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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Warden's Mail

Warden's Mail
Total Price: 1000 | Recipe Price: 400 | Sell Price: 700

LoL Item: Warden's Mail
  • 40 Armor

UNIQUE Passive: Every first incoming instance of post-mitigation basic damage per cast instance is reduced by 15, with a maximum of 20% reduction each.
  • 40 Armor

UNIQUE Passive: Every first incoming instance of post-mitigation basic damage per cast instance is reduced by 15, with a maximum of 20% reduction each.

Warden's Mail builds into these items:

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myJungle123 (1) | April 8, 2014 7:15am
i personally hate how you have to buy the chain mail now instead of the 2 cloth armor to make the Warden's Mail
Mastamune | April 5, 2012 6:46am
great early game item for tanks. Builds into Randuin's Omen. The armor and health regeneration are critical for staying in lane while building up your armor. The passive is really good against enemy champs that focus on Attack speed, meaning characters like Yi have a hard time dealing sustained damage against you with auto attacks.
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