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Yorick. How to...?

Creator: Darcurse March 1, 2012 3:29pm
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EvilDice's Forum Avatar
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Dec 20th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2012 1:23pm | Report

Use Q on one minion = profit. And yorick doesn't even need to run from ganks when he is level 3.

Right that's a really practical thing to do when you are getting ganked..

Thanks to Xiaowiriamu for the sig! - @dicetherice
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2012 1:38pm | Report
Vs Yorick?

Speaking from experience I do believe Cho does well vs Yorick.

Kurt_Ottman's Forum Avatar
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Jan 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2012 2:09pm | Report

I think of it rather as a strong will and less aggressive behavior. I see where you coming from, but just because our opinions don't match doesn't mean I am disrespecting the discussion. If everyone agreed on everything there would be nothing left to discuss. TLDR: Off topic remark

The point I am trying to make is that while Kurt brings a strong counter pick to Yorick top, simply saying that because Galio can build MR doesn't give me a real argument over a sustain battle for top. The fact that Yorick can, on command, sustain himself and Galio cannot is the main issue. I will not say Bulwark is BAD against Yorick, just not as strong as Omen of Famine is against EVERYTHING. Too aggressive for you?

Sorry for quoting you yet another time, I know it can be much. Just to clarify, I never called you an idiot :P I'm sorry if you're offended in any way, I tried to be as on-topic as possible. Tl;dr: Off-topic Remark

I'm just saying, you might use your highest damaging skill, E, on minions, but I don't see how you would push Galio to his tower ever, as he can tank your minions pretty well with Bulwark, while he gets sustain. The only reason people think Galio doesn't have sustain is that they can't play him. If you make a minion wave focus you, you will heal for each time they hit you for a small amount of time, that includes Yorick's minions.

So if you can't harass him, how do you think you can push him to his tower?
There is no victory without humility.
Kurt_Ottman's Forum Avatar
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Jan 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2012 2:09pm | Report

I think of it rather as a strong will and less aggressive behavior. I see where you coming from, but just because our opinions don't match doesn't mean I am disrespecting the discussion. If everyone agreed on everything there would be nothing left to discuss. TLDR: Off topic remark

The point I am trying to make is that while Kurt brings a strong counter pick to Yorick top, simply saying that because Galio can build MR doesn't give me a real argument over a sustain battle for top. The fact that Yorick can, on command, sustain himself and Galio cannot is the main issue. I will not say Bulwark is BAD against Yorick, just not as strong as Omen of Famine is against EVERYTHING. Too aggressive for you?

Sorry for quoting you yet another time, I know it can be much. Just to clarify, I never called you an idiot :P I'm sorry if you're offended in any way, I tried to be as on-topic as possible. Tl;dr: Off-topic Remark

I'm just saying, you might use your highest damaging skill, E, on minions, but I don't see how you would push Galio to his tower ever, as he can tank your minions pretty well with Bulwark, while he gets sustain. The only reason people think Galio doesn't have sustain is that they can't play him. If you make a minion wave focus you, you will heal for each time they hit you for a small amount of time, that includes Yorick's minions.

So if you can't harass him, how do you think you can push him to his tower?
There is no victory without humility.
BusDriver210's Forum Avatar
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Feb 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2012 2:51pm | Report

So if you can't harass him, how do you think you can push him to his tower?

....Farm...minions....? Is Galio some super secretly sleeper OP farmer? His mana costs are pretty high, granted you can afford to purchase a Chalice of Harmony. I just don't see his sustain competing with Yorick's. If I can push you under tower, your farming will be effected. If your pushing your lane back out then that leaves you open to some of my Omen of War damage, BTdubs it isn't magic.

If i'm forcing your jungler to focus on top, that is a win for me as well. Dragon control is much better than killing a Galio, just my opinion.

EvilDice wrote:

Right that's a really practical thing to do when you are getting ganked..

Actually... it is. I'm assuming you know this...
+Rep me if i'm useful!
PotatisFarfar's Forum Avatar
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Jul 1st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2012 5:01pm | Report
EvilDice wrote:

Right that's a really practical thing to do when you are getting ganked..

Because minions are rare to come by in lane! Wait wut?
tehAsian's Forum Avatar
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Jul 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2012 5:26pm | Report
Galio would probably win later because he will have items to back up his costs and etc. Also, he'll have enough AoE damage to blow up all 3 ghouls, his shield will deflect and therefore heal more, and if Yorick uses his ghouls then it will empower Galio's ult because of the increased amount of hits.

Yorick will win early because early on Galio won't have those advantages, Yorick has lower mana costs and higher damage, and has better sustain.

Just what I think :p
LaCorpse's Signature Cafe

Thanks to Keondre, JhoiJhoi, Xiron, and Arcana3 for the Sigs~!
EvilDice's Forum Avatar
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Dec 20th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2012 6:06pm | Report

Because minions are rare to come by in lane! Wait wut?

Okay, so assuming that running up and Qing a minion while in the process of having CC and gap closers thrown down on you is very common (-.-)...

You are pretty much saying that malphite would be able to survive ganks with his Q alone or Galio with QE(both of which, I might add, are much easier MS boosts to achieve than a yorick Q). This obviously assuming you are being caught ballz deep or semi-deep with the lane pushed(kinda easy to achieve with yorick). An MS buff and a slow doesnt quite beat red buff, gap closers and cc, hate to break it to ya.

There are champions to run heal ignite on and champions not to, and yorick is one of those champs not to.

..and thats my last post on this subject. Feel free to have the last word, im a seasoned veteran at stubborn mobafire-ites and their refusal to listen to reason. Take it or leave it ;)

Thanks to Anal Samurai for the sig! - @dicetherice
PotatisFarfar's Forum Avatar
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Jul 1st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2012 7:04pm | Report
Just speaking of experience bro. If they gank me pre 3 i prob wont have my lane pushed more than middle, in that position it isn't to hard to escape. But when you hit level 3 you will just kill your gankers outright. You don't **** with yorick, because yorick will **** you up!
LaronX's Forum Avatar
Oct 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 6, 2012 7:42am | Report
That Udyr game by hsgg with r was awsm. Played very good as phoenix udyr top. Used it perfectly never pushed to much untill he knew they could not kill him. Have to test how it works in soloq i belive it should be a bit worse then tiger as most ppl random rush into you and blew everything.
Thanks lgnition for the Sig.
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