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League of Legends (LoL) Question: rageblade on Thresh


  • hadbre

    rageblade on Thresh

    So I would like to know does rageblade double-proc Threh's E passive-like does every second aa deal double E passive dmg?
    -I'm currently not home, so I can't even enter the game, not enter the practise tool, thats why I can't test it myself, and it is important for me to know that, so if someone wouldev tested it for me i wouldev been gratefull :)
  • Answers (2)

    qasddsa (24) | July 26, 2018 11:19am
    Guinsoo's Rageblade will deal the damage twice when using Flay's passive, since it's an on hit effect (dealing bonus magic damage).

    However, it will only apply the extra damage from not attacking once or twice (depending on whether or not you're on an odd or even auto attack). After that, if you keep attacking, it won't apply the extra damage from not attacking. It will, however, keep applying the base bonus magic damage you get from collecting souls.
    hadbre (12) | July 28, 2018 10:58am
    Oh, ok, thanks! :D
    Hamstertamer (74) | July 25, 2018 12:06pm
    No. Rageblade doesn't proc one-time effects twice. Same as Trinity Force and similar.
    hadbre (12) | July 26, 2018 9:15am
    How do you mean one-time? Threshes E poweres every aa, in ability text its written as: " deals bonus magic damage on each aouto", and that dmg is equal to a number of souls you cullected + has an ad scaling that depends on how long did you charge your auto. So from the text it should be an on-hit effect, and rageblade doubles those, but things in League tend to be bugged sometimes, thats why im asking.
    Hamstertamer (74) | July 26, 2018 9:43am
    Interesting. So the soul part of the attack still deals full damage without the passive being charged? Someone should test that in practice tool then.
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