League of Legends (LoL) Question: how to carry as support

how to carry as support
i recently started playing support and im having a lot of trouble winning with support. can someone help? i play all the champions that i tagged.
Having said that, your best bet if you're losing too many games is trying to get better as a support. Try to identify whoever does most damage in your team and protect him/her. Also whoever does most damage from the other team, to focus your CC on them. During laning phase, try to un-**** up as many **** ups you can, while measuring your adc's skill to play accordingly (e.g. if you expect a bad adc to survive a 2v1 while you roam and he/she dies, it's partly your fault).
If this isn't enough, or if you have any particular questions, you can post them in Vyn's AMA thread.
The result should be that even though you will of course lose games, you can average a steady 55-60% winrate and climb that way. It's a slow process (climbing as support generally is a bit slower) but with patience you'll steadily climb. If you're unable to maintain a positive winrate as support, chances are you're just not supporting very well.
because you can set up so many picks with him if you want land your q's effectively but keep in mind you have to have your team be aware what you are doing because if you grab someone and your team can't follow up then you might of just killed yourself
1. Pressure advantage on botlane
2. Pressure advantage on botlane being used by the support to (possibly together with jungler) to get deep wards down at camps in bot side jungle
3. Enemy jungler is spotted; your jungler can invade the enemy jungler on that side. Bot lane cannot reply first because it is under pressure.
4. Enemy jungler will have to give up farm and pressure on that side of the map.
Now it's a bit of a utopian thought to think this works with complete random players, but it is surprisingly easy to execute when you can communicate with your team (dynamic queue)
Also, don't be afraid to lose out a bit on xp as long as you make the roam worth it. It's perfectly fine to be a few levels down on your team, especially if it means your ADC gets solo xp without being denied.
Try Volibear. He's a great carry support. Try not to kill steal, but if necessary, you can build up quite nice, especially if your adc is dropping the ball.