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Home // News // TFT - 3 Best Team Comps (Patch 14.8)

TFT - 3 Best Team Comps (Patch 14.8)

Still trying to get the hang of the newest TFT patch? Try out these three, trending team comp ideas in your next match!

This first comp capitalises on the strength of Ashe - a Porcelain Sniper with some of the fastest auto attacks in the set. In order to facilitate Ashe, we want to get to Porcelain 4 for the best attack  speed buff, a fellow Sniper to activate her Sniper trait, and then some beef in the frontline. There are three other possible sniper companions, but we're going with Kog'Maw so we can get Annie, one of the tankiest units, in the frontline as a fellow Invoker.

Early Game

The Porcelain trait isn't the easiest to get early on. Only two units - Lux and Amumu - are readily available in the first few stages. On the other hand, Kog'Maw, who we plan to run all game alongside Ashe, should be easy to find. From then on, you may want to grab two more Mythic units for your frontline. This allows us to make our Kog'Maw "Epic" early on, increasing his Health, AP, and AD. Neeko will also synergise with Lux, so she's a terrific choice.

You may want to get a temporary Sniper instead of, say, Cho'Gath. This would be convenient as you could give them heaps of AD items that you can later transfer to Ashe. You can give your Aphelios, Senna, or Caitlyn a Guinsoo's Rageblade, Infinity Edge, and Last Whisper. This isn't a good idea for Kog'Maw since he's an AP unit, and we'd prefer not to have to sell him to get the items back for Ashe. You can give Neeko or Cho'Gath your tank items, so Annie can be fully kitted once you replace the former units with her. Some good Annie items are Warmog's Armor, Gargoyle Stoneplate, and Redemption. Amumu likes these items too.

Augment-wise, getting an Invoker or Porcelain Emblem through "Invoker/Porcelain Crest/Crown" would be ideal, and open up a lot of options for you in the team comp. "You Have My Bow" and "Tiny, but Deadly" are great options for an Ashe-focused comp as well.

Level Eight

Your priority for the mid game is to acquire Ashe. Hopefully you can get her early on and start collecting more to upgrade her star-level. She's already great at star level two, but three is a complete game changer. You'll only be missing Lissandra now to complete your Porcelain 4 trait. Lissandra is a terrific unit that can do well even without items, but if you want to focus more on her, she likes Spear of Shojin, Adaptive Helm, and Jeweled Gauntlet.

Now that we've got Porcelain 4,  it's time to round out our comp. We've already got two Invokers, and you can go for two more in Azir and Lillia. Lillia, alongside with Kog'Maw and Nautilus, will get you Mythic 3 and upgrade the units in terms of stats. Nautilus is a fellow Warden like Amumu and can give you some much needed frontline. Azir might seem random, but 5-costs are perfect for rounding out comps like this as they are good even without items or star levels. With that, your comp is complete. If you’ve managed to find any Invoker or Porcelain Emblems, consider beefing up the frontline a bit more, so your backline can do their thing unimpeded!

Ashe and Annie are your priority units - prioritise starring and itemising them over others!

This second comp focuses on Gnar and Kindred, and to a smaller extent to Kayn. Gnar got a huge buff in 14.8 that ended up getting reverted - but, in those couple of days that he was really strong - players found out that Gnar is actually a great unit and gave him the chance he always deserved. You should do the same, and field this Ghostly Dryad comp in your next game!

Early Game

One great thing about this comp is the low cost of entry. You can find Gnar, Rek'Sai, and Kindred all in the first few rounds. There's a few ways to round our your early game comp. You can get a couple of Ghostly Units in Shen, Illaoi, and Aatrox. All three are in your late game core. This gives you a strong frontline, with Gnar providing the damage. Gnar will want a Bloodthirster, Titan's Resolve, and Hand of Justice to do his job. It's important to get Dryad 2 as early as possible to start building up your Dryad stacks.

If you find an early Kindred, you could field Reaper early on. Grab a Yone or Kha'Zix to field with Kindred and Gnar, and add in an Umbral or Heavenly unit respectively. Malphite is always a great early game option as he makes all your other units much tankier.

The best augment by far for this comp is “Mulched”. If you see this, pivot from whatever you're doing to play Dryad. It makes Dryad - which is already great - quite literally, twice as good. “Dryad Crest” or “Dryad Crown” will allow you to get to Dryad 6 which also spikes your power tremendously. If you can't get those, "Keepers," "Heavy Hitters," and "Gargantuan Resolve" are some other, great options.

Level Eight

To get Dryad 4 you'll want to field Ornn as soon as possible. He's a great unit that will improve your other units by giving them temporary items each round. If you got a Dryad Emblem, you'll want to field Azir as well, and then possibly get a Dryad Annie to synergise with his Invoker trait. Illaoi also makes a great Dryad if you don’t want to field a random Invoker rather than focus on Ghostly.

Speaking of Ghostly, grab a Kayn as early as possible to get Reaper 2 and Ghostly 4 in one fell swoop. Kayn is a great unit and another priority for your item-wise. He likes the same items as Gnar, while Kindred is an AP Reaper. The best items you can get Kindred are Morellonomicon, Blue Buff, and Rabadon's Deathcap.

Gnar, Kindred, and Kayn are your priority units - prioritise starring and itemising them over others!

Last up, we're going back to the classic Storyweaver start. Rather than focus on upgrading Kayle or beefing up an Irelia, we want to use Storyweaver to enable Kai'Sa, one of the strongest Inkborn units. Kayle and Sivir, alongside two more Trickshots, will make Kai’Sa shine, while Galio and other bruisers protect her in the front lines.

Early Game

We're going for a Storyweaver open. Grab the two early Storyweaver frontlines - Riven and Garen - and Sivir, then tack on either Teemo or Bard as your Trickshot unit. Neither will be our focus, so it doesn't matter too much which one. If you do find Bard, you can start giving him Kai’Sa’s items to hold - Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, Giant Slayer, and Spear of Shojin are some great options.

Riven is sticking around, but not Garen. We'll want to pair Riven with a Bruiser of some kind - Tahm Kench is great, but if you can't find him, Aatrox will be fine for the early game. Since we're selling Garen, you can give him Galio's items for the time being - Redemption, Dragon's Claw, Sunfire Cape, Bramble Vest, and Warmog's Armor are all great choices, so make what you can.

"Lucky Ricochet” is the dream augment, and "You Have My Sword" is perfect for Kai'Sa too. While niche, "Little Buddies" works great in this comp, since it'll buff your Sivir, Teemo, Riven, and possibly Aatrox, while also giving power to your many four-cost units.

Level Eight

As you start hitting four-cost units, your priority is Kai'Sa, but also Galio, and, to a lesser degree, Sylas as well. Galio, Tahm Kench, Riven, and Sylas make up your Bruiser 4 frontline. In the back, you'll want to supplement your Kai'Sa further with Bard, and later, Xayah. Now you have Trickshot 4 as well. With that, you’re pretty much done!

Kai’Sa and Galio are your priority units - prioritise starring and itemising them over others!

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