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League of Legends (LoL) Question: When will kindred be released? and is she/he/they good for mid lane?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Kindred 4,286

  • Mavisty

    When will kindred be released? and is she/he/they good for mid lane?

    I saw the new cinematic for kindred and i was like YES...YES...1 GAZILLION TIMES YESSSS!
    and then i checked the Q&A for kindred someone asked: when they coming out for NA servers? then people are like Thursday or Friday and i was like YAY and then Thursday and Friday come. and still. nothing. but when they come out, can i mid lane? im not a very good adc...
  • Answers (3)

    MasterPrince21 | October 14, 2015 7:55pm
    He/she/it/they are released already lol. they released today
    OTGBionicArm (415) | October 13, 2015 5:13am
    They come out patch 5.20 whenever that is. And do answer the second question; probably not. Kindred was designed in a way that kind of FORCES them to be junglers. They have to roam around and collect kills on hunted targets, and this is very difficult to do from the stand point of a laning environment due to the constant need to leave to secure stacks. One could argue that you can simply hunt your lane opponent, but you get locked out of hunting that target for 5 minutes after getting the stack. Roaming is required even for lane Kindred. It's doable, sure. Worth the risk and potential to be gimped harder than jungle Kindred? Nope.
    parrot6632 (12) | October 12, 2015 4:13pm
    i believe at the end of worlds
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