Nighthawk wrote:
It might not even come with the next patch, because as far as I know it's not even up on PBE yet >.>
PBE=/=the next changes to LoL
It's more of a, we're trying to see how people like this idea and how it effects gameplay.
PBE lags behind and, RIOT also said the rework is coming out with the next champ. :P
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
Lugignaf wrote:
PBE=/=the next changes to LoL
It's more of a, we're trying to see how people like this idea and how it effects gameplay.
PBE lags behind and, RIOT also said the rework is coming out with the next champ. :P
A lot of things are released on PBE before they go on live in order to test bugs, mainly champion changes. I can be pretty sure they'll release Jax on PBE before they do it on live. Shen, Ninja Tabi and stuff have been on there for about a month.
Idk why couldn't riot just leaved him like he was after the whole dodge thing. Riot will shure remake
Jax but they wont remake
Evelynn! I don't understand he was underpowered for like a month or whatever time and he is now remaked after that time and eve is waiting for a remake for 2 years! Why do you hate her riot??? WHY???!!
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My guess is either stacking atk speed for non hybrid ADs
Or stacking AD...So Guinsoo's Rageblade but without the wasted AP stat (IE Tryn should NEVER have Guinsoo's nor Olaf nor ETC.)