Doesn't matter what champs. Both those champions can be countered by playing a certain way. Counterpicking isn't the solution to everything.
But if you really want to know...
Galio counters BOTH of them because he's pretty much anti-caster
Kassadin is anti-caster as well, and he's free this week. But he can get bullied pre-6.
Cassiopeia is strong, because none of them have movement abilities and you can just QEEE them and they die.
and there are a lot more.
But if you really want to know...

and there are a lot more.
Kassadin counters every caster due to his silence. LeBlanc is a fine choice if you're looking for 1 target shutdown champion.

A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.
Sigs made by: LaCorpse, jhoijhoi, Katoki, JEFFY40HANDS, The_Nameless_Bard and Sk1llbug
-||- Check out my Master Yi guide -||-Luther3000 wrote:
Always start boots mid regardless of who you're against.
Totally true, I laugh a lot when I get Vlad with boots and see the enemy with a dorans item. They just cant hit me

In few situations will I start boots+pots. I think it just might be preference but, only vs skillshots will I take boots+pots. I'd prefer to take some offence item on an energy caster instead of boot+pots if I could help it.
You need the sustain. It's too risky to start without pots.
I think the only offensive item you can buy and still afford pots is
Amplifying Tome, and you only get one pot. Yeah, no. Not worth it.
I think the only offensive item you can buy and still afford pots is

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