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Raising awareness for mental health issues and...

Creator: MentalHealth4Gaming June 17, 2024 4:02pm
Jun 17th, 2024
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2024 4:02pm | Report
Hi all,

I am diagnosed with Psychotic Depression and some other stuff. 2 weeks ago I got banned for intentionally feeding after having an episode. I can't recall what I did. Normally I have a social security net to try to function in society. I raised a ticket about my situation but got some answer from a bot. Now 2 weeks later (2 days ago) I am unbanned but due to some bug I can't do anything. Raised another ticket but Riot is not wiling to help or even talk to me. At the moment I clearly don't know what to do. Therefore I have two related questions.

1. Is there any other way to get in touch with Riot about my situation these last 2 weeks have been a torture as league is the ohly thing that gives me joy atm.
2. I want to start raising awareness for gamers with mental help issues. I am probably not the only one facing the tough things you have to endure in gaming. Do you have any suggestions to kickstart my idea. Every help would be helpful. I just want to make the world a better place.

ingridguerci94's Forum Avatar
Feb 5th, 2024
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2024 5:48pm | Report
Hi all,

I am diagnosed with Psychotic Depression and some other stuff. 2 weeks ago I got banned for intentionally feeding after having an episode. I can't recall what I did. Normally I have a social security net to try to function in society. I raised a ticket about my situation but got some answer from a bot. Now 2 weeks later (2 days ago) I am unbanned but due to some bug I can't do anything hentai. Raised another ticket but Riot is not wiling to help or even talk to me. At the moment I clearly don't know what to do. Therefore I have two related questions.

1. Is there any other way to get in touch with Riot about my situation these last 2 weeks have been a torture as league is the ohly thing that gives me joy atm.
2. I want to start raising awareness for gamers with mental help issues. I am probably not the only one facing the tough things you have to endure in gaming. Do you have any suggestions to kickstart my idea. Every help would be helpful. I just want to make the world a better place.

You need to see a psychologist for support. If you cannot stop sleeping that is a disease. If you cannot stop eating that is a huge issue. If you can't stop playing games, that is also a problem.

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