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Renekton vs Darius

Creator: Meow544 January 20, 2015 12:33am
Meow544's Forum Avatar
Jan 17th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 20, 2015 12:33am | Report
How to handle a darius with ignite while u have TP

p.s D1 elo
Ellodere's Forum Avatar
Jan 15th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 20, 2015 2:04am | Report
That's mostly because of renekton's great sustain, and because the one who played him had a good understanding of the matchup. The updated wraiths are in fact a great way to deal with not just darius but many other toplaners who have a strong early game, it also denies darius the potential of doing a level 2 engage, which is a crucial part of this matchup between renekton and darius.

This all sums up to renekton having a good chance fighting darius, but it depends on how the trades go in favor of renekton because you can clearly see at 3 minutes into the video that renekton was almost going to die if he hadn't used his pot + E + E and his flash. But because he did survive, the trade was in some way slightly in favor of him because he still has an escape (Slice and dice (E)) but darius doesn't have any built in escape, which left him vulnerable for a gank(4:30).

From there on renekton got ahead and the weird fight at 9:27 was a bit sloppy because darius already knew he had to flash out(9:15) and renekton slice and diced the wrong way which postponed darius death. Imo the fight should have ended at 19:19 because renekton had just about enough stacks to get some hp back and probably survive his ulti because from what I can see, darius only had one blood stack on renekton(it would have taken at least 3-4 stacks to kill renekton off with the ulti).

I don't know though, I might be wrong about some things I say, but that's my interpretation of this game.
Meow544's Forum Avatar
Jan 17th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 20, 2015 7:47am | Report
Thank you very much for your comment bro. We have written in subs there that now rene has a lot of scale cause of his fury loaded more quickly.

The rene in that game tried to use his pots to take care of darius ign and with a bit luck :P he achieved it so the game went in his favor.

If you or other guys wants gameplays from other High elo summoners with ur prefered champs just tell us.

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