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The Heist ending soon!

Creator: Wayne3100 December 1, 2014 4:43pm
<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 1, 2014 4:43pm | Report

By Riot Paradox

Good news, everybody!

After staking out the completely wrong address, accidentally wiretapping themselves and trying to tail a couple of suspicious individuals WHILE DRESSED IN FULL UNIFORM, Captain Volibear and Constable Trundle have finally caught the criminals! An innocuous pink ward – accidentally dropped by our bravest officers as they played hide and seek – detected the pair of thieves whose dastardly demands included a deal on legacy skins. With Safecracker Evelynn and Pickpocket Twitch now in custody, we're pleased to announce that the legacy skins – joined by a few extras – will be entering the Skin Protection Program and secured back in our watertight legacy vault at 11:59pm PST on December 1. Act fa... Uhh... Guys? Guys?? Wheeeeere are Twitch and Evelynn...?

Welp, this is awkward. Looks like we've got work to do. AGAIN. In the meantime, act fast if you're looking to secure some of these skins before they're locked away! And remember, summoners – crime doesn't pay!


Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!

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