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Do you care about your win-loss record in...

Creator: cheezcarls May 28, 2013 7:25am
Do you care about your win-loss record in normal games?
drunken0elf's Forum Avatar
Dec 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 29, 2013 6:15pm | Report
Darcurse wrote:

Don't care about w/l.

Caring about wasting time of my life thanks to 1-4 ****tards deliberately ****ing it up or being to dumb to own some common sense
AND having to listen to their **** about how many ppl they own everyday/how many mums they layed or what-the ****-ever.

Just want a good game, a nice fight would even make up for a lose.
But if I can't even try to play a competetive game to the very extents of my skill, simply because I can't fight an overfeed ADC/ 4vs5/ etc., it's nothing more than a waste of time.

+rep, sums up league right there.

Thanks to Amazing Monkey for the sig. Just like his name, he's amazing
phreakout's Forum Avatar
May 31st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 31, 2013 4:21am | Report
I like to win normal games, but it doesn't matter to me that much.

Rydeeer's Forum Avatar
May 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 31, 2013 5:42am | Report
I rage a lot on normal games when you do all of your best for win a match and other 1-2 members of your team troll or leave... that's so annoying.

I never played ranked... I hope it's better and you stop find people playing randomly.
Vapora Dark
Vapora Dark's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 31, 2013 3:49pm | Report
I care about my win to loss record in normals because the better it is, the better the players I play against. The better the players I play against, the better I can practice for ranked. I've never heard of a player negative in w/l ratio in normals that reached gold in ranked. That's because if you practice against bad players, you will be bad compared to good players. And if your normals w/l ratio is low, your normal Elo will be low = playing against bad players in normals.
Luftwaffel's Forum Avatar
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May 30th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 31, 2013 6:34pm | Report
I seem to care very much about my kill/death ratio but probably not as much about my win/loss ratio. My KDR is a of a statistic that tells me I'm not just wasting time sitting here playing a game. My win/loss ratio more or less tells me how well my team functioned, and some public teams can suck pretty bad and it not be my fault.
Signature image provided by Bjarn
DarkPercy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 13th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 31, 2013 11:28pm | Report
Luftwaffel wrote:

I seem to care very much about my kill/death ratio but probably not as much about my win/loss ratio. My KDR is a of a statistic that tells me I'm not just wasting time sitting here playing a game. My win/loss ratio more or less tells me how well my team functioned, and some public teams can suck pretty bad and it not be my fault.

Even though this is a team game, your individual goal is to influence your team as well as possible to have the most chances of winning. If a player tends to win more games in general, he IS a better player (even if his KDR isn't amazing). KDR has very little meaning since perfectly playing a supportish/tankish champion can give you more chances of winning than playing a 100% damage carry that gets all the kills.

On topic, yes I do care about my normal elo because I want to play against people that aren't 10 times better than me or 10 times worse than me. I also have some pride in dat +300 W-L normal games ratio :3
Luftwaffel's Forum Avatar
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May 30th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 1, 2013 12:41am | Report
DarkPercy wrote:

Even though this is a team game, your individual goal is to influence your team as well as possible to have the most chances of winning. If a player tends to win more games in general, he IS a better player (even if his KDR isn't amazing). KDR has very little meaning since perfectly playing a supportish/tankish champion can give you more chances of winning than playing a 100% damage carry that gets all the kills.

On topic, yes I do care about my normal elo because I want to play against people that aren't 10 times better than me or 10 times worse than me. I also have some pride in dat +300 W-L normal games ratio :3

Honestly, a win-loss record is not a good measure of how good a player is or how well he works with his team. I don't care how good you are, you can't carry your entire team on your back to victory. WLRs are based upon a team as a whole.

You can be supportive and optimistic all game, but that isn't shown in the stats ;) Perhaps normal 5v5 should be based on a system similar to Domination in which you get a score comprised of your tower, minion, and champion kills. Makes more sense than concerning yourself with a win/loss or kill/death ratio.
Signature image provided by Bjarn
DarkPercy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 13th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 2, 2013 8:16pm | Report
Luftwaffel wrote:

Honestly, a win-loss record is not a good measure of how good a player is or how well he works with his team. I don't care how good you are, you can't carry your entire team on your back to victory. WLRs are based upon a team as a whole.

You can be supportive and optimistic all game, but that isn't shown in the stats ;) Perhaps normal 5v5 should be based on a system similar to Domination in which you get a score comprised of your tower, minion, and champion kills. Makes more sense than concerning yourself with a win/loss or kill/death ratio.

I agree that you can't carry an entire team by yourself, but it IS possible to carry one or even two teammates by yourself if you're a great player and you pwn your lane, make good calls, help your teammates get back in the game etc.

Obviously, a guy that consistently wins his lane and does his job in teamfights and has a great impact on the team and etc etc WILL inevitably win more games than that guy that wins his lane 40% of the time and doesn't really know when to go for dragon or when to back off etc etc etc. So win ratio IS somewhat accurate.

A system similar to dominion would be terrible because sometimes NOT killing a tower and letting your minions slowly finish it is what is best to win the game (and you'd get no points because you won't kill the tower). Support champions would get very little points because of no minion kills. Supportive and tank champions would also get less points because of less champion kills. People would actually have a good reason to be mad over ''kill steals''.

Playing correctly makes you win more often so yes win ratio is a good way to see how good someone is but it's not a perfect one. Imagine two players of the same level. The first guy plays soloQ and has a 50% win rate ratio. The second guy plays with his friends that have much more experience than him and he plays against better players in general. That second guy will lose more games than the first one even though he isn't any less good than him. So what could we do to fix this?

Oh yeah, a system that gives more points if you win against more experienced players, that makes you lose less points if you lose against more experienced player, that makes you gain less points if you lose against players that are less experienced than you, and that makes you lose more points if you lose against players that are less experienced than you. Why not call it ranked rating and give it the name elo? And while we're at it, why not make divisions according to the player's rating to make him feel rewarded to be good? What are you saying? Riot already did that? Shocking.

Thanks to TinyStar for the sig :3
DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 2, 2013 9:29pm | Report
i care about it but it seems like i dont because i still play with the same really ****ty people all the time, they know im a better player than them but get pissed when i tell them stuff like what?

but im like -20 in my wins and losses and every time i get close i go on a huge losing streak
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
IShouldGetALife's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 2, 2013 9:59pm | Report
Lol that's what the matchmaking system seems to be like for a lot of people it gets tedious after a while
If I have helped in anyway at all a +rep will be appreciated lots
Thanks to LaCorpse, Hogopogo and JhoiJhoi for the amazing sigs

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