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Irelian Rune Question

Creator: Farquad4 March 3, 2018 3:35pm
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Mar 7th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 3, 2018 3:35pm | Report
Ive started writing my first lol guide and I had a few questions about runes on irelia.

I noticed the aftershock rune is really good in general if you immobilize enemies. Irelias equilibrium strike stuns enemies with higher health than her but usually it only slows.

I tested and i dont think her E slow activates aftershock a core rune in my possible build idea but i know for a fact it works when the E stuns.

Do slows not count as immobilizing for aftershock? If so aftershock is terrible for irelia tank and my strats useless.

Any suggestions for some sort of similar strategies where irelia can do some sort of aoe like a righteous glory item combo? Or any upcoming irelia build that would be interesting to write?

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Apr 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2018 10:08am | Report
I'm happy to provide my insight, though first I'd like to recommend you bring your questions about Irelia into the comments sections of one of the Irelia guides. After all, that's where the experts are.

I do not main Irelia, but I think I can help at least a little.

First of all: Slows do not proc aftershock, and there aren't any items with activated abilities that proc aftershock. I don't know what the experts take on Irelia (I'm not going to look up any guides while I write this), but I would probably end up taking Grasp of the Undying if I was going to play her Tank, or either Electrocute, Kleptomancy, or Glacial Augment otherwise.

I consider building Tiamat on Irelia a must (again, I'm not an expert), then going into her Sheen item, then tankier stats before finishing off the Tiamat into Titanic Hydra.

Any suggestions for some sort of similar strategies where irelia can do some sort of aoe like a righteous glory item combo? Or any upcoming irelia build that would be interesting to write?

I'm not sure I understand the question. Normally, the person building the guide does so because they already have a strong idea of what they want to write, because they know the champion very well.
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Lady Amelyne
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Mar 19th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2018 10:30am | Report
Irelia goes Precision: Press the Attack, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity (can sometimes use Legend: Tenacity but I prefer this because Irelia is all about damage now), Coup de Grace (though the other two can be fine). As for the secondary tree you should go Resolve ( Bone Plating, Second Wind), though Sorcery, Dom, Inspiration are fine, too. Press the Attack is proceed nearly instantly with Q + auto + Titanic Hydra and offers the most dps.

Recently, though, people have been going Aftershock on Irelia, but that's mostly because of how ******edly strong the keystone is. It's really easily abused by nearly any champion and with it you can just keep forcing trades that your opponent simply can't win. It should be noted that people running it is because of the current state of the rune, not the particular synergy it might have with Irelia.
Credits go to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
Farquad4's Forum Avatar
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Mar 7th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 6, 2018 9:09am | Report
I'm not sure I understand the question. Normally, the person building the guide does so because they already have a strong idea of what they want to write, because they know the champion very well.

Yeah ik. I do have some idea just didn't want to write another clone irelia build so I was trying to experiment and go a little off meta. Only reason i asked. Thanks Ronyk for your suggestions for runes and items btw.

And yes i agree Aftershock can work as thats my idea but I dont see it procing consistently bc Equilibrium Strike usually slows and I need to immobilize (stun) not slow. Unless theirs some passive it gives

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