I actually think the opposite would be a better idea, that if you win while autofilling, you can get extra rewards. Indeed if the risks to lose LP is less significant, people will feel like this game matters less, so by turning it around people might be motivated to do more while also being thanked for their auto-fill.
What I also know though, is that the reason autofill exists is simply because of the lack of supports and ADCs. If you ask me that is also a problem within balance design. If Riot would actually work to make supports (more powerful support spells) and ADCs (not die instantly) feel more powerful again, people will be more willing to play them. Bonusses or reduced penalties for autofilling only solved the problem, but not the cause.
What I also know though, is that the reason autofill exists is simply because of the lack of supports and ADCs. If you ask me that is also a problem within balance design. If Riot would actually work to make supports (more powerful support spells) and ADCs (not die instantly) feel more powerful again, people will be more willing to play them. Bonusses or reduced penalties for autofilling only solved the problem, but not the cause.
Picture by: MrMad2000
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I like your idea of rewarding, however for lower elos when you lose LP it matters a lot. What I mean by this is it demoralizes people, sure demoralizes me. When you are winning constantly and then you end up losing a game because of something that wasn't your fault such as auto fill or teammates afking you get demoralized at the loss of LP and stop playing ranked. That's actually the reason I didn't end Season 6 as Gold. I was on a 5 game winning streak in Silver IV then lost 1 game due to 2 teammates disconnecting early on and lost half my LP. After that I quit ranked and gave up on going for Gold V. Didn't start playing it again until 2 days ago and now I'm dealing with Auto fill. I don't think I won a single game that I got auto filled even though I tried hard and didn't even come close to feeding. I just can't carry unless I'm one of my two main roles, jungle or top.
Then you end up being thought less of by higher elos because you're still Silver or Bronze. I'm friends with some bronze players from last season who just stopped playing ranked completely because they got tired of their teammates just massive feeding or leaving game. Personally even if my team feeds I can normally carry, but that's because I'm probably on a Gold skill level.
Also balancing it the way you said would be difficult because then you take away the value of Assassins and Fighters who are supposed to be able to easily kill you if you make a mistake. I think marksman class in general is for higher skilled players and would actually go as far as saying bot lane shouldn't be adc and support in lower elos. They could do their APC bot lane and their ADC mid lane.
I think a good reward for auto filling could be IP boosts.
Then you end up being thought less of by higher elos because you're still Silver or Bronze. I'm friends with some bronze players from last season who just stopped playing ranked completely because they got tired of their teammates just massive feeding or leaving game. Personally even if my team feeds I can normally carry, but that's because I'm probably on a Gold skill level.
Also balancing it the way you said would be difficult because then you take away the value of Assassins and Fighters who are supposed to be able to easily kill you if you make a mistake. I think marksman class in general is for higher skilled players and would actually go as far as saying bot lane shouldn't be adc and support in lower elos. They could do their APC bot lane and their ADC mid lane.
I think a good reward for auto filling could be IP boosts.
Lasoor wrote:
Only issue with this is then auto filled players could just troll if they didn't lose LP.
If you want to not lose LP you better learn to play support seriously, just like everyone did in the old times (?) before dynamic queue.
I play support very well and Triumph.gg says I played the support game I'm referring to on a Platinum level. Obviously that site isn't completely accurate, but it does show I did good. It gave most of my team bronze scores. The thing is I just can't carry as support ,especially not as the support champion I play.
Taric basically requires his team to be alright so he can work with them and keep them alive. I build tank and support items so that I don't die, can soak up tons of damage, and provide plenty of utility. I take the role seriously when I get it, but I just can't carry with it. I'm tempted to play
Pantheon support because I do that in normals and usually win by carrying.
Just dodge games where you get autofilled, that's what I do. And autofill is a lot more common at high Elo.
You lose 3 LP, so it's often worth taking the -3 when there's a high chance you'll lose the game anyway. Saves you time, stress, LP (more often than not) and also you don't lose any MMR when you dodge!
I can't take back the words I never said
Alright good to know. Kind of sad though that dodging would be encouraged to get around it. You know a system is bad when it can be cheated like that and then creates another problem. Definitely explains why it takes me like 10 minutes to get into a game because people dodge so much.
You kids don't know how lucky you have it these days. In my day we had to fight over chat for the role we wanted and if someone else wanted to Mid, you had to let Pick order decide your fate. Now the computer just lets you know what you are doing. There's no more honor in it these days. you had to fight. and if you lost you had to fight some more and be good at whatever was last.
You young kids are just a bunch of *****es now.
You young kids are just a bunch of *****es now.
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Only issue with this is then auto filled players could just troll if they didn't lose LP.