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RIOT accidentally deleted my config

Creator: strofix August 3, 2021 2:03pm
strofix's Forum Avatar
Aug 3rd, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 3, 2021 2:03pm | Report
Hi everyone, wanted to ask if anyone has experience with resetting your in-game settings for no reason...
I was playing yesterday and went to another game but before the game, I restarted league of legends (did not change anything with the game files), and when the loading screen finished my league of legends in-game settings have completely defaulted... I don't know why I tried to restart league of legends straight when it happened but it didn't fix my problem. also, I tried to contact riot support... I will rather be quiet. Any advice on how can I get back my settings without making every change in settings again? Riot does save our profile ingame setting to their cloud, right? Thanks for your time boyz.

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