All we need now is an actual girl to weigh in on the matter and there will be an explosion of blood from our noses.
Where is MissMaw when you need her?
Luther3000 wrote:
Eww Vayne.
Am I the only one who doesn't think Vayne is hawt?
Your one of the few shes good looking at least to me.
You'll also note that in Riven's "Battle Bunny" splash art, you can Talon behind her, and Swain's Crow in the top left corner + Swain in seemingly "Crimson Elite" armor. Potential new skin for Swain?
Funny thing is:
If Riot would tease the community with an aprils fool joke, it's like slapping a palm in the customers faces and tell them:
" We know that you want it, but instead of handing it out to you, we laugh about you"
Not sure if clever :)
If Riot would tease the community with an aprils fool joke, it's like slapping a palm in the customers faces and tell them:
" We know that you want it, but instead of handing it out to you, we laugh about you"
Not sure if clever :)
Fox Rage wrote:
Blowfeld. Best Party Wrecker Worldwide.

Blowfeld wrote:
Funny thing is:
If Riot would tease the community with an aprils fool joke, it's like slapping a palm in the customers faces and tell them:
" We know that you want it, but instead of handing it out to you, we laugh about you"
Not sure if clever :)
I just want to know where the eff my Pulsefire

EDIT: I'm still new to the forum, how do you get the text of the name linked with the image?
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Am I the only one who doesn't think Vayne is hawt?