He's a solid mid laner and a passable ADC. Most common mid. If you know your matchups well, he can be a good pick in poke/siege compositions and he can help engage. Not a priority pick but I'd still consider him a solid meta pick.
Summoners for mid are Flash + a defensive summoner like Cleanse, Heal, Barrier or Exhaust. Teleport is probably okay as well but not as standard.
I wouldn't take him top. He has no escapes and is a sitting duck for ganks. Mid lane is a lot safer since he can push to tower more quickly and he has the range to poke and farm while staying pretty close to his tower.
You generally get more armor pen / AD items (like Maw of Malmortius, Mortal Reminder/ Lord Dominik's Regards, maybe Duskblade of Draktharr, sometimes Bloodthirster) and maybe a defensive one like Guardian Angel or Mercurial Scimitar, but that depends on comps and such.
Summoners for mid are Flash + a defensive summoner like Cleanse, Heal, Barrier or Exhaust. Teleport is probably okay as well but not as standard.
I wouldn't take him top. He has no escapes and is a sitting duck for ganks. Mid lane is a lot safer since he can push to tower more quickly and he has the range to poke and farm while staying pretty close to his tower.