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It's time for the 2025 Season 1 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 6 weeks to compete for the $3,750 prize pool. 🏆

MOBAFire Points Leaderboard

Hello and welcome to our MOBAFire Monthly Giveaway Raffle! Earning points is simple, just go about your normal MOBAFire activity! Write and update your guides, reply to your readers, or comment on other member's guides to accrue points and be entered in this month's raffle.

Rank Mobafire Member Monthly Points
1581 Fernandoalva 2
1583 finapandu 2
1584 fishwasher 2
1585 five88cooking 2
1586 five88spa 2
1587 Flinnerk 2
1588 flyingscanner 2
1589 fm88fans 2
1590 fm88golf 2
1591 fm88shop 2
1593 Formxan44 2
1595 Foudry 2
1596 [deleted] 2
1600 Freyaaria 2

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide