus still be tier 3 means I can still play him un-interrupted in ranked.
It's nice to see someone else's perspective on tiers.
And Having Nasus still be tier 3 means I can still play him un-interrupted in ranked.
It's nice to see someone else's perspective on tiers.
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
@Hershyy Leona is a great teamfighter but thats all she is. She has no spot in lane for the current metagame. She can't solo because other champs do much more with farm than she does. She can't really support because she needs at least SOME farm to be useful. And her jungle is... bad.
If the EU bot lane shifts to a double tanky bot then she will be amazing. But until then shes... meh.
If the EU bot lane shifts to a double tanky bot then she will be amazing. But until then shes... meh.
MF, Kennen, Taric and Teemo should imo be T2, not T1.
Galio should be T3, not T4.
Those are all I've got. The list seems pretty good.
Galio should be T3, not T4.
Those are all I've got. The list seems pretty good.
"Nothing says I like you more than letting you drink my filtered urine." - deityignis
"There are boobs...LOTS OF BOOBS. And then Obama comes out of no where." - JEFFY40HANDS, on Air Gear
"There are boobs...LOTS OF BOOBS. And then Obama comes out of no where." - JEFFY40HANDS, on Air Gear
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Because I got the thread stickied, I'm going to attempt to make it a bit less biased. If you have a Tier List you would like shown but your thread always tanks until you necro it, PM me. I will put your Tier List up in the OP. However, there are conditions. If you do not post your updates or PM me the tier list updates on a fairly regular basis, I will take it down. If you find that the Tier List doesnt change in a patch (altho I seriously doubt it), let me know regardless, or I will take it down.
Current submissions:
NightHawk Jungle Tier List
Patch v1.0.0.134 Patch Notes Tier List (Nautilus)
Updated 2/18/2012
Tier 1 - Casseopeia, Shen, Sona, Xerath, Kennen, Rammus, Kog’Maw, Vayne, Ryze, Morgana, Lee Sin, Sivir, Shyvana, Graves, Gangplank, Irelia, Maokai, Ziggs, Wukong, Tryndamere, Janna, Ahri, Riven, Skarner, Udyr
Tier 2 - Vladimir, Mordekaiser, Nautilus, Nidalee, Kassadin, Annie, Ashe, Akali, Shaco, Tristana, Caitlyn, Rumble, Sion, Galio, Cho'Gath, Nocturne, Fizz, Jarvan IV, Alistar, Garen, Nasus, Taric, Orianna, Brand, Zilean, Twisted Fate, Leblanc, Corki, Gragas
Tier 3 – Singed, Karthus, Olaf, Ezreal, Soraka, Talon, Renekton, Amumu, Malphite, Malzahar, Veigar, Leona, Pantheon, Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Warwick, Volibear, Sejuani, Yorick, Teemo, Fiddlesticks, Swain, Blitzcrank, Mundo, Trundle, Lux, Xin Zhao, Poppy
Tier 4 – Jax, Twitch, Urgot, Anivia, Katarina, Kayle, Nunu, Karma, Heimerdinger, Eve, Viktor
This is my opinion of how solo queue works. Notice that it is from a 1700 elo perspective, and may not fit lower or higher elos.
If anyone has any suggestions for me, feel free to comment. I will also be posting changes and reasons for the changes as a post, so look for recent posts if you are interested in figuring out why I did what I did. For the first one the explanations will be very bare bones because I have to explain all of them.
As the tier list gets more refined, however, I will be more descriptive.
Nighthawk Jungle Tier List: Patch v1.0.0.132 (Sejuani)
Updated 1/23/2011
Tier's go from best to worst and are from the point of view of a 1400 elo player critiquing what is viable in high elo:
T1 (aka god tier): Udyr, Nocturne, Lee Sin, Skarner, Cho'Gath
T1.5: Maokai, Rammus, Shaco, Nasus, Sejuani, Gangplank, Shyvana, Trundle, Malphite
T2: Master Yi, Amumu, Jarvan IV, Nunu, Pantheon
T3, Tryndamere, Riven, Warwick, Renekton, Wukong,
T4: Gragas, Sion, Yorick, Alistar, Akali
Master Yi: Added him, forgot to put him in before. He could be T1.5 if he wasn't so random, if you get every alpha proc strike he's probably in the middle of T1.5.
WW: Moved him down due to general QQ of people, still think he's strong but I think Nunu miiiight be a bit stronger. Will continue second guessing myself until someone gets a buff or sth.
T1: These junglers are the best at what they do. Some are gods of controlling the jungling or the most devastating of gankers and some are flexible enough to do both! These champions are the elites among junglers and they by far exceed several or every aspect of jungling. These junglers are for the players seek the mastering of concept of jungling.
T2: These junglers are very strong. They excel at several or most aspects of junlging and are capable controlling the jungle very well or pull of a couple of really neat ganks. They have fewer weaknesses than most other junglers and may have a very unique ability. These junglers are for the players who seek to excel at jungling - a good place to start.
T3: These are very similar to tier 2 junglers. They are very capable of competing with tier 2 junglers, but they often have a greater impact on the game elsewhere and tier 2 junglers often do the same thing better - call it their superior mirror.. They exceed few aspects of jungling. Not recommended for new junglers.