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League of Legends (LoL) Question: What is a good winrate to have?

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    What is a good winrate to have?

    What is a good winrate to have if you believe that u deserve a higher division? Is 54% winrate good?
  • Answers (4)

    PsiGuard (1495) | November 15, 2016 8:17pm
    You really don't need a very high win rate if you're willing to play a lot of games. 54% is easily enough to climb.
    LoLCable (5) | November 16, 2016 5:57am
    The one and only thing I agree with in Jimmy's post is, "it is impossible to win every game". Yes keeping your cool is all fine and dandy, but getting more proficient with your role and champ, will ultimately help you have a higher chance of winning every game. If you want to help out the team as much as possible, then maybe learn how to Jungle very well. So then you can gank around the map and help lanes win. If you want to flat out carry the games, so even if you have feeders, you can still carry your team. Then get proficient at ADC or Mid lane, that is where most carry's are from. But a good winrate in League will always be anything above 52-54%, or else you'll just be losing 1 and winning 1 game. Look on's website, and look up the win rates for champs in each role, look up who is trending and in meta, and then look at the off roles, so if you are playing ranked Solo/Duo Q and get stuck as support or something, you can do the meta support and have a good chance to win because that champ has a good win rate.
    Jimmy Elkjer (2) | November 15, 2016 7:59am
    Hello Friend.

    If you really wanna climb the ladder then dont think about winrates/wins & looses! if you play to win you will get mad when you loose and end up tilting. You gotta have fun, ofc. Not just troll but you need to be more relaxed about wins/looses.

    Here is the one of the only things i am 100% sure about in League of Legends;

    granzteel | November 24, 2016 8:15am
    Win rate and divisions does not quite relate to each other that much. You can be a goldie with as low as 40% win/lose with 100 games. You can still be a goldie with a winrate as high as 80% with 100 games played, too. The question is a bit wrong, if you think about it deeply.

    A good question, my friend, is what CAN you do to reach a higher division? The answer is: master the champions you really love to play with. Vague, yes. But through the process you'll identify your strengths and weaknesses. Consider those when you are faced with opportunities and threats presented to you during the matches.

    I guess what I'm saying is, mastering yourself will get you to a higher division (at least in Solo Queue).
    Ekki (86) | December 16, 2016 2:44pm
    If you play 100 games, lose 60 and win 40 you will lose a bunch of elo. If you play 100 games, win 80 and lose 20, you'll gain a lot of elo. People in gold with 40% win rate have probably dropped a bunch of divisions, while people in gold with 80% win rate just jumped a lot.

    As long as you take in account your elo before playing those games, win rate perfectly correlates with your rank.
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