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Fonn, The Ocean's Exemplar

Creator: ThreeQuarters October 12, 2011 7:46pm
ThreeQuarters's Forum Avatar
Oct 22nd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 12, 2011 7:46pm | Report
Concept art is currently in the works. Hopefully coming soon! UPDATE: Concept art is possibly finished TOMORROW! :D

IMPORTANT: If you have any critiques or feedbacks about the champ, make sure your post is VERY specific. Thanks!

Statistics [Start Lvl 0, end Lvl 18; no items]
Health: 390/1956 [+87 per Lvl]
HP5: 5.7/15.96 [+0.57 per Lvl]
Mana: 260/1196 [+52 per Lvl]
MP5: 6/15 [+0.5 per Lvl]
Atk Dmg: 46/109 [+3.5 per Lvl]
Armor: 12.5/70.1 [+3.2 per Lvl]
Atk Speed: .65/1.10658149 [+3% per Lvl]
MR: 29/47 [+1 per Lvl]
Range: 135
Movespeed: 315
Types: Melee, Support, Pusher, Fighter (with the right build)


Endless Ocean [Passive]
Fonn's allied champions have +5 (+.75 x Level) MP5 and HP5. This buff is lost if Fonn is dead.

Moonlit Waves [Q]
Cost: 40/55/70/85/100 Mana
Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6 Sec
Range: 500
Cone Width: 70 Degrees
Animation: Fonn thrusts her spear point into the ground and a cone-shaped wave comes out.

Fonn calls forth a magic-charged wave. The wave deals 120/140/160/180/200 magic damage (+.7 AP) to any enemies hit. It also heals allied champions in it for 60/70/80/90/100 Health (+.5 AP). If both effects are triggered by champions, the damage base will be halved.

Riptide [W]
Cost: 15/30/45/60/75 Mana
Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16 sec
Placement Range: 800
Trap Duration: 3min
Animation: Fonn waves her spear to set the trap. The trap itself looks like a strong current of water. Glows light blue for teammates, does not glow for enemies.

Fonn places down a riptide current, which is visible to everyone and can only be triggered by champions. If an allied champion triggers it, they receive a 75/90/105/120/135-damage shield for 3 sec and a 3/6/9/12/15% Movespeed boost. If an enemy champion triggers it, they will be launched 200 backwards and stunned for 1.5 sec. The trap also deals 20/40/60/80/100 magic damage (+.5 AP) over 5 sec to enemy champions that trigger it. Fonn cannot trigger her own trap.

Drag Under [E]
Dash --> Leash
Cost: 90/105/120/135/150 Mana over 3 sec
Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16 sec
Range: 700
Leash Range: 500
Animation: Fonn becomes watery and half-transparent during dash, and the leash is a restless stream of glowing blue water.

Fonn dashes to target enemy champion, applying a 3 sec leash and a silence for the duration of the leash. If the enemy stays in leash range, Fonn deals 180/210/240/270/300 magic damage (+.4 AP) over 3 sec. Any other enemies that touch the leash are slowed by 20% for 3 sec.

Umi's Covenant [R]
Toggle Effect
Cost: 100/135/170 Mana (on activation) + 100/150/200 Health per sec*.
Cooldown: 10 sec
Radius: 650
Animation: Fonn glows and pulses light blue, and a circle appears around her to indicate range (green or red depending on which team you're on.)

Fonn slowly gives up her life to heal allied champions in range for 100/150/200 Health per sec. The heal caps at 750 per champion per activation. If Fonn does not have enough Health to keep casting Umi's Covenant or the maximum heal has been reached, the spell will cancel. Fonn cannot activate Umi's Covenant unless there are injured allies within range.

*NOTE: The drain from Umi's Covenant doesn't proc Endless Ocean [Passive.]

