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Meta Champions for All Roles: S+, S and A Tiers - 12.5 Patch 12.5's Tier List's Tier List
Last updated on March 3, 2022
153483 39
50 Votes



In fact, after each patch, I publish a list of meta champions for the local community. But I also wanted to use it here because it's a bit hard to show everything more tidy through the my blog. I wrote in Turkish and English before. But now I do the explanations entirely in English. I hope you'll find this list useful and I'll help you win plenty of LPs.

The meta champion list actually consists of 5 main sections. In each of these 5 main sections, there are three more sections as S+ Tier, S Tier and A Tier. If you want to gain rank in ranked games, you should play with a champion that is in at least A Tier. Thus, you can increase your chances of win.

For source:

top lane (S+ tıer)

The S+ tier includes the most valuable champions in terms of meta champions. The champions here are really strong. As long as you use them, you can even turn the matches you fell behind. You should choose alternate champions for yourself, as they are usually banned and picked too much.


top lane (S tıer)

Champions in the S tier are very ideal champions. You want to turn to those when the opponent won't let you take one of the S+ tier champions. There are many different champions in the S tier. You can make your job easier by trying to choose the one that suits your strategy and playing style.


top lane (a tıer)

Champions in the A tier are ideal champions. The ban rate and pick rate of these champions are not high. They are naturally much safer to master. However, they do not have the chance to affect the game as much as the champions in the S+ and S tiers. They won't make you regret it, but they will reward you according to your playing skills.


jungle (S+ tıer)

The S+ tier includes the most valuable champions in terms of meta champions. The champions here are really strong. As long as you use them, you can even turn the matches you fell behind. You should choose alternate champions for yourself, as they are usually banned and picked too much.


jungle (s tıer)

Champions in the S class are very ideal champions. You want to turn to those when the opponent won't let you take one of the S+ tier champions. There are many different champions in the S tier. You can make your job easier by trying to choose the one that suits your strategy and playing style.


jungle (a tıer)

Champions in the A tier are ideal champions. The ban rate and pick rate of these champions are not high. They are naturally much safer to master. However, they do not have the chance to affect the game as much as the champions in the S+ and S tiers. They won't make you regret it, but they will reward you according to your playing skills.


mıd lane (s+ tıer)

The S+ tier includes the most valuable champions in terms of meta champions. The champions here are really strong. As long as you use them, you can even turn the matches you fell behind. You should choose alternate champions for yourself, as they are usually banned and picked too much.


mıd lane (s tıer)

Champions in the S tier are very ideal champions. You want to turn to those when the opponent won't let you take one of the S+ tier champions. There are many different champions in the S tier. You can make your job easier by trying to choose the one that suits your strategy and playing style.


mıd lane (a tıer)

Champions in the A tier are ideal champions. The ban rate and pick rate of these champions are not high. They are naturally much safer to master. However, they do not have the chance to affect the game as much as the champions in the S+ and S tiers. They won't make you regret it, but they will reward you according to your playing skills.


bot lane (S+ tıer)

The S+ tier includes the most valuable champions in terms of meta champions. The champions here are really strong. As long as you use them, you can even turn the matches you fell behind. You should choose alternate champions for yourself, as they are usually banned and picked too much.


bot lane (s tıer)

Champions in the S tier are very ideal champions. You want to turn to those when the opponent won't let you take one of the S+ tier champions. There are many different champions in the S tier. You can make your job easier by trying to choose the one that suits your strategy and playing style.


bot lane (a tıer)

Champions in the A tier are ideal champions. The ban rate and pick rate of these champions are not high. They are naturally much safer to master. However, they do not have the chance to affect the game as much as the champions in the S+ and S tiers. They won't make you regret it, but they will reward you according to your playing skills.


support (s+ tıer)

The S+ tier includes the most valuable champions in terms of meta champions. The champions here are really strong. As long as you use them, you can even turn the matches you fell behind. You should choose alternate champions for yourself, as they are usually banned and picked too much.


support (s tıer)

Champions in the S tier are very ideal champions. You want to turn to those when the opponent won't let you take one of the S+ tier champions. There are many different champions in the S class. You can make your job easier by trying to choose the one that suits your strategy and playing style.


support (a tıer)

Champions in the A tier are ideal champions. The ban rate and pick rate of these champions are not high. They are naturally much safer to master. However, they do not have the chance to affect the game as much as the champions in the S+ and S tiers. They won't make you regret it, but they will reward you according to your playing skills.

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1 | March 1, 2022 8:12pm
Hello everyone with the 12.5 patch. For patch 12.5, I made the following changes to the meta champions tier list. You can provide feedback and make the list better.

Top Lane

  • Camille removed from S+ tier.
  • Janna promoted to S+ tier.
  • Viktor removed from S tier.
  • Fiora added to S tier.
  • Shen added to A tier.


  • Zac added to S+ tier.
  • Amumu added to S tier.
  • Hecarim added to S tier.
  • Udyr removed from A tier.
  • Lillia added to A tier.

Mid Lane

  • Diana promoted to S+ tier from S tier.
  • Pantheon added to S+ tier.
  • Pyke promoted to S+ tier from A tier.
  • Yasuo removed from S+ tier.
  • Yone removed from S+ tier.
  • Garen promoted to S tier from A tier.
  • Veigar promoted S tier from A tier.
  • Sett added to A tier.
  • Neeko added to A tier.
  • Fizz added to A tier.

