How to have less damage when jungling creeps
Asked by DanDDude on June 20, 2018
When I'm jungling I noticed that my health is used more than pro players or streamers. Is this normal? What have I been doing wrong? This also gets in the way when I'm jungling as I need to recall many times
Usually minions attack the nearest target, but they will change their target to enemy champion if he dealt damage to an allied champion. it may be one of the things that make you lose health. (you can prevent it by going out of vision so they will switch target again).
and what role you play while farming?
First you can tell what kind of champions you play in the jungle and members will tell you how to clear better. But the general things you should know are:
1) Kiting - more important with range champions, you should attack then move and over and over while not getting too far from the jungle champ so it wont reset. This way the monster attack you then move too so it will attack you less, while you still attack every time you can. Pay attention to more only after you deal the damage and learn your attack speed so you would do it smoother.
2) Auto attack reset - it depends on the champion abilities and items, but you can auto attack more if you use the correct ability in the correct time, for example Tiamat or Dr. Mundo's Blunt Force Trauma
3) Take a good route - each jungler/champion should take his route so he can clear fast and stay healthy, try look for guilds and remember that a patch that change camps or jungle items can change the route you want to take.
4) Use Smite correctly, you should use it on the second camp after you team helped you with the first one, and use it in a way that it wont over heal you, or will heal you more if you have staff that can help.