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Level 30 player looking for mentor...

Creator: blazeoflight September 12, 2017 9:27pm
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blazeoflight's Forum Avatar
Sep 5th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 12, 2017 9:27pm | Report
Hello all, I've been playing LoL for a year now but I did take a break for 3 or so months so technically I've been playing for a little less than a year. I mostly like to play mid and bot lane (adc). I've also recently been playing support here and there. I've played more bot games than normal games. I have played roughly 200 bot games I think. But I've playing more Normal Draft lately. I was wondering if there was a way that you guys could check my match history somehow and and see if I'm building correctly depending what I'm up against. I main Lux and Miss Fortune. I also enjoy Ahri, Ezreal and Caitlyn. I like to build at least one defense item either zhonayas or banshees but I don't know which one I should build depending on the situation. I hope this makes sense but if not let me know and I'll clarify. I may have other questions later on but just cant think of them at the moment. Any mentoring or coaching of any kind would be greatly appreciated.
Re4XN's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2017 5:58am | Report
You've come to the right website, my friend. First thing, stop playing bot games. You're level 30, you are allowed to wear big boy pants now. From now on, focus on Normal games, because that's where you'll be getting valuable experience.

Miss Fortune is a great champion for starting out, her kit is pretty simple and easy to use. MissMaw has a fantastic MF guide here on MobaFire you can read if you want to step up your game.

About Ahri, there's also a fantastic guide here written by Elusive Ferret, although it is REALLY extensive and in-depth. If you're looking to really get good, you can read that.

Apart from guides here on MobaFire, you have ProBuilds if you don't have the patience to read. That'll show you what pro players are building on the champion you want.

Hope this helps and good luck with the game! :D
☠ Ziggs Guide \\ Pantheon Guide \\ Dr.Mundo Guide ☠
blazeoflight's Forum Avatar
Sep 5th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2017 2:22pm | Report
Thank you for the help! From now on I'll only play bot games when I'm trying out a new champion haha.

Also what's a good champion to try on top lane? I've been playing Poppy and she seems like a nice start but I'm wondering if I should be trying out someone else.
Re4XN's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 15, 2017 2:52am | Report
Thank you for the help! From now on I'll only play bot games when I'm trying out a new champion haha.

Also what's a good champion to try on top lane? I've been playing Poppy and she seems like a nice start but I'm wondering if I should be trying out someone else.

There is now a tool called 'Practice Mode', so you don't really have to waste 20 minutes in a Bot game trying out a new champion. You can create a custom game and practice for as long (or as little) as you like. Bot games don't really give you anything valuable aside from EXP, which you already capped.

As for Top Lane, there's a plethora of easy champions you can try out playing. Dr. Mundo comes to mind, extremely tanky and deals good chunks of damage. Cho'Gath is also pretty strong and relatively easy to pick up. Pantheon is really easy to learn, but requires a lot of game knowledge and decision making to be able to play him at 100%. Poppy is really good too, so you may as well try her out. Just practice and you'll soon figure out which champions/playstyles you enjoy. Have fun!
☠ Ziggs Guide \\ Pantheon Guide \\ Dr.Mundo Guide ☠
blazeoflight's Forum Avatar
Sep 5th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 15, 2017 12:44pm | Report
I have another question. How can I practice playing with an unlocked camera? Should that be practiced in a bot game? I really need to get the hang of it because playing Lux or Caitlyn with an unlocked camera is pretty crucial incase I need to snipe someone with low health. I just find it hard playing with and unlocked cam.
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 15, 2017 7:56pm | Report
You can practice in a bot game, or a pvp game. I personally recommend trying it in PvP, since that game mode creates more scenarios where you'll need to look around the map.
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Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
blazeoflight's Forum Avatar
Sep 5th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 15, 2017 8:06pm | Report
I rather not practice in a pvp game because I don't wanna screw up and get killed when I try and I snipe something and instead get killed because my cam isn't on me. People in bot games are more chill and don't freak out on you when you die there. But I get what your saying and I should try practicing it in pvp instead.

Also, my farming has been horrible lately... is it possible that the enemy team I'm laning against gets too aggressive for me to even get in there and farm? Because that's why I feel like is happening. I should probably like back when that happens?
Penita13's Forum Avatar
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Jul 24th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2017 3:04am | Report
If I were you, I'd go to youtube and watch some people play. This way you'll get to see what other people do and why they do it. If I were to recommend a few good channels, I'd mention SoloRenektonOnly for top, Foxdrop for jungle or Anklespankin for an all-round idea.

As for your farming, the situation you describe is definitely possible. You, however, shouldn't back in such a situation, as this will lose you a lot of valuable xp in-game. This situation occurs mostly because of a dominant enemy laner or when your wave is frozen in an unfavorable position. I suggest you dig into wave-control and into the enemy you're facing (where their strengths lie, their capabilities, etc.)

If you'd like, I'd be willing to review one of your games and give you some direct feedback based off of what you do. Go to this site, fill in your summoner name and choose a game which you'd like be to review. I do want to ask you to choose a game which is pvp, as I can teach you the most this way. If you're interested, respons here or send me a message :)

Thanks to myself for the signature ^^
Check out my Xerath guide
blazeoflight's Forum Avatar
Sep 5th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2017 8:02am | Report
Penita13 wrote:
If I were you, I'd go to youtube and watch some people play. This way you'll get to see what other people do and why they do it. If I were to recommend a few good channels, I'd mention SoloRenektonOnly for top, Foxdrop for jungle or Anklespankin for an all-round idea.

As for your farming, the situation you describe is definitely possible. You, however, shouldn't back in such a situation, as this will lose you a lot of valuable xp in-game. This situation occurs mostly because of a dominant enemy laner or when your wave is frozen in an unfavorable position. I suggest you dig into wave-control and into the enemy you're facing (where their strengths lie, their capabilities, etc.)

If you'd like, I'd be willing to review one of your games and give you some direct feedback based off of what you do. Go to this site, fill in your summoner name and choose a game which you'd like be to review. I do want to ask you to choose a game which is pvp, as I can teach you the most this way. If you're interested, respons here or send me a message :)

I'd love to send you a game! But the link you sent me isn't working? It says the page wasn't found. Idk if it's just me?
Penita13's Forum Avatar
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Jul 24th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2017 4:16pm | Report
You're right, it doesn't appear to work.

The site I meant was "", I think something went wrong with my coding :D

Thanks to myself for the signature ^^
Check out my Xerath guide
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