The number of ARAM accounts with only OP champions is too high. Bans would mitigate the problem of Jayce/Lux/Nidalee etc. in every game.
It actually sounds like a nice idea ( I really hate playing Shaco in ARAM)
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
A lot of people are making accounts just for aram now, where they only have to worry about free champions for their drawing pool, the concept of aram is getting anything and just going with it, yeah I have a few champions that I hate getting just as much as you hate poppy, people have even told me to quit playing after doing bad with a champ I suck with, lol. The whole point of aram is to take a break from the game and have fun, it's also where I found my favorite champion in the game Nami the first time I got her in aram I was like ****, now she's my favorite champ in the entire game.
sig by jhoijhoi
AQRAM = All Quasi Random All Mid. Or ASemiRAM, or ANotReallyRAM, or ADodge'o'ramaRAM. A good idea haha.
Satella wrote:
The number of ARAM accounts with only OP champions is too high. Bans would mitigate the problem of Jayce/Lux/Nidalee etc. in every game.
and then other champions become problems. Say you have 4 bans, then the next 'top 4' champs become issues. Bans don't solve everything. Plus ARAM is supposed to be a fun game mode not a competitive one.
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
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