Distance References:
-Kassadin's Null Sphere [Q] has a range of 700.
-Shen's Shadow Dash [E] is about 600.
-Riven's Valor [E] is 325.
-Caitlyn's autoattack range is 650.
-Kassadin's Force Pulse [E] has a width of 80 degrees and a range of 400.
-Cho'gath's Vorpal Spikes [E] has a range of 500.
-Cho'gath's Feral Scream [W] has a width of 60 degrees and a range of 700.
-Nidalee's Bushwhack [W] has a placement range of 900.
-Leona's Zenith Blade [E] has a range of 700.

Of the many effects of the Rune Wars, one of the most overlooked was the toll that it took on the oceans of Runeterra. For many years, whole schools of fish washed up dead, poisoned by the huge amounts of magic that ended up in the ocean. Even massive, majestic beasts of the deep succumbed to magical maladies and sank forever to the ocean floor.

The magical reverberations were so strong that they traveled beyond even the charted oceans of Valoran. Fonn's home, the fabled Kishi Reef, was one of the areas hardest hit. Fonn was one of the few very fortunate beings who was able to absorb the pervasive magical energy and bolster her own abilities. Most, however, were not so lucky. Bodies of fish and Fonn's merfolk kin blotted out the sun. After a while, it became difficult to swim any significant distance without hitting a corpse.

Fonn watched her father and mother die, and the rest of her clan as well. Only Fonn, her only sister Samudra, and Umi, the Goddess of the Seas, survived. When Fonn witnessed her sister's death at the hands of the poisoned water, she decided that she would find answers. She swam to the world above, seeking a cure for her death-ridden home.

Fonn trekked, alone, across The Great Barrier. As she reached the peak of Mount Gargantuan, she spotted a light in the distance: The Institute of War. Eventually, she ended up on the doorstep of the League of Legends--the perfect place to stay and fight to spread the story of the ocean's plight across all of Valoran.

"Death will not like being cheated of the countless little lives still left, will it?" [Map of Valoran at the top right.]

Physical Profile:
Height: 183cm (~6')
Weight: 65kg
Age: 28
Eyes: Light blue. Very slightly glowing.
Skin: Pale
Hair: Long, flowing jet black. Reaches her butt when she's standing up straight.
Build: Slender and poised. Graceful yet strong.

Quotes and Misc:
Selection: "I stand ready."

Movement: "Alright."
"Follow the current."
"On my way."
"Relax, Summoner. I'll be there."
"Good thinking."

Attack: "At arms!"
"There will be a splash."
"No more running."
"Down the Locker with you."

Taunt: "Careful there--no lifeguard on duty."

Joke: "Release the Kraken! -ahem-"

Dance: Summons two watery duplicates on either side and does the wave with them.

Upon using Umi's Covenant: "My life for theirs."
"Grant them strength."
"They must endure."
"Turn the tide."

Attack Animation: Fonn swipes horizontally with the front end of her spear.

Critical Animation: Fonn spins her spear over her head and stabs.

Death Animation: Fonn falls backward slowly as her spear shatters. Both melt into water and fade.

Recommended Items:
Mercury's Treads (1200)
Rod of Ages (3035)
Lich Bane (3470)
Zhonya's Hourglass (3100)
Abyssal Scepter (2650)
Will of the Ancients (2100)
Total Cost: 15555

Build Stats: [No stacks active; Level 18]
Health: 2406 [2586 maxed Rod of Ages]
HP5: 15.96
Mana: 2071 [2271 maxed Rod of Ages]
MP5: 15
AD: 109 [469 Lich Bane boost] [489 Lich Bane boost + maxed Rod of Ages]
AS: 1.10658149
AP: 360 [380 maxed Rod of Ages]
Crit: 0
Armor: 120.1
MR: 159
Movespeed: 411.95

Play Style:
Fonn is a hybrid champion, able to fill the roles of subtank, support, and fighter. She is also a good pusher, due to her Moonlit Waves skill [Q]. Its low cost, relatively large area, and good damage make it perfect for cutting up minion waves. Her push abilities also make a great candidate for soloing top if your team has a jungler. By late game, she should have been built to have pretty high health and a good amount of AP. Fonn should stay at the front when a team fight is brewing, and she should be the first in after the main tank pops a CC skill. Her first target should be the enemy carry, using Drag Under [E] to deal damage. If the carry decides to move to the back of the pack, the leash will slow the entire enemy team. Umi's Covenant [R] is best used after a big teamfight and everyone is retreating to lick their wounds. While the enemy team may have to b, Fonn can give up her remaining health to let her remaining teammates keep pushing.

