League of Legends (LoL) Question: Playing mid : 2 questions

Playing mid : 2 questions
I have questions about playing mid, especially in ranked :
- Is queuing for mid lane harder than queuing for other roles? Like is there more demand for the role, which means you're less likely to get it or more likely to be autofilled?
(this, and/or can you get "mid or feed" trolls who want to take it from you by force?)
- I just got BM'd by a teammate banning my champion. I was hovering
Akali, that guy bans Akali. I ask him why he banned her from me, he answers that he hates Akali and doesn't want me picking her. I find that kind of behavior extremely toxic. Is this reportable?
- Is queuing for mid lane harder than queuing for other roles? Like is there more demand for the role, which means you're less likely to get it or more likely to be autofilled?
(this, and/or can you get "mid or feed" trolls who want to take it from you by force?)
- I just got BM'd by a teammate banning my champion. I was hovering

2. That attitude is reportable yes
I'm not sure if banning a champion you were hovering is reportable. I would probably report that person and let Riot sort out whether it's an actionable offense.
Also, yes, mid has a far greater demand than any other role in low elo, with support being the role people queue for the least. If you do get it and someone holds you hostage in CS threatening to feed if you don't give them your role, you should dodge unless you're confident you can fill. People should definitely learn to dodge more as it saves so much time and LP, it's even worth doing that in promos if you absolutely think you can't win and people are trashtalking each other already, etc.
Okay, so if there's no way to prevent or fight that kind of BM I'll just stop hovering champions completely.
What's the point of hovering anyways. Either I get the BM ban or I get a teammate who picks the champion I'm hovering and asks me to swap for some champions I don't own. It's nothing but trouble.
If you do get it and someone holds you hostage in CS threatening to feed if you don't give them your role, you should dodge unless you're confident you can fill. People should definitely learn to dodge more as it saves so much time and LP, it's even worth doing that in promos if you absolutely think you can't win and people are trashtalking each other already, etc.
Fair enough, that's not a real problem since you can either dodge or fill and report at the end of the game. I don't mind playing any role.