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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Leviathan

Total Price: 1275 | Recipe Price: 800 | Sell Price: 893

LoL Item: Leviathan
  • 180 Health

UNIQUE Passive: Your champion gains 32 health per stack, receiving 2 stacks for a kill or 1 stack for an assist. This effect can stack 20 times; you lose a third of your stacks if you die. At 20 stacks, your champion takes 15% less damage.

(Item is unavailable for purchase)
  • 180 Health

UNIQUE Passive: Your champion gains 32 health per stack, receiving 2 stacks for a kill or 1 stack for an assist. This effect can stack 20 times; you lose a third of your stacks if you die. At 20 stacks, your champion takes 15% less damage.

(Item is unavailable for purchase)

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Hunter Drake (1) | November 9, 2012 12:47am
I bought this once to give it some love, but I never got enough stacks.

Unless your team stomps the enemies down like it's the easiest thing ever, it's not that useful. And if your team does, the enemies are probably going to surrender anyways.
TheElamite | August 1, 2012 5:18pm
I didnt know this item existed until I saw it in a build. after a year and a half of playing, I have still never seen it in a game...
NicknameMy (155) | June 4, 2012 12:33pm
To be cost efficient you should get 54 HP per stack.
burnbeautiful | November 16, 2011 8:05pm
I've used this a few times with tank Udyr. Half the time I get all the stacks, the others, I sell it and I've only lost 400g, not a huge deal.
The games where I did get 20 stacks, I never lost, and never died after I hit 20. Combining with atmog, black cleaver, and Wit's End, it makes for some insane pushing power. I just knock all their buildings down and ignore champs.
Alorus | October 4, 2011 8:54pm
My only problem with getting this on a tank is that their might be that momentary laps in judgement when you getting your stacks or at 20, and you needed to dive in to save that poor AP carry.
Arthur De Lindis | September 30, 2011 3:33pm
what ppl lack to see is that it is a great item. not for an off-tank perhaps, but for a tank. My own rammus benefits greatly from this item. he deals a decent dam. for a tank, due to his passive. has great survivability boost from his curve-ball and a great "assist-farming" ulti.

all in all, dies rarely and gets a good amount of assists. I personally believe this is a must-item for him.
SerenadeMaestro (3) | September 12, 2011 8:02pm
i once had an idiot team who let teemo get 20 stacks of mejai's, SotO, and Leviathan....
We couldn't kill him......
Temzilla (211) | August 17, 2011 1:22pm
Trav wrote:

Seems like this is one of the best defense items in game period, if you can get the 20 stacks... No one like this item though lol

Some math on Levithan.

Levithan changes the base damage formula, it goes from 1-(100/Resist+100) to 1-(85/resist+100)

We can actually just divide all the fancy parts out to 1, and then we have 100 vs 85.

Now, we take this, and divide 100 by 85 to get 1.17647059.

Now what does this mean?

This means that for every 100 points in a resist, Levithan's passive is worth 17.647059 resistance points.

Let's take a look at how much of an effect this has.

On a base champion with no resist items or runes, Leviathan is almost never worth the money.

If you have an ultra tanky resist build such as Mercury's Treads Randuin's Omen Guardian Angel Force of Nature Banshee's Veil then Levithan alone will increase your effective HP by over 50%.

But the real question is... When is Levithan a good purchase?

Levithan cost 1275g.

For 1275 gold we can buy 493 hp (If we could slice up giant's belts that is ;o)

At 10 stacks, Leviathan has 500 hp, and is worth buying.

This falls pretty far behind the other stacking items, Mejai's being worth it at 6 stacks, and SotO being worth it at 6-7 stacks.
mastajdog (77) | August 17, 2011 12:53pm
hence the assist bonus. also seen it a lot on shen.
RaVeN666 (8) | May 26, 2011 4:35am
Its hard to get kills with tanks, so it is hard to stack:(
Trav (3) | April 11, 2011 7:55pm
Seems like this is one of the best defense items in game period, if you can get the 20 stacks... No one like this item though lol
Jebus McAzn (457) | December 29, 2010 11:46am
Probably the rarest and most situational of the stacking items. I really don't see this outside of the occasional Cho'Gath, and even then, Warmog's is generally better.
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