League of Legends (LoL) Question: How To Lane Against: Irelia?
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Trinity Force
Zhonya's Hourglass

How To Lane Against: Irelia?
Hello. I'm asking this question in regards of how to lane/play against
Irelia. She's a champion with huge outplay potential and good dueling and burst. She has synergy with mercury treads and cannot be disabled and has good mobility. All of these factors make her into a monster.
I never do well against an
Irelia unless I'm a bruiser. I'm not asking about what champions to pick against
Irelia. I'm asking what my general playstyle should be when I'm against her.
I was playing
Azir against an
Irelia and level 1 she was in the brush and I didn't know. She
Bladesurge's to me and then auto's me 3 times because of her base movement speed is so high and I have to use both my
Health Potion's. I couldn't even punish her for it. I tried to use
Arise! to trade back but couldn't. I built another
Doran's Ring upon backing with health potions. She outplayed me at 6 where she managed to flash my
Emperor's Divide and from there, the lane was even (in her favour slightly) in terms of gold for the next 10 minutes. I went from 0/1 to 0/4. I built an early
Seeker's Armguard but didn't upgrade to
Zhonya's Hourglass until after boots since I could farm under tower.
A lot of the time, I tend to push into the middle of the lane, not over-extending but not being under tower. I had
Morellonomicon and the once I bought that (keeping up in farm with her) she destroyed me. She didn't even have
Trinity Force.
Here's the games statistics.

Hello. I'm asking this question in regards of how to lane/play against

I never do well against an

I was playing

A lot of the time, I tend to push into the middle of the lane, not over-extending but not being under tower. I had

Here's the games statistics.

Anyway, since the laning phase ends somewhere during the mid game, her lane is basically divided into 2 stages, with each of them having a general goal/mindset (can be different in specific matchups):
Stage 1: Survive / stay even and gather gold for the items that give
Stage 2: Buy items & go ham
Your goal is to pressure her during stage 1 to delay the start of stage 2 for as long as possible.
How you do that is pretty dependent on who you're playing though; ranged champions have an easier time keeping up the pressure on her early on but are also squishier, which makes them susceptible to being stunned and bursted after
2. Be aware of
tl;dr - to beat your enemy, you must first know your enemy
If all else fails, ask your jungler for help (the earlier, the better).
I know you said you weren't asking about champion picks, but you should know that Irelia is pretty strong against most ranged laners because of her mobility. I don't really think Azir is a great top laner in general but you'll probably have more trouble against the likes of Irelia than just about anyone else, unfortunately.
Be really attentive to the minions that she can
Keep in mind that after level 6 she can use
If she gets strong enough to fight you, you'll just have to try to farm under tower and scale into team fights. You should be fairly safe against dives with your ult. If she flashes over it, go back through your ult (or Flash if you need to) to keep her running around your tower. If you become too vulnerable to farm in lane, Azir can kite jungle monsters pretty effectively, so on Red side you can clear Krugs.
if you're a mage: Rod of Ages + Seeker's Armgard
Top lane Irelias usually bully on lane, even on level 1, I would pick Jax to counter her most of the time, and don't build Jax's **** S5 build. I main him since release until s4.
By using Jax against an Irelia, you should do the following:
1. Prioritize creep score early on, this will help you get ahead of her.
2. Get your Jax E on level 1! This HEAVILY reduces her dueling potential at lane!
3. Get your Jax W on level 2! Keep doing this and max it first!
4. Rush sheen or phage and try to get trinity force as early as possible!
5. Never duel her until level 6. This is the time that you unleash your inner beast!
6. My best build versus a ranked game Irelia as Jax:
triforce, bloodthirst, phantomdancer, gunblade/rabadon, last whisper, boots (the one that has attack speed) :P
Trust me on this, I play since beta and I've never seen an Irelia at ranked that can beat my Jax.
*Azir build*
Your azir build is actually bad. If you ask me.
Your build should look like this:
1. Rush your nashors tooth as early as possible! your first item upon recalling should be Stinger.
2. Buy Morellonomicon.
3. Rylai
4. Rabadon
5. Pick another Item with good defensive stats, I usually go for my Zhonya's hourglass late game :)
6. Boots is: boots of (I forgot the name again, just the boots with the attack speed).