-Changed Moonlit Waves [Q] so that only the base damage is halved if both effects are proc'd. [10/11/11]
-Added "if maximum heal is reached-->cancel" clause to Umi's Covenant [R]. Also disallowed activation if no injured teammates are in range. Also noted that drain from [R] does not proc [Passive]. [10/11/11]
-Added AP scaling to Riptide [W]. [10/11/11]
-Added Stat Bars. [10/11/11]
-Changed selection quote. [10/11/11]
-Changed Endless Ocean [Passive]. [10/13/11]
A demonstration of superior awesome.
cupocappuccino's Forum Avatar
Jun 21st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 28, 2011 9:30am | Report
Wow. You've put in a lot of effort for this post. Good on you!
I'm surprised that no one commented yet.

The first thing I want to point out, which isn't game-play related, is that Fonn is underweight. 65kg for a 183cm tall girl? Give her some muscle to show that she really is casting waves.

As for game-play, Fonn sounds, to me, like an OP Support champion. She has the abilities of Kassadin [Cone AoE],
Teemo [shrooms],
Sona [Heals],
Talon [Dash to enemy] and
A bit of Zilean [Giving life to another Champ]

With the current status, a team that has Teemo and Fonn is OP and can't/shouldn't lose. They'll both have the whole map covered in shrooms/traps. Enemy champions will only need to walk into two of Fonn's traps and two of Teemo's shrooms and they're dead. The thing with Teemo which balances him out, a little, is that he's squishy. You've given Fonn almost 2000 HP without any items and then recommend she be played as a support champ.

It's an awesome idea for a champion since there aren't any "water" champions. However, I think you should focus more on whether she's more support than damage or vice versa. I could be wrong and you could be doing everything right. I'm just sharing my opinion. If she were ever made the way you've planned it, I'd definitely make sure I buy her and use her always. She has endurance, AoE, Map cover, wards and traps, support which may be able to, more or less, revive all her team members in the press of a button.

Suggestion? Give her traps a Swain-like nevermore nevermore effect where timing is everything. Let her be more strategy-based where you need to time your traps that grab the champion(s) near it after 2 seconds or something. Something like Brand's Pillar of Flame, except water and doesn't cause that much damage. Still though, I don't think the trap idea fits her.

Thing is, if you want her to be a support melee champ, i think her skills need to be more related to her combat style play. Her current Q and W skills lean her more towards a mage-style champ.
mastajdog's Forum Avatar
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Jul 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 28, 2011 7:00pm | Report
I think this is really powerful. you've put a lot of work into this. however, i would say that your passive, q, and w are too strong. rest looks great, and the above says it a lot.
Mastajdog, "You shall bow in the presence of the masta."
please +rep if i've been helpful at all, and come check out my guides!
credits to The Nameless Bard and greynadefor the awsome signatures, and me for the others.
deyrth's Forum Avatar
Nov 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 6, 2011 1:16am | Report
this post is super good.

re capuccino's comment, the trap thing, i love the traps, they were my favorite ability. I even think the graphic would be adorable.
If you look at the CD, 20 seconds, that's huge, and thats great - maybe yeah, like, make W a bigger mana investment. It should be a big deal, like, you should want to do as much as Nidalee, but it should mean you can't do other stuff at least until 14th level, if you want to ward a lot with Fonn.

crazy mtg format//spot on language. loved the guy.. FONN

" If both effects are triggered by champions, the damage base will be halved." I think superior to list the halved damage, then the healing, then note that if only the damage occurs, the damage dealt is doubled. statute: mordekaiser. SHRUG. preference!

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