Since I'm sort of new to mobafire prizes (my first month joining the skin giveaway) i am wondering where i see who won in march? I checked my email and notifications. Guess i didn't win but id like to know where to find who won? All i find is the leaderboards for number of tickets which still doesn't explain who won the prizes.
[quote=Farquad4]Since I'm sort of new to mobafire prizes (my first month joining the skin giveaway) i am wondering where i see who won in march? I checked my email and notifications. Guess i didn't win but id like to know where to find who won? All i find is the leaderboards for number of tickets which still doesn't explain who won the prizes.[/quote]
It takes a day or two to check through the winners to eliminate any cheaters / spambots that might get drawn. Winners have been posted now.
[quote=PsiGuard]It takes a day or two to check through the winners to eliminate any cheaters / spambots that might get drawn. [url=/league-of-legends/forum/news/march-raffle-winners-42215]Winners have been posted now[/url].[/quote]