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League of Legends (LoL) Question: ANSWERED - How to take a screenshot in League of Legends?

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  • Tauricus2017

    ANSWERED - How to take a screenshot in League of Legends?

    So, currently I am working on one of my guides but I really struggle to make my own screenshots that I could put into it. I have tried classic Print screen key combined with Ctr + V in Paint program - all I could see was just a black screen. I checked out what is my screenshot shortcut in LoL and it said F12, well I used F12 and checked my screenshot folder in C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Screenshots - and again, nothing, just an empty space. If you would have any idea how to take a screenshot, I would appreciate your answer as it is pretty annoying.

    Question got ANSWERED with following solution:
    - In options change "Fullscreen" to "Windowed" or "Borderless"
  • Answers (3)

    Katasandra (101) | August 5, 2020 10:51am
    This is quite strange, it works fine for me both using the print screen key and F12 (tested on windowed, borderless & fullscreen).

    The answer probably lies in your computer/setup. I am no computer wizard unfortunately :(
    The only thing I can say is: try to google "screenshot black screen [your operating system]". Perhaps you can find a solution that way...
    Tauricus2017 (120) | August 5, 2020 1:59pm
    Thnx Sandra, I changed my setting to Borderless and it started working correctly, +rep for your help <3

    God, I can finally take those screenshots of water rift - WHAAAAGHHHH!!!
    Siyou (7) | August 7, 2020 3:03am
    if you're on windows 10 try the snippet tool. Shift+S+windows key. I found this to be one of the easiest ways to get screenshots. Put the image in paint afterwards, save, you're golden! :) Hope this helps!

    Ope! Sorry. I misunderstood the question! ehhhh! hahaha glad it's resolved. :)
    Samet Chan | August 5, 2020 8:25am

    You can use gyazo: able to take a screenshot easily on any application or games.
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