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Olaf, Post-Rework

Creator: BruiserBlake October 20, 2013 6:33pm
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Where is Olaf best placed?
BruiserBlake's Forum Avatar
Feb 6th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2013 6:33pm | Report
I've been playing Olaf a bit since his rework, mostly in 3v3, and I'm curious to see what people think about how to play him now.

I'm a Jungler primarily, I love bruisers and Olaf fits the bill perfectly, but I haven't tried him in the 5v5 Jungle much yet because I'm not quite comfortable with him again. Is Undertow still the level 1 pick in the Jungle after they added the minimum-range? Can't just throw the axe at your own feet anymore, do we lose too much dps by chasing it around? He seems like a stronger Top-Laner than Jungler to me, but I haven't played him enough to say for certain.

I really want someone to write up a new guide, the old ones don't seem relevant anymore.
Satella's Forum Avatar
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Nov 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2013 6:37pm | Report

He seems like a stronger Top-Laner than Jungler to me, but I haven't played him enough to say for certain.

He's better top than jungle (his ganks suck and his clear time is not that relevant in the current double buff clear path), but he gets destroyed by the currently favored top laners (Renekton/Shen/Jax etc.). Most people among the lesser picked tops also wreck him because he's only really strong in a 1v1 to the death and he's extremely easy to gank.
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BruiserBlake's Forum Avatar
Feb 6th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2013 7:20pm | Report
Satella wrote:
he gets destroyed by the currently favored top laners (Renekton/Shen/Jax etc.)

As I said I'm primarily a Jungler, so when I go top I usually struggle. Jax in particular is such a tough bastard to fight, but of all my top-lane champs I've had the easiest time fighting Jax with Olaf than any other. Undertow and Reckless Strike can't be dodged, and RS is true dmg so Jax's Ult does nothing for him there.

Personal experience, anywho.
H4xDefender's Forum Avatar
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Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2013 10:18pm | Report
deadweight jungler

passable top but has some awful matchups

I think he actually does good against jax if you are aggro enough early doe.
drakon136's Forum Avatar
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May 4th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2013 10:39pm | Report
Like H4x said, he is a godawful jungler now. But he's right about being able to wreck Jax in top.
luizdeh's Forum Avatar
Apr 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 21, 2013 5:36am | Report
Top lane. Jungle doesn't give him the insane gold amount he needs to be effective, as he needs to get 225 AD to make Reckless Swing its old self again, which means he needs to build, not counting AD marks (no quints, since he needs his MS or maybe LS), ~116 AD (at lv18 that is). Ravenous Hydra and Maw of Malmortius should be enough, but I also like building Youmuu's Ghostblade since it gives another mobility boost, something he craves to an extent that I have considered getting MS quints, Shurelya's Battlesong, Youmuu's Ghostblade and Ghost, just so that I can cover the distance and get in somebody's face just to do some damage to them and die.

But if you build this many damage items, it means you're ahead and can finish the build with tank items and do fine. If you get behind, you're left with tank items and do **** damage, with little utility. Nothing more than a meatshield viking.

Feast of famine, with the caveat that his feast isn't all that powerful and his famine makes me cringe at how his pre-rework nerfed state actually felt better.

And yes, he does well against Jax especially if you go aggressive enough. I've actually beaten one so hard I handily won 1v1's at lv18.
Pølsemanden's Forum Avatar
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 26, 2013 4:34am | Report
Tried him jungle, got a double kill and renewed double's on top, still couldn't do **** with my level and item advantage lategame, i went:
Machete, spirit stone, boots, Golem, Randuin's, Warmoggs. I had renekton as my divebuddy and i still couldn't afford to build damage cuz i was just too squishy.

TL;DR - melee without a gapcloser and no significant defensive steroid who needs to build damage isn't viable, i'm surprised.
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2013 2:05pm | Report

TL;DR - melee without a gapcloser and no significant defensive steroid who needs to build damage isn't viable, i'm surprised.

luizdeh's Forum Avatar
Apr 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 4, 2013 7:43pm | Report
******* I won lane so hard, was CSing like a beast, got 4-0 by 12 minutes with 2 kills on Riven and Tryndamere each (dunno why he kept coming to die). And then I finished the game 4-3-xx.

Olaf's mid game is just... pathetic. Even when fed, if I ult and don't kill fast enough, **** me I'm dead. Not even insane LS from W+Hydra will do it.

Dis is sum ******** rito.
drakon136's Forum Avatar
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May 4th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 4, 2013 7:58pm | Report
He's kinda a lot worse in lane than mid-game, usually.
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