Wukong is a great solo top, in my opinion.
Inb4 Duff, Luhter or Wintermond tell me otherwise.
Inb4 Duff, Luhter or Wintermond tell me otherwise.
Thanks to me and Elleeeeeka (love that name) for my sigs.
If i made a helpful comment on your guide/build, then hit that +rep button. or don't, its not like i care.
Top or bot lane.
Bot lane Wukng is a new concept I'm working >:P
Bot lane Wukng is a new concept I'm working >:P
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
Bot lane is where my love for the monkey first started <3
I can dominate top lane pretty effectively (1v1, 1v2, doesn't matter honestly), but when a friend and I decide to duo bot, **** gets real. Honest to God, I have NEVER played a game with duo bot 'Kong that we didn't absolutely dominate from level 2 and onward. It's almost too easy, especially if you're laning with a champ who has good CC; Ali + Wukong for example, absolutely RAPES bot lane. The awesome CC Ali has at level 2, paired with the awesome damage Wukong can pump out with just his E and Q, is ridiculous.
I can dominate top lane pretty effectively (1v1, 1v2, doesn't matter honestly), but when a friend and I decide to duo bot, **** gets real. Honest to God, I have NEVER played a game with duo bot 'Kong that we didn't absolutely dominate from level 2 and onward. It's almost too easy, especially if you're laning with a champ who has good CC; Ali + Wukong for example, absolutely RAPES bot lane. The awesome CC Ali has at level 2, paired with the awesome damage Wukong can pump out with just his E and Q, is ridiculous.
I was thinking Jarvan + monkey or Leona + monkey :3
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
I've ran Leona + Monkey a few times with a friend. It went OK. Should've went GREAT, but my friend sucks bawls at landing any sort of CC with Leona :P
Never tried Jarvan + Monkey, but I think I might sometime seeing as how my friend just started learning Jarvan. Seems interesting.
Also, Duffreh, I'd like to run some top Wukong against some of your top lane champs sometime, just for fun. Mostly because I want to go top against someone who I know is good. I'm not sure if my success top is due partially to playing against people who are below my skill level :/
I think I'm free tonight, if you're up for it. If not, we'll have to figure out another time to do so <3
Never tried Jarvan + Monkey, but I think I might sometime seeing as how my friend just started learning Jarvan. Seems interesting.
Also, Duffreh, I'd like to run some top Wukong against some of your top lane champs sometime, just for fun. Mostly because I want to go top against someone who I know is good. I'm not sure if my success top is due partially to playing against people who are below my skill level :/
I think I'm free tonight, if you're up for it. If not, we'll have to figure out another time to do so <3
Yeap let's run it.
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
I'd expect his clear time to be lack luster...I mean he has Q, or even his gap closer to help clear faster, but I don't think jungle kong would be a competative pick. I'll have to experiment with it. His level 3/4 gank would be impressive, lead in with his stealth followed by his gap closer, then Q. And level 6 ganks would be on par with Fiddlesticks.
My opinion is WuKong is primarily a top or bot lane champ. But I think he'd be shut down by Chogath/Nasus/Tryn in the top lane simply because of the built in sustain. I'd say 50/50 against Olaf though.
Bah why am I working? I should be at home doing my AP mid thing T_T
My opinion is WuKong is primarily a top or bot lane champ. But I think he'd be shut down by Chogath/Nasus/Tryn in the top lane simply because of the built in sustain. I'd say 50/50 against Olaf though.
Bah why am I working? I should be at home doing my AP mid thing T_T
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What lane would you put Wukong in, if he was on your team?
I almost exclusively run him solo top. Sometimes (very rarely) straying from that and playing him duo bot, just to completely dominate bot lane with a friend, for the luls.
I've encountered LOTS of people who try to convince me to not go solo top, because they consider Wukong an absolute **** solo top champ. While I agree, to an extent (No natural sustain, totally mana reliant in order to harass/kill) I've honestly NEVER had a problem dominating my top lane. I've probably played close to 40-50 games as solo top Wukong (Ranked and Normals), and as far as I can remember, I've only lost the lane once. The one time I can recall losing was last night, against Garen. But, the only reason I lost (I didn't even lose hard. We both had around the same CS, he had 1 more kill than I) was because I was lagging like ****, and had a very hard time last hitting.
So, just wondering; If people consider him a bad solo top, where else would you put him?