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New Project - Road to Partnership!

Creator: ksym August 29, 2013 4:17am
ksym's Forum Avatar
Aug 29th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2013 4:17am | Report
Hello Mobafire, today I bring you a whole new project and I hope it will be entertaining for you. I'll be short. My objective is to get a partnership with twitch. I know how hard it is for a non-famous guy like me, but that's why I am here, I need your help. As I said, I know how challenging this will be, but I'm going to work hard to get it, so here are the stream features:


Everyday (12h00 - 20h00) UTC/GMT +1 hour ((There might be some breaks for eating or driving lessons that I will inform on stream)

-Get fit with ksym:

It's nothing new, but I like the idea itself and it will help me to actually get fit and motivate you to do the same. After each game I'll do a number of pull-ups equal to the number of my deaths.


There are 4 planned giveaways, which are (Skinf for EUW Server / RP for any server):

*100 active viewers: 520rp skin
*200 active viewers: 975rp skin
*300 active viewers: 10euros paysafecard
*Partnership with twitch: Legendary skin + 10euros paysafecard

There still might be not planned giveaways that will be announced on stream.

-What I'm going to play:

I'll play exclusively League of Legends. Mostly solo queue. May also play some random flash games while in queue.

All the information About Me you will find on the stream.

The project starts today (29/August/2013) at 14h30 UTC/GMT +1 hour. I hope to see you on the stream!

Things you should know:

- English is not my native language, you'll notice that I have a weird accent and there might be some grammatical errors as well. I hope that you will find this as a funny but not disturbing thing and laught of my pathetic pronounce. Will appreciate any help in the twitch chat about possible grammatical and pronounce errors.

P.S. We all know that if this topic wont get enough attention, all my work will be almost pointless. I wont beg you to upvote/share, but I'll appreciate it a lot! Thank you!

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