Because you are the higher elo guy on your DuoQ, you have 2 bad things going on for you:
1- Because you are duoQ, you play against people with higher MMR than the average between you two. For example let's say you're 1750 MMR and he's 1500. The average is 1625 but you will play against people with 1700 MMR+ because you have the advantage of duoQ communication (this is intended by Riot)
2- Because you are the higher elo guy on your duoQ, you will gain less MMR per win and lose more per loss. Your lower elo friend however gets normal gains/losses of MMR. You are at disadvantage again.
So no duoQing with a lower elo guy is not exactly a great idea unless you know that guy is really good and you won't lose any games.
1- Because you are duoQ, you play against people with higher MMR than the average between you two. For example let's say you're 1750 MMR and he's 1500. The average is 1625 but you will play against people with 1700 MMR+ because you have the advantage of duoQ communication (this is intended by Riot)
2- Because you are the higher elo guy on your duoQ, you will gain less MMR per win and lose more per loss. Your lower elo friend however gets normal gains/losses of MMR. You are at disadvantage again.
So no duoQing with a lower elo guy is not exactly a great idea unless you know that guy is really good and you won't lose any games.
BluAnimal wrote:
I am now in Gold I and averaging 5-7 LP per win. Isn't this a normal thing when you're in division 1 of your League? Will I gain more LP for soloing instead is duoing with my partner who is now Gold V?
From experience, I don't believe that is the issue. My good ol' duo queue buddy and i were both in silver I for a while. While we were approaching our promo series, he hit a standstill around 90 LP. For each win he had, his LP would go up by 1, while mine would increase at a normal rate. When he got up to 97 LP, we finally lost a match, and the LP system fixed itself, and he started gaining 15-20 LP/win
From my experiences, i believe that your future LP-gain/win will likely increase the next time you lose a ranked game.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!
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Am I actually playing lower skilled players and therefore climbing faster because of it, or is duoing with a lower League player not affecting my ranked at all?