Bot Lane

  • Veigar promoted to S+ tier from S tier.
  • Twitch promoted to S tier from A tier.
  • Samira added to S tier.
  • Xayah dropped to A tier from S tier.


  • Soraka removed from S tier.
  • Nami added to S tier.
  • Lux added to S tier.
  • Senna removed from S tier.
  • Nautilus added to A tier.
  • Rell removed from A tier.
Grollhammer | March 27, 2022 3:50pm
Hey why did you remove Soraka completely?
1 | February 16, 2022 8:52pm
Hello everyone with the 12.4 patch. For patch 12.4, I made the following changes to the meta champions tier list. You can provide feedback and make the list better.

Top Lane
  • Teemo removed from S+ tier.
  • Dr. Mundo and Janna dropped from S tier to A tier.
  • Malphite and Viktor added to S tier.
  • Shen, Singed and Cassiopeia removed from A tier.
  • Yorick added to A tier.

  • Nunu & Willump dropped from S+ to S tier.
  • Diana added to S+ tier.
  • Zac removed from S tier.
  • Warwick, Nocturne and Master Yi added to A tier.
  • Amumu, Taliyah and Hecarim removed from A tier.

Mid Lane
  • Ahri added to S+ tier.
  • Viktor removed from S+ tier.
  • Kayle, Lux and Annie added to S tier.
  • Akshan, Qiyana and Talon removed from S tier.
  • Garen, Veigar, Zilean and Malzahar added to A tier.
  • Aurelion Sol, Pantheon, Fizz and Rumble removed from A tier.

Bot Lane
  • Veigar, Tristana and Kai'Sa added to S tier.
  • Xayah promoted to S tier from A tier.
  • Karthus, Seraphine and Draven removed from S tier.
  • Zeri dropped to A tier from S tier.

  • Nami removed from S tier.
  • Senna promoted to S tier from A tier.
  • Xerath, Swain, Brand and Morgana added to A tier.
  • Bard, Pyke and Nautilus removed from A tier.
TheImmortalEye (15) | February 7, 2022 1:01pm
wow first time someone put rell high and dont just laugh her off as a canon minion.
1 | February 9, 2022 12:48pm
Canon Minion? I actually laughed out loud at this. Rell is not a champion in that class in my opinion. She deserves more.
1 | February 4, 2022 7:59pm
I haven't updated for a long time. I've updated the meta champions list from top to bottom. I've shared all my picks for patch 12.3. Please pay attention to the tiers. S+ is always better, but they are too chosen or too banned. S tier is fine, but the champions here are pretty popular. A tier is the ideal level, but the game changing skills of these champions are not very high compared to others.
Karinutsa (120) | December 9, 2021 10:00am
I am looking forward to an update, if you feel like :o3
1 | February 4, 2022 7:57pm
Sorry for not updating for a long time. But now I will. I've completely updated the list. I renewed both the champions and the format. I hope it will be much more efficient that way.
woolly26 (2) | September 20, 2021 7:12pm
In low elo zed jungle is perfect since in low elo people dont know what a ward is .
1 | February 4, 2022 7:56pm
Ward is a big problem for lanes in lower ranks. For this reason, assassin champions are unfortunately much more prominent.
Metallichydra (20) | September 14, 2021 11:00am
Maybe it's just because I am in a low rank, but I never see any Shen's or Elise's.
1 | February 4, 2022 7:52pm
I do not differentiate between low ranks and high ranks. I tend towards the overall average. However, you could be right. There may be some differences between pre-Platinum and post-Platinum champions.
Tremic (10) | September 9, 2021 5:10pm
Personally I feel like Fiddlesticks should be added and Elise should be removed. Sylas is also not doing as great anymore so I feel like you should add Kata back ^-^
1 | February 4, 2022 7:50pm
Thank you very much for your suggestion back then. I haven't updated for a long time. I made the necessary updates for Season 12. I hope they're useful.
1 | September 9, 2021 4:25pm
Changes for patch 11.18:

- For top, Tahm Kench removed. Added Fiora instead.
- For jungle, Viego removed. Added Jarvan IV instead.
- For mid, Katarina removed. Added Akshan instead.
1 | August 26, 2021 2:59pm
Changes for patch 11.17:

- For jungle, Evelynn removed. Added Shaco instead.
- For bottom, Jinx and Kai'Sa removed. Added Vayne and Ashe instead.
- For support, Senna removed. Added Sona instead.
IIGoTII (3) | June 15, 2021 7:11pm
oh yeah mathematical Sett rules !!!
overall the list is fine , i got terminated by them especially zed , i have been seeing him like every game .
As for support , idk why Lulu is listed , lux right now is a good tier support .
1 | June 23, 2021 1:46pm
Thank you for your comment. Lulu is on the list because of her game changing abilities. I agree with you, Lux is so good right now. I will check her later. Maybe I can add her. :)
Tremic (10) | June 9, 2021 7:03pm
Sylas should be in this tier list over Fizz or Anivia imo :)
1 | June 23, 2021 1:44pm
I agree too. Sylas is now on the list. Thank you for your suggestion. :)
SkyReaper | June 12, 2021 5:20am
Agree, Sylas is too good right now in mid lane, the only hard counter is lucian.
Fizz and Anivia arent as good as him.
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