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Creator: KillAssists April 12, 2012 1:54am
KillAssists's Forum Avatar
Apr 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2012 1:54am | Report
SO I'm new-ish to League and my level 30 friend said to save all my ip points in till i reach level 20 for tier 3 runes I have about 8k ip right now and still saving.
The problem is I want a tier 3 champ but the only way i'd be able to get one is through referrals because I'm broke IRL.
So for those who have to the time and are kind enough to do this thank you so much.
ps: I heard it's easy to get to level 5 because at level 3 you get +400rp which you can use for xp boost.


Thanks to all the guide posters by the way it's helped me a ton.
The Overmyynd
The Overmyynd's Forum Avatar
Feb 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2012 6:03am | Report
What lvl are you at? And yes, tier 3 runes are the only ones that matter, and you SHOULD be saving for at least ONE runepage to start with, and THAT costs as much as a top tier champ. If you have 8k and are around lvl 10, go ahead and buy your champ with the ip. A Runepage costs about 8-15k IP (9 seals, glyphs, and marks, each costing between 2-400 ip each, and 3 Quintessences that cost about 1000 each), and thats pretty expensive. But, the good news is, once you own a rune, you can stick it on ANY number of runepages. so once you have 9 of one kind of rune, you dont need to buy any more of that kind of rune. Get the character you want, and start saving for your first runepage sometime after lvl 10-12. Work from there.
Hey, if you liked any advice i gave, be sure to +rep me! Oh, and check out my Shaco and Maokail lorecraft in my Blog! I'm a starving artist in need of attention, so please feel free to read, respond, and critique me! Please? Anybody that leaves a comment (good or bad) will receive a +rep!
KillAssists's Forum Avatar
Apr 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2012 7:53pm | Report
I'm level 12.
The Overmyynd
The Overmyynd's Forum Avatar
Feb 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 13, 2012 6:42am | Report
Yeah buy your champ, and start saving to fill the two runepages you are given. When you hit lvl25 or so, you will know what your 2 favorite champs are, and you can build your runepages off of that. either that or build, say, a tank page and an ap page, both of which are pretty basic (and the tank one is pretty damn cheap too, all the non quints are only 200) and only require 2 types of runes. For an AP page, get magic pen marks and AP everything else, for the Tank page, get armor marks and seals and Mres quints and glyphs. Only page i will EVER run on volibear rofl. The AP page is about to get buffed to **** in the next patch, and the mres is about to get a bit nerfed to make ap carry lane more... interesting. If you want to start piecing pages together the most important ones to get are Armor seals, AP glyphs, and Armor pen marks. They are the most powerful you can get for your money and get you started on a bunch of different pages, especially since armor seals are in most pages.
Hey, if you liked any advice i gave, be sure to +rep me! Oh, and check out my Shaco and Maokail lorecraft in my Blog! I'm a starving artist in need of attention, so please feel free to read, respond, and critique me! Please? Anybody that leaves a comment (good or bad) will receive a +rep!
samgoeslol's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 14, 2012 3:37am | Report
imo you should stick to saving for runes and only play champs in freerotation till you find one you REALLY WANT, because most champions you buy early, you will hardly play later :P

greez sam
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CantaGallo's Forum Avatar
Apr 13th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 14, 2012 6:15am | Report
hi guys i'm Cantagallo level 16 and i have bought Ryze and Swain (i love playing this champions) , this week i've tryed Xin Zhao and i'm really enjoying using it.The question is: should i buy xin or i have to save more ip for runes page??? (i have 8k++)
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The Overmyynd
The Overmyynd's Forum Avatar
Feb 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 14, 2012 8:35am | Report
He is only 3150 ip so i say go ahead and get him. he is a god on Twisted Treeline and is a solotop and jungle viable in 5s.
Hey, if you liked any advice i gave, be sure to +rep me! Oh, and check out my Shaco and Maokail lorecraft in my Blog! I'm a starving artist in need of attention, so please feel free to read, respond, and critique me! Please? Anybody that leaves a comment (good or bad) will receive a +rep!
CantaGallo's Forum Avatar
Apr 13th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 14, 2012 5:16pm | Report
thank you for the tip.....

The AP page is about to get buffed to **** in the next patch, and the mres is about to get a bit nerfed to make ap carry lane more... interesting.

...sorry could you explain me more .... what do you mean by buffet?
Thanks to Lacorpse for sig
check out my crazy guide
hybrid taric solo top

Put a gem in to their face and hit them hard

The Overmyynd
The Overmyynd's Forum Avatar
Feb 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 14, 2012 7:52pm | Report
It means that, for now, all of the runes that give AP give you "x" amount of AP per rune, but after the buff to them they will give "x+.2(or so)" extra AP. In this game, "buff" means something gets changed to make them more powerful, and "nerfed" means something gets changed to make it less powerful, in general lol. If this didnt clarify, or if you have any other questions, feel free to ask XD
Hey, if you liked any advice i gave, be sure to +rep me! Oh, and check out my Shaco and Maokail lorecraft in my Blog! I'm a starving artist in need of attention, so please feel free to read, respond, and critique me! Please? Anybody that leaves a comment (good or bad) will receive a +rep!

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