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League of Legends (LoL) Question: How do you update the stats of your build on here

Posted in General 1,721

  • Shad0wTaker

    How do you update the stats of your build on here

    I've looked at a few builds for some of my champs, but i just decided to create my own build, when i was trying to view the build i noticed it still showed all the stats (health, attack damage, etc) as if i had no items and whatnot, just wanted to know if its something i need to edit somewhere or if its something mods do on routine or something to that arrangement...

    How do i display the final build stats on my build?
  • Answers (1)

    LiLStormcloaK (72) | February 28, 2013 5:44pm
    I'm pretty sure it's the champions natural stats and the stats of the core items combined.

    And no, they can't edited.
    thefinalinst | March 3, 2014 6:44am
    thanks LIL i have the same problem.
    BongKris | December 31, 2013 12:41pm
    I mean, the passive from Death cap dosent work, can i fix it? help me please :)
    BongKris | December 31, 2013 11:30am
    Can you please help me with this? - i dont understand what you mean with ''the core item box for that section of the build''
    LiLStormcloaK (72) | February 28, 2013 8:32pm
    np ;)
    Shad0wTaker | February 28, 2013 8:30pm
    wow!, i feel kinda stupid now :p, thanks a ton
    LiLStormcloaK (72) | February 28, 2013 6:18pm
    Did you check the core item box for that section of the build?
    Shad0wTaker | February 28, 2013 5:48pm
    Well that's where my confusion comes in... i happen to use a modified version of this ( Garen build, and so to save myself from having to remember my changes i figured why not make my build. However that build shows just under 3k health, while my build which contains a Warmog's is only showing a little over 2k health.
    This explains why i asked if it was maybe mods that update it, but unless the coding is actually that intense i would figure it should be automatic(unless that's a working progress)
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