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Manga/Anime You Read/Watch

Creator: Jebus McAzn February 20, 2011 6:30pm
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Jul 13th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 26, 2014 7:56am | Report
YayaFTW wrote:

I finished watching No Game No Life.

One of the few anime that made me feel the urge of reading the LN as soon as I finished watching the last episode.

I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, mainly because of the main characters. The moment I noticed NGNL is adapting a variant of the MC trope in One Outs, I knew I was gonna love this.

Badasses Shiro and Sora are badasses. Hell, the whole cast is amazing. The art was unique in its own way and the soundtrack was decent. Animation FX were top notch aswell.

Definitely worth a watch.

I'm also 5 episodes into Black Bullet.

Damn MyAnimeList baited me on this one. 7.80/10 and nice gifs of the anime sold me. Turned out to be generic, even cringeworthy at a certain point. I mean I knew it hit rock bottom when the MC started yelling the name of his attack moves. The only thing that'll make me keep watching this is the fact that it's actually dark (people actually die and such).

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 26, 2014 11:15am | Report
YayaFTW wrote:
The only thing that'll make me keep watching this is the fact that it's actually dark (people actually die and such).

People die in Fairy Tail too.... yeah.. not really. They're pretty much always brought back to life for some convoluted and stupid reason.
XeresAce wrote:

Despite this, the series has one major flaw: it did not take much time at all to explain things. Normally this wouldn't be much of a problem, and could be used as a tasteful way to add charm and a hint of mystery to the series. This, however, did not happen. The universe wasn't properly explained, neither were some of the characters (The goddess, the divine spirit etc) nor the incantations and prayers used. I assume that if you know some ancient Japanese culture you would understand things more clearly, albeit that understanding would still be partial.

Well, the thing is, does it have to explain itself? Are you sure there aren't hints at important information at display in the background/foreground?

Sidona No Kishi doesn't really explain anything yet it works wonderfully. Have you given that a try? I've only read the manga of that so I can't say if the anime does it the same way or not though.
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2014 1:59am | Report
xIchi wrote:

Now my view on Shinsekai Yori,
as a first watch it was a 8/10, but I can see myself rating it worse when watching a second time.
The show relys heavily on mystery and little twists that were build in.
The scenes I mentioned were the Bonboros-Scenes in which they explained the behavior of mammals.
If you only watch the anime, you wouldn't even get the Bonboros entirely. Since the Manga just openly tells you what it is (with fanservice). In general the Anime did a great job going for a more plot heavy story telling, but at the same time left holes every now and then that could be intended as mystery but more comprehensive when readiing the Manga.

Do you honestly need fan-service to realize what a bonobo society is like?
Bonobos. A type of mamal that engages in sexual activities (both same sex and opposite sex) to relieve stress, solve conflicts, establish social status and so on, therefore making it much less aggressive than other animals.
This means that in the shinsekai yori world, intercourse is very common even from a young age and is generally aimed towards same sex couples due to no real means to prevent pregnancy. When the children grow in to capable adults and feel ready to conceive a child, then they usually establish opposite gender relationships. What else do I need to know to understand the story that could only be told through fan service?

Concerning those holes, do you mind sharing what exactly was left unexplained? Maybe I can help out since I didn't really find anything that was just left in the dark. Constructive anime discussions are always great! :D
EDIT: Ichi, you might want to check this review of the novel out, and also read the comments. It might make a few things more clear.
Searz wrote:

Well, the thing is, does it have to explain itself? Are you sure there aren't hints at important information at display in the background/foreground?

Sidona No Kishi doesn't really explain anything yet it works wonderfully. Have you given that a try? I've only read the manga of that so I can't say if the anime does it the same way or not though.

Well, the only way I can actually explain why I was left so confused is only through spoilers, so feel free to read if you wish.
reasons for my confusion

That was one hell of a thing to write, lol.

I might check that show out, if I feel the show is being lackluster I'll just drop it and go for the manga haha!
If you like something so much I'm sure it has to be at-least fairly good :P
Thanks to GrandmasterD for the sig!
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2014 3:08am | Report
I understood the Anime quite well, I also read the Manga by now.

In the end, the wickedness(?) of their system just doesn't really get through in the anime, that is all I can say.
I am not hyping or even tolerating the fan service/ecchi parts, but the anime itself did not really manage to convey the feelings that the blogger also mentioned.
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2014 7:24am | Report
Pics or it didn't happen.

Finished No Game No Life. Pretty amazing and I think it's a must for gamers, but I would recommend to give it a try even if you aren't a gamer(what the hell would you be doing here anyway? :P).
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2014 9:36am | Report
guess i better watch shinsekai yori and no game no life. so goodbye to my weekend hahaha.

Thanks to Hogopogo for my signature!

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2014 1:03pm | Report
XeresAce wrote:

I might check that show out, if I feel the show is being lackluster I'll just drop it and go for the manga haha!
If you like something so much I'm sure it has to be at-least fairly good :P

I'm glad you think that way, heh.
Report back with your thoughts.
I'm a strong independent black mage who don't need no mana.
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2014 2:21pm | Report
OOOOKAY IM like 10 minutes in to episode one of Sidonia no Kishi and the art (well, this AND the animation) is KILLING me
It looks like some sort of hybrid between RWBY and other anime, movements feel unnatural and idk it's just so off turning for me...

Still gonna continue, though.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2014 4:31pm | Report
XeresAce wrote:

OOOOKAY IM like 10 minutes in to episode one of Sidonia no Kishi and the art (well, this AND the animation) is KILLING me
It looks like some sort of hybrid between RWBY and other anime, movements feel unnatural and idk it's just so off turning for me...

Still gonna continue, though.

I saw a PV and yeah... I'm not a fan of how it looks either.
I like the look of the manga a lot more.
You should probably read it regardless of whether you watch the anime. The art is really nice and unique.
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 28, 2014 5:13am | Report
Some interesting Manga I found:
Onani Master Kurosawa

At first it was kinda strange and his 'hobby' lead to a strange plot
But later on the atmosphere just gets you, and it is only 30 chapters long. A good read for in between :)!

One can guess that it was made with a LN as the base,tho. The story continues after the manga, but as the manga ends it is quite ok aswell.

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