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League of Legends (LoL) Question: How to have less damage when jungling creeps

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  • DanDDude

    How to have less damage when jungling creeps

    When I'm jungling I noticed that my health is used more than pro players or streamers. Is this normal? What have I been doing wrong? This also gets in the way when I'm jungling as I need to recall many times
  • Answers (5)

    ninja8135 (6) | June 25, 2018 10:00am
    You also need to make sure you have the proper runes to help with your jungle clears. Most junglers will take some form of the precision tree. Often if you need more sustain, take Fleet Footwork. Know your jungler type too. Some junglers cannot do a full clear. With those junglers you want to clear your first buff, then wolves, then your second buff. Scuttle crab should be thrown in there somewhere too.
    DanDDude | June 27, 2018 1:24am
    Ok tq
    xTedxBundyxLoL | February 18, 2019 1:12pm
    I would say for most champions, if they have no gap closer or mobility just walk a way from the camp a bit so your cooldowns cooldown and you can use your abilties again, do that a few times if you need to inbetween cooldowns itll save your hp.
    xTedxBundyxLoL | February 18, 2019 1:12pm
    I would say for most champions, if they have no gap closer or mobility just walk a way from the camp a bit so your cooldowns cooldown and you can use your abilties again, do that a few times if you need to inbetween cooldowns itll save your hp.
    Hamstertamer (74) | June 21, 2018 5:36am
    Depends, who do you play? If you're ranged you can take almost no damage with proper kiting. If you're melee there isn't much skill involved but maybe there's a problem with your itemization (e.g some champs should skip their jungle item and rush Tiamat instead).
    DanDDude | June 22, 2018 4:11am
    Currently I main Irelia(laning). I've tried jungling with Nocturne, Master Yi and Irelia but I'm so bad at it that I've quite given up on jungling. I can do fine laning though.
    Hamstertamer (74) | June 22, 2018 7:45am
    Nocturne and Yi are as straightforward as it gets to jungle with. Maybe you're trying to do raptors or krugs at low level? They're pretty tough before you hit level 3. If you start red buff it's best to move directly to blue buff, wolves or scuttlecrab, and go back to raptors/krugs later. Also don't forget that Smite heals you, don't use it when full hp.
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    orrvaa (41) | June 21, 2018 3:36am
    Can you specify when you lose the health, and when you farm?

    Usually minions attack the nearest target, but they will change their target to enemy champion if he dealt damage to an allied champion. it may be one of the things that make you lose health. (you can prevent it by going out of vision so they will switch target again).
    DanDDude | June 22, 2018 4:15am
    I'm quite new to this LoL thing so I think I used the wrong term. I think the correct term is creeps. TQ though.
    orrvaa (41) | June 22, 2018 5:45am
    CS and farming is the same term you was ok, i ment could you explain what do you mean by
    When I'm jungling I noticed that my health is used more than pro players or streamers. Is this normal?

    and what role you play while farming?
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