League of Legends (LoL) Question: Mid + Top duo synergy?
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Mid + Top duo synergy?
Hi. Me and my duo playing mid and top. Is there some good champion synergy? Im playing Sett/Fiora and he picks mages most of the times. Any ideas?
It's also not a good idea to pick champions that you're not comfortable with playing, doesn't matter how good their synergies are with x and y champion. If you're not good with the champion or able to perform decently with said champion then it's a useless pick.
If you're good with
awful champs btw. too strong. u splitpush right?
then ur friend better take mage for 4v5 fights.
1) mage
2) good at clearing (to defending tower 4v5)
3) good at forcing fight 4v3 (when 2 bodies went for u)
4) some piece of game with toplaner?
Artillery Mages: Lux, Ziggs, Xerath
Battlemages: Anivia, Karthus
Burst Mages: Brand, Serathine, Vex
Don't forget to signal ur teammates! Face 2 bodies on side lane? Signal ur teammates to force 4v3!