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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Feral Flare

Feral Flare
Total Price: 1800 | Recipe Price: 0 | Sell Price: 720

LoL Item: Feral Flare
  • 12 Attack Damage
  • 30% Attack Speed

Passive: Wriggle's Lantern automatically transforms into this item upon collecting 30 stacks by killing large monsters, or getting kills and assists. The counter begins upon purchasing Hunter's Machete. UNIQUE MAIM: Champion kills, assists and large monsters slain will grant Feral stacks. Basic attacks deal 25 (+1 per Feral stack) bonus magic damage and restore 10 health. Minions and monsters take 300% bonus magic damage. UNIQUE: Gain 30% increased gold from monsters. UNIQUE - GOLD INCOME: You may only be in possession of 1 Gold Income item.

UNIQUE Active: Places a Stealth Ward at target location that lasts for 180 seconds. 180 seconds cooldown.
  • 12 Attack Damage
  • 30% Attack Speed

Passive: Wriggle's Lantern automatically transforms into this item upon collecting 30 stacks by killing large monsters, or getting kills and assists. The counter begins upon purchasing Hunter's Machete. UNIQUE MAIM: Champion kills, assists and large monsters slain will grant Feral stacks. Basic attacks deal 25 (+1 per Feral stack) bonus magic damage and restore 10 health. Minions and monsters take 300% bonus magic damage. UNIQUE: Gain 30% increased gold from monsters. UNIQUE - GOLD INCOME: You may only be in possession of 1 Gold Income item.

UNIQUE Active: Places a Stealth Ward at target location that lasts for 180 seconds. 180 seconds cooldown.

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DarkAkumaLord (61) | July 18, 2014 8:22pm
Why does this say 40 stacks lol?
Pretty sure its still 30.
Ascent (1) | May 1, 2014 11:51pm
This item is just ridiculous on Shyvana.
patalootion | April 17, 2014 12:20am
Welcome to the shaco and shyvanna death march.
jacobjosh14 | April 14, 2014 3:51am

Feral Flame + Vi = R.I.P

Why, out of all the champions, would you buy this on Vi?!?
OTGBionicArm (415) | April 11, 2014 8:18pm

Feral Flame + Vi = R.I.P

Why would you buy this on a gank intensive jungler?
LordPickleton | April 10, 2014 11:03pm
Note that the stacks start counting once you buy your machete. You don't have to 100% ignore all other items to rush a Wriggles to start stacking (tho Wriggle's is pretty sweet).
Elvis Parsley II | April 6, 2014 10:24pm
look everyone! A reason to buy Wriggle's Lantern!
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