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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Frostfang

Total Price: 400 | Recipe Price: 0 | Sell Price: 160

LoL Item: Frostfang
  • 15 Ability Power
  • 3 Gold Generation
  • 70 Health
  • 50% Base Mana Regeneration

UNIQUE Passive: Grants a charge every 12 seconds, up to 3 charges. If an allied champion is nearby, damaging abilities and attacks against champions and buildings consume a charge, up to one per attack or cast. Consuming a charge grants 20 gold. Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.

UNIQUE Passive: Earn 500 gold using this item to upgrade to Shard of True Ice, increasing the Ward active to instead have 4 wards in stock.

UNIQUE Active: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward at the target location (600 range), which reveals the surrounding area. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

Limited to 1 Support item. A player may only have 3 Wards on the map at one time.
Summoner's Rift
  • 15 Ability Power
  • 3 Gold Generation
  • 70 Health
  • 50% Base Mana Regeneration

UNIQUE Passive: Grants a charge every 12 seconds, up to 3 charges. If an allied champion is nearby, damaging abilities and attacks against champions and buildings consume a charge, up to one per attack or cast. Consuming a charge grants 20 gold. Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.

UNIQUE Passive: Earn 500 gold using this item to upgrade to Shard of True Ice, increasing the Ward active to instead have 4 wards in stock.

UNIQUE Active: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward at the target location (600 range), which reveals the surrounding area. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

Limited to 1 Support item. A player may only have 3 Wards on the map at one time.

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BlackRoseGirl (8) | October 16, 2019 2:12pm
I think there might be a bug here, it doesn’t look like the recipe price includes the faerie trinket.
Wayne3100 (492) | October 16, 2019 2:31pm
Well spotted, fixed ;)
macspam | January 31, 2018 1:43pm
this is such a good improvement. 500 gold is a way more feasible amount of gold to generate through poke, and then it gives a free sightstone? woo

_edit_ actually im kinda pissed about this now, i realize they got rid of the movement speed boost which is the only thing i really liked about it anyway
Gresh44 | October 24, 2013 8:00am
This item now gives 5 gold per 10 instead of 4
rainiedragonnum1 | October 4, 2012 10:51am
Xaverinho (13) | February 24, 2012 1:55am
Let's geek it out again:

Amplifying Tome: 20 AP, 435 Gold => 21.75 Gold per AP.

Upgrade to Kage's Lucky Pick: +5 AP, 5 Gold per 10.

Assuming the same cost per AP: about 110 Gold for the AP, leaves 220 for the Gold Making part.

=> 440 seconds or 7 minutes, 20 seconds to pay for itself.

To sum it up: Gold Making parts in items:

Kage's Lucky Pick: 25 minutes, 30 seconds to pay for itself (7 minutes, 20 seconds for the Gold Making part).

Heart of Gold: 27 minutes, 30 seconds to pay for itself (5 minutes, 30 seconds for the Gold Making part).

Avarice Blade: 25 minutes to pay for itself (5 minutes for the Gold Making part).

Philosopher's Stone: 26 minutes, 40 seconds to pay for itself (less than nothing for the Gold Making part!!).
senap (1) | October 3, 2011 10:37am
pick of destiny?
Saiyamann (1) | July 1, 2011 4:58pm
Not anymore. As you can see, now his passive is unique.
LeadStriker#7896 | May 10, 2011 2:22pm
should this item be stacked?
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