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Hall of Legends Faker Coming Patch 14.12

The newly established Hall Of Legends is going live in Patch 14.12 with Faker as the first inductee. Celebrate Faker’s legendary career with a new game pass, new skins, emotes, icons, and more!

What is the Hall of Legends?

If you’ve missed out on the news so far, here is the rundown of the Hall of Legends! Each year from here on, LoL Esports will induct a player into the Hall of Legends in honour of their accomplishments within the esports scene. Players are chosen by a panel of industry veterans from different regions. Players inducted into the Hall of Legends will receive a trophy, and will be celebrated within the game through a game event such as the upcoming Faker event in Patch 14.12!

Who is Faker?

I don’t actually anticipate that there is a League of Legends player out there who doesn’t know the name “Faker,” but just in case, Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok is a legendary mid laner from the LCK region who has been playing for T1, previously known as SKT Telecom T1 , since 2013. He is the most accomplished League of Legends player to date, having been crowned Worlds Champion four times (2013, 2015, 2016, and 2023), MSI Champion twice (2016, 2017), and who has won the LCK a whopping 10 times over the course of his long career.

Faker has only ever played for one organisation, and though its other members have changed many a time, Faker has always been able to provide the necessary leadership to ensure cohesion and consistency within each iteration of T1. He's known for his mechanical prowess, and has earned the moniker "The Unkillable Demon King." Also, rather ironically, he’s known for never using skins, something many casual and professional players have been known to emulate! 

Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

Faker’s Hall of Legends Event - Risen Legend LeBlanc

Faker’s Hall of Legends Event will begin on the 12th of June (Patch 14.12) and end on the 8th of July. You’ll be able to relive Faker’s long career through the Hall of Legends Pass, which will be available on the client starting from the 12th of June for 1950 RP (~$20). The pass, and any other exclusive content will be unavailable after the 8th of July, so if there's anything you really want from the Faker Hall of Legends event, be sure to grab it before then!

Faker's Hall of Legends Pass features a large selection of cosmetics, including the new Risen Legend LeBlanc skin, as well as all of Faker’s previous Worlds skins - SKT T1 Zed, Ryze, and Syndra. In addition to the new LeBlanc skins, players will get Risen Legend LeBlanc Event Chroma, and the Chibi Hall of Legends LeBlanc Icon.

Players will additionally gain 125 Mythic Essence (enough for one Prestige skin of your choice), 14 Faker-themed Icons and Emotes, "Hide on Bush" ward skin, "Broccoli Baron" Title, the Unkillable Demon King banner, and 6 Event Orbs.

All Roads Lead To Me / WHAT WAS THAT ????? / Broccoli Head / Hide on bush Ward

Ahri Collections

If the Hall of Legends Pass is not enough for you, or perhaps you are an ardent Ahri player yourself, you can also purchase one of the three available Ahri Collection bundles - the Risen Legend Collection (5430 RP), Immortalized Legend Collection (32430 RP), or the Signature Immortalized Legend Collection (59260 RP).

Risen Legend Collection

The Risen Legend Collection will cost 5430 RP (~$40) and include the Hall of Legends Pass, Ahri (Champion), the new Risen Legend Ahri Skin, an exclusive Border, Icon, and Emote for the skin, as well as a Takedown Counter Taunt.

Immortalized Legend Collection

The Immortalized Legend Collection will cost 32430 RP (~$235). It includes the Risen Legend Collection and all that’s included in it, as well as the Immortalized Legend Ahri skin. This skin is considered a major upgrade of the Risen Ahri skin, more akin to an Ultimate skin than an Epic skin. Immortalized Legend Ahri includes exclusive Structure and Champion Finisher VFX (visual effects), a custom Visual Announcer, three unique Skin Transformation with unique voice-over, and more. In addition to the skin, players will get the holographic Immortalized Splash Art, a Dynamic Profile Background, Border, and an exclusive Icon and Emote.

Signature Immortalized Legend Collection

Finally players can opt for the most expensive of the bundles, the Signature Immortalized Legend Collection, which costs 59260 RP (~$450). This bundle includes the Immortalized Legend Collection, and an automatically completed Hall of Legends Pass. You'll also get a unique "Paragon" Chroma for Risen Legend LeBlanc, Zed, Ryze, and Syndra, and an exclusive icon and Emote. Players will get the "Final Boss Faker" Title and the Signature Immortalized Border, Signature Banner, and Signature Splash Arts for Ahri and LeBlanc. Finally, Immortalized Legend Ahri will get even more upgardes, including a Signature Move (Ctrl+5) and signature Structure Finisher